Edit: Wait, I looked again. I think the childhood friend died in that warehouse fire. :( And I think the crazy ml sent the younger brother overseas? I also missed the fact that the ml kept the mc confined to that hospital for several months in a room without a window, so he couldn’t even keep track of time. That’s what broke his mind further.
Edit 2: Okay, looked once more, and the childhood friend is alive? He’s shown a video of the friend (with a ponytail now?) in a hospital watching over a body he thinks is the mc? I think he believes that the warehouse fire put the mc in a coma, and he sits by that bedside waiting for him to wake up? Idk how he could mistake the person in the hospital bed for the mc, though. Oh, and the brother is in school overseas getting everything paid for by the crazy ml, and he thinks that the mc died in the fire and blames himself. The mc tries to leave the ml when he finds this out, but he’s developed such severe anxiety by this point that when he leaves the ml’s home, he pretty much has a breakdown. He can’t handle being around crowds of people and pretty much views the ml’s place as his safe space, so he runs back to the ml where he’s taken to the bedroom, and we see that his mind has been completely broken.
2025-02-21 04:01 marked
2024-10-15 04:52 marked
2024-06-08 08:33 marked
2024-02-25 05:24 marked
2023-12-09 06:34 marked
I can’t remember if this was a manga or anime, but I’ll just describe it and if anyone knows the name of this please tell me, thank you!
(May not be accurate as it’s only based off of old memories I had of it).
Description: I believe the ML is new to a village and just moved there. Seems his classmates are welcoming however there’s one girl everyone kind of hates of stays away from. They think the girl is a witch (FL). She lives a far distance, isolated away from everyone else. He eventually meets her, and I think she has long black hair. They get romantically involved etc. Then some bad stuff happens as the village people don’t approve and try to get rid of the FL. The ML goes to save her and gets injured in the process. I believe he goes blind (temporarily and maybe his mental state reverts to a child type ? Not sure about this part tho). The FL takes care of him and stays by his side as he depends on her.
One day she’s out and sees a little boy playing with a ball, the ball rolls to the train track and he runs to get it. The girl runs to “save” him though she really just kind of holds him to “shield” and possibly let him not pass alone ? They both are hit by the train and the ML hears the devastating news. More stuff I don’t remember happens, time passes and he remembers everything (normal age mentality) and is no longer blind. He’s distraught by the loss of FL, however an angel comes to him and basically gives the FL back to him. The FL appears once again in the end.
Some of these might not be accurate as my memory isn’t clear.
(May not be accurate as it’s only based off of old memories I had of it).
Description: I believe the ML is new to a village and just moved there. Seems his classmates are welcoming however there’s one girl everyone kind of hates of stays away from. They think the girl is a witch (FL). She lives a far distance, isolated away from everyone else. He eventually meets her, and I think she has long black hair. They get romantically involved etc. Then some bad stuff happens as the village people don’t approve and try to get rid of the FL. The ML goes to save her and gets injured in the process. I believe he goes blind (temporarily and maybe his mental state reverts to a child type ? Not sure about this part tho). The FL takes care of him and stays by his side as he depends on her.
One day she’s out and sees a little boy playing with a ball, the ball rolls to the train track and he runs to get it. The girl runs to “save” him though she really just kind of holds him to “shield” and possibly let him not pass alone ? They both are hit by the train and the ML hears the devastating news. More stuff I don’t remember happens, time passes and he remembers everything (normal age mentality) and is no longer blind. He’s distraught by the loss of FL, however an angel comes to him and basically gives the FL back to him. The FL appears once again in the end.
Some of these might not be accurate as my memory isn’t clear.
2021-06-20 09:54 marked
Long story short, A and B are best friends. B is popular. People stalk him all the time. It's A's job to chase the stalkers away. One day, A meets C. A thinks C is stalking B. Somehow C uses B as leverage to threaten A into having sex with him. At first, A didn't feel anything, but mid-way during sex, C confesses his love for A and says he was never stalking B. He was stalking A. A has never been confessed to Dr. before and is used to people picking B over him so his heart was touched by C's confession. After that, his mind is drowned with pleasure. In the end they start dating.
2021-05-29 04:54 marked
One of the twins was a doctor of some sort and lived with his twin brother who was in love with him but slept around. He kept him from having friends all his life so he could have him all to himself. At the end he goes crazy and tries to attack his new lover and then disappears from his life.
2021-04-04 09:10 marked
2021-03-11 05:50 marked
im pretty sure this was part of an anthology? it was a sci-fi manga, this guy is up in space alone and he gets regular video calls from his coworker (maybe boss? idk) down on earth. up in space with him is some sort of ai or robot who can change it's appearance. the ai looks like his coworker, and he has sex with the ai regularly. he plans to confess or smth when he gets back to earth. he counts down the days, but on the last day its revealed earth was destroyed a while ago, and all the messages he had been receiving from the guy were recorded a long time ago, and there is no earth or coworker for him to go back to. i cried really hard but i dont think i saved it and its been bugging me for a while. can anyone help?
2021-01-07 19:52 marked