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Anonn February 24, 2025 5:15 am

Hey heyy, i need help to find this manga. I cannot remember the name and have been looking for it.
It's noble / royal setting. The main heroine is from a poor family that is desperate for money so she gets married to the hero who tells her that he already has a lover, she doesn't care and just wants the money so she accepts. She joins the family , I think a Duke/ duchess situation. But she is super friendly and dresses like a maid. She honestly supports the hero and his affection for the lover.
The lover is this gorgeous dancer who tries to meet her a bunch of times but she avoids the mistress.
The hero falls in love with her but she isn't that interested and just chills.

Anonn May 27, 2021 4:12 am

Hey guys I remember reading a manga that was like, a cursed Duke, I don't remember the name. It was a manga not manwha or webtoon
I think they call him like death or something, and he gets married to a girl who is also a death bringer and they fall in love.. It's not the cursed Duke and his maid. I read it a long time ago and I don't remember all the details, but I think there was a whole thing what she sees a place with flowers_roses?? And it belongs to his mother or something like that....I might be confusing it tho.....
Thanks for your help!!


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