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Caroli October 30, 2024 11:23 am

Honestly confused, what the hell girl?? Is she perhaps fearing for the baby, thinking she will be neglected for having two dads? The logic was just not in the room

    Barabara October 30, 2024 11:27 am

    That's where I thought the story was going, but she didn't even mention the baby at all. So I'm confused with her logic.

    Caroli October 30, 2024 2:44 pm
    That's where I thought the story was going, but she didn't even mention the baby at all. So I'm confused with her logic. Barabara


Caroli July 14, 2024 9:44 pm

I think a lot of people are not putting themselves in JJs shoes. Imagine dating a guy like Leo?? God help me. As a friend, sure, he’s charming and endearing. But as a bf?? You saw him basically just use JJ as a dildo, saw him saying he wanted to stay with those “cute girls” at the party, saw him being arrogant and spoiled… He took JJ for granted and was ungrateful. I do believe things were a bit different in the beginning and that as it changed JJ put up with too much because he loved him and also because I don’t think it’s easy to ask someone for the bare minimum. You wait and wait for the person to realize the error of their ways (because it’s common sense), and then you reach the point of no return: it’s so unbearable, you just have to end things.

    Ilovebl July 14, 2024 10:26 pm

    You explain my thoughts perfectly couldn't put it in better words

    Caroli July 14, 2024 10:36 pm
    You explain my thoughts perfectly couldn't put it in better words Ilovebl

    Oh thank you!! I’m really invested on how this will turn out ahah

    erisuliour July 14, 2024 11:48 pm

    leo didn't do anything outwardly wrong but he's so not considerate & thoughtful enough to notice that he's been treating his bf like a dildo. at the same time, big guy too got something going on too bec if he could've communicated his problems back then maybe leo would understand (i hope he has some comprehension tho) they're both so realistic and complex adults i love it. you explained it well

    Ichigo July 15, 2024 12:08 am

    say it louder please!!! I can't believe ppl are blaming JJ

    Caroli July 15, 2024 11:52 am
    leo didn't do anything outwardly wrong but he's so not considerate & thoughtful enough to notice that he's been treating his bf like a dildo. at the same time, big guy too got something going on too bec if ... erisuliour

    Agree, JJ also has to learn to communicate and hopefully he will do it sooner rather than later ahah
    I’m also loving how realistic this is! Very investeeeed

    Caroli July 15, 2024 11:53 am
    say it louder please!!! I can't believe ppl are blaming JJ Ichigo

    Right??? He needs to grow up, really looking forward to that ahah

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