sss created a topic of How to Protect My Male Lead

I feel like the Emperor is going to try to steal iris from cedric. He must've realised that Iris is really capable, beautiful and cedric really loves her. So he would try to steal her to make Cedric suffer even more. That Trash of a human being !!!

sss created a topic of Kurikaeshi Ai no Oto

I'm sorry Raika but that's literally bullying. She shouldn't have gotten off easy, the reason didn't even make sense. It doesn't matter if she did it to an adult but she basically threw a tantrum and bullied him out of anger. And she's not even a elementary school kid, she should've known better. Just because you think you have a good reason doesn't mean you can control everybody into bullying someone. I was disappointed by how the author handled this.

sss created a topic of For the Musical Genius

I think William just has a big ego. I've heard musicians in general have some ego like other artists but William is just using it for the wrong reasons. I feel like he'll blame Kang hyun for it though.

I almost got a heart attack in the middle of the chapter but then it turned out great !!!! Ugh, they're so cute I love how Freya grew as a person and she has this gentle strength which is just adorable. And they just make the cutest couple ! My Heart was so pleased today

Jiho is so weak. Even if he was manipulated by the duke's family in the past life, in the end he was careless and dumb to let his lover die like that. Obviously how would Nadia want to be with him ? He failed her, plain and simple. Now he's just proving Nadia's point that he's just selfish.

sss created a topic of Our Sunny Days

I'm dying from all the sweetness this author is my absolute favourite. I have read all their other works and they've all been hits for me. Even if the setting is dark in their other works, they still create the most wholesome characters. My standards are sky high right now

This is why people should work on their insecurities before they demand reassurance from their partner. Honestly I'm sick of all the authors who use this plot twist of someone random appearing after the main couple get together and makes the insecure main character find reasons to end the relationship. Like if you don't have the power to fight for your relationship and want the other person to beg you to stay, then I don't know if they are really ready for a relationship. If the authors want to give obstacles to the relationship, make it more realistic. Not some random gaslighting, attempted assault like this. Its a criminal offense but I bet that the main couple would let them go for a dumb reason.

I think something snapped inside Theo because of this incident. He used to be a little passive and went with the less troublesome decision. But now he can see that this habit has become his weakness. He's also realized that he can lose perry if he doesn't do something so I guess he's just unleashed his inner yandere side. I'm actually living for this new side of Theo !! He burned Phineas to the ground tho.

I'm smelling a narcissistic princess in the room. This is what happens when you think you're the most special being in the world. Also I think Shushu is better off with the duke even though it's cruel to her biological father. Like he lives with the murderer and he can't do anything about it. So how can he expect a little child like her to survive ? And she's traumatised by her previous memory so I don't think I'll accept him that easily if I was in her place, because history can repeat itself and it'll just be more painful to be let down again.

sss created a topic of Yubisaki to Renren

Oushi's friends are not good friends or they just aren't deep enough. I think they're just having fun egging oushi on even though the girl he likes is in a healthy relationship. They just like frolicking and pushing oushi in the wrong direction. I mean I get that they want to support him but to sabotage someone else's relationship without knowing them is just wrong. Unfortunately real people also do this because its fun for them to gossip anything related to romantic relationships.

sss created a topic of Old-fashioned Cupcake

I reread this again for the nth time. I really love that the story was realistic. The angst, the cute moments, their concerns as a couple, everything felt normal and realistic but still so wholesome. That's why it's heart warming to read. I will definitely come and read this again.

sss created a topic of 40 Made ni Shitai 10 no Koto

The story is cute but I wished Keishi chased more after suzume. I get that he said in the moment but words like that would have destroyed me. So I didn't like that suzume had to chase after him. But overall a cute fluffy story.

sss created a topic of Oni to Tengoku Kyuu

I get that nobody is perfect and anyone can feel insecure but why do I get the feeling that manabu is just immature and he himself doesn't want the relationship to work. I don't know what more the uke should do to assure him. Manabu is just finding reasons to not make this work. Its like he's not putting any efforts and expects his boyfriend to figure out everything. I would've dumped him long ago but since this is fiction, I'm just here for the ride.

sss created a topic of Engage

Is the author tired of writing normal romance ? Because this story definitely is not like the first two stories and keeps on getting twisted. No matter how you see it, Naru is using Mei in some way be it good or bad. I don't like this, even if they're not blood related incest is still incest. I'm not going to try to ignore it just because "they're not related by blood".

The entire plot is contradictory. Like the Female lead is strong in one chapter then ignorant and weak in Another chapter. The imperial family is scared of the duke family but then hate and think the duke is inferior. And what is this whole thing with the kid being the MC? I'm sorry but isn't this literally grooming ? If a male lead does this to a young girl, he's a creep but when a female lead does this then we're supposed to take that as adorable ?!

At first I was a little annoyed by the Female lead but now the story is progressing so cutely and I'm enjoying this one. The story definitely got better. Can't wait for them to confess to each other !

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sss created a topic of 1st year Max Level Manager

Let me rant here. The thing I Loved about this manhwa was that even though there were undertones of romance here and there, it was never the main focus. But now the pink haired brat is in every chapter basically stalking the Male Lead. If the author is sincerely trying to portray her in a good light then it is not working. Her character still comes off as cunning and annoying. It's now irritating as a reader as the stoey is not about the entertainment industry right now. I mean I understand using her for creating drama in the story but for how many chapter ?! If the rest of the story is gonna revolve around this weird love triangle, then I'm dropping this.

The ML is annoying me a bit. Like I get that you're interested in her but you should have respected her space and approached her slowly. Like the FL said, he didn't care about her feelings and pushed his own desires. Thank god FL rejected him.

sss created a topic of 1st year Max Level Manager

The pink haired piece of shit just annoys me right now.... she's like a entitled brat who thinks the world revolves around her. The story is also stuck and I think the author just uses her to create more drama. I would rather want to see how he helps the other actors and talents rather than some soapy romance drama.