Yep just my hubby sucking on my neck !
2024-03-11 22:05 marked
Something about older men
2024-03-11 21:59 marked

I am a girl, who's way more comfortable with people using male pronouns with me. I want to look as androgynous as possible, and I usually dislike when people compare me or refer to me with any feminine reference. But I don't want to become a guy. I'm good with my body and my sex. I'm sexually a girl, but my gender is male. And I'm fine with this. M......

2020-06-09 19:19 marked

Cut my hair. Work out, i'm short so at least i've muscles.

2020-05-06 21:56 marked

i want a wedding but i don't want to get married :/

2020-02-02 23:18 marked

I'm pansexual, and personally I could care less what gender a person is. I can be sexually attracted to every gender out there including non-binary. I've dated gender queer and trans feminine individuals before and have also dated gay women and straight men. I'm impassioned by the individual I see within, regardless of what random odds and ends the......

2019-10-18 00:21 marked

These are very old edits I did. I don't know what's my level of redrawing now since it's been years (6 years ago if you check mangago's database) since I last used my skills. I usually prefer to do typesetting nowadays (coz it's more fun and easier oof) These are from the manga "Hinatama" by Iwaki Soyogo.

2019-08-26 10:30 marked

I was waiting for a taxi and she walked by on the other side of the road but she stood out from the crowd she was in. She was a slender girl with an easy smile. She had a boy cut hairstyle and no boobs so at first I wasn't sure if she was a girl or a realllllllly pretty guy until she laughed, and maybe that's what caught my attention but something ......

2019-07-17 05:43 marked
just finished reading a shonen ai insest between brothers and need more, so could someone recommend me a yaoi insest of brothers, but not the traumatic kind traumatic/ psychotic that involves rape and yandere but a story where sex is consensual, where the main characters have their doubts and fears, something with character development, something like Ani No Chuukokuヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~
2019-05-19 07:05 marked
Can you guys reccommend me some shoujo manga where the main character is depressed or tries to kill herself throughout the entire manga? Not just on the first few chapters.
2016-09-08 08:26 marked
Any manga with stuff like mind games? Like a super naive mc who trusts everyone but finally realizes the truth and finally snaps and becomes twisted or evil.
2016-09-08 08:24 marked

Mcdonalds X KFC ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

2016-06-05 12:23 marked
oops, this item doesn't exist any more
2016-05-07 07:23 marked
at least the manga tells you right in the beginning what you're gonna get. still fucked me up tho.
2016-04-26 03:30 marked
They were in a broom closet. He had no idea how they had got there. Oh, yeah, they were currently on a run. A poor excuse for one, considering that got locked up in a broom closet that that asshole He Tian had hauled him into. Things were starting to heat up, and a muscle in his jaw twitched as he thought about how peaceful and relatively less troublesome his day had been, at least it was until the asshole had chosen to destroy it with his obnoxiousness.

Blood roared in his ears as He Tian looked at him, a hint of uncertainty clouding his face. It vanished in the next second.

"Why don't you leave me alone, you asshole." His words were weak, and the bastard knew it as well. It wasn't even a question.

"I would if I could." The bastard had the gall to look innocent and troubled as he leaned in. "But I can't, you see? I get attracted to trouble."

"Find other ways to waste your time, dumb ass." He was irritable, and the broom closet wasn't an ideal place for his lanky limbs. He tried to maintain a safe distance from the asshole. There was no telling what might happen.

"This is crazy." A part of him wavered when his eyes flickered down to He Tian's lips. The bastard's tongue peeked out, a bold, red flicker, before disappearing inside. He inwardly groaned as the bastard raised an audacious eyebrow, as if he were really surprised.

"Don't fucking ask me!" He yelled, face flaming. "I d-"

"I get that you are extremely aroused." He Tian remarked, pressing a warm palm against his mouth. Scrabbling to remove the bastard's hand from his mouth, he tried his best to ignore the heady smell of musk as strands of his red hair limply hung over his temple, clinging to skin damp with exertion. The bastard smelled like home. He didn't know what was worse. "Try to control yourself."

He choked. That was the last thing he could ever hope to bear.

The bastard’s torso was pressed against his sweat-slicked back, and he could feel heat radiating from him. A chin was on his shoulder, a hand on his mouth and another one on his waist. He stamped his heel onto the bastard’s foot, and He Tian laughed quietly, moving away like an inconspicuous snake. The sudden loss of physical heat made him feel strange, and when there was another rap on the door, he glowered at the bastard.
One day, he’d punch the daylights out of the insufferable bastard. He Tian merely gave him a devious grin.

He was about to give the asshole a piece of his mind, when he thought he heard something.

There was a sudden rattle outside the door, which brought him out of his mental parade, and for a moment, he gave up his struggle in an effort to remain still. If they were caught, they'd both be fucked. He wasn't afraid of authority as such, but of the belligerent assholes who'd ruin his image. Gossip was one thing that all kids leeched onto like bloodsuckers. Not that he cared about his image. He could give a fuck about that. But the idea that he was found in a fucking small closet with the bastard was as unappealing as a week-old plate of chow mein. It seemed that the bastard had considered that as well, for he didn't make a sound.

For a while, there was only the sound of his harsh, trembling breathing. It was in those moments that he became hyper aware of several things. Small details. The way the bastard was gazing at him openly, completely unruffled and of how the bastard had an earthy, fresh smell that reminded him of ground cinnamon, and how he could smell the fruity gum the bastard had been chewing on earlier. Watermelon. He liked that. Somehow, that made the situation all the more weird. The bastard regarded him openly, with casual eyes that didn't seem to imply anything violent. He would be lying if he said that that wasn't terrifying.

They remained like that for a while, him pressed against the cabinet and He Tian leaning against the door. A few more centimeters in, and the bastard would smirking against his lips. Face flaming, he fixed his gaze on the floor. This was all a bad nightmare, he repeated to himself. Some bad karma that some idiot had wished upon him. He nearly jumped when the bastard's hands gripped his shoulders from the back.

"Wha-" He began hotly, but warm lips closed around his ear, silencing him momentarily. At this point, he was past the line of caring. There was such a thing called personal space, and the bastard needed to recognize that-

His brain froze as He Tian's arms banded around his waist, swinging him around to face the door. The door knob rattled mercilessly, as though someone were trying to force it open. He didn't think about the potentially disastrous repercussions if the door was opened. All he could think about were the warm hands around his stomach, and He Tian's damp hair tickling his jaw. Intoxication conquered him in one drowning wave.

When the door creaked with an ancient yawn, signalling that the person on the other side had managed to pry it open by a fraction, he came back to his senses, tensing. He was prepared to kick the unfortunate soul into oblivion.

"The bolt is rusted, sir!"

"Get it open, then. We aren't paying you janitors free money, you hear me?" A sharp voice, which he recognized as belonging to the Dean of the place. He swallowed. They were officially fucked.

"Yeah, yeah. I am opening it now." The janitor's nasal voice cut through his rapidly panicking mind.

He turned his head, his lips dragging over the bastard's ear. His heart was hammering relentlessly. The bastard merely smirked in the faint light coming from the window. There was a noisy creak behind him.

"What are you doing?" He whispered lowly, the gaggle of voices arguing outside nearly drowning out his voice.

"Making our life easier." Was the only thing the bastard said, before he was dragged into a cold, congested space. He Tian's elbow dug into his stomach, and he swore softly. There was another sound, before the cabinet door was swung shut, cutting off the voices almost instantaneously. His legs brushed against some cans, and his hands were dusty.

"We wait." The voices seemed so far away now.

There was a loud, tremendous creak as the rickety door was busted open, and through the small crack between the twin doors of the cabinet, torch light streamed in. He held his breath, He Tian's arm a warm length pressed against his own.

"Nothing in here." The Dean sounded puzzled. "I could've sworn that some infernal kids were making a ruckus in there-"

"I have to go clean the staff-room." The janitor interjected, sounding cross.

"Yes." He could hear the Dean coughing apologetically as the door was swung shut, and the torch light went out, shrouding both him and the bastard in the darkness. He couldn't make out the rest of the voices, but it was evident that they wouldn't be spotted any time soon. He let out an involuntary curse.

"Damn." He mopped his brow. "That was legend."

"I know." The bastard sounded smug, and oddly mischievous. Exhilaration filled his chest.

"Are you fucking kidding' me?" He asked incredulously. "That was some quick thinking, for a moron."

He couldn't read the bastard's expression in the pitch black darkness, but there was a low, contented hum. For once, rage didn't consume him like a volatile miasma. He awkwardly brushed back his sweat-matted hair, wanting to break the silence with a punch line.

"We have to get out." He said roughly. "Can't risk-"

One moment, he was languidly leaning against the door. In the next, hands grappled his hips and twisted him around by pure force, crushing him against the back wall of the cabinet. He was pushed up against the wall with a stunning urgency, and his knees buckled. He Tian didn't say anything, and while it was fucking unfair that he could read any of the bastard's expression, he could only imagine the silken feel of the bastard's mouth around his ear. Dexterous, nimble fingers curled around his neck, and his instinctual need was to lean in.

Pissed off, he did, and there was a still, shocking pause that screamed for him to stop. It was now or never, and it echoed in his head. Now or never. The bastard's scent was overwhelming, and there were so many confusing little factors.

'Fuck it.' He thought, even as warm lips parted over his own, pressing against his like dewdrops. His synapses were on fire, and every nerve ending us body seemed to be hyperalert. The bastard reared back, and he couldn't help but follow like a blind idiot.

"You want more? Haha." The bastard's voice had cracked. Fucking moron. Even his laugh was unsteady. Who was he fooling, putting up a delusional front like that?

"F-fuck." Was the only thing he said in reply, and the bastard's lips closed around his yet again, and all trail of thought dissolved into nothingness.

Apparently, his brain had been fucked thoroughly.

This time, it was rough, insistent, and he shut his eyes tightly. A warm, hot flush raced up his skin with dizzying intensity, as the bastard kissed him again. And again. He didn't stop, even when the bell rang. Both of them had lost all sense of time. When the bastard forced a probing, hot tongue in, his elbow jerked back reflexively, and in the red haze of his mind, he heard the metal can rolling about noisily on the cabinet platform, having been knocked over.

"We n-need to-" He held the bastard at bay with his hands, pressing his palms against a solid chest, panting. "-need to g-go."

"I want more. And I'll have what I want." The tone of He Tian's voice was unruffled. Casual. It drove him crazy.

"Find someone else to experiment on, fuck." He snapped, kicking the cabinet door open. The broom closet wasn't locked anymore, having been opened on the instruction of the Dean. What the fuck was he doing with the bastard. With a pained expression, he looked over his shoulder, to meet the bastard's eyes. He Tian was looking straight at him with a smug, self-satisfied expression that reminded him of a sly Cheshire cat.

"What?" He barked out, face scalding rapidly.

"Nothing." The bastard shrugged, hands in his his pockets as he brushed past him, walking out of the closet. "See you around, red."

With that, the bastard left, without as much as sparing him a second glance. His knees buckled, and he slumped down against a wall. What the fuck had just happened?


(Hides under blankets)
2016-04-10 21:21 marked
He Tian and Red Head Fanfiction (part 2)

He exhaled softly, fingers curling around the handle of an iron pan.

"Don't you have tutions today?" His mom poked her head through the doorway, arching a questioning eyebrow.

"Yeah." He replied, cranking up the heat on the skrillet. The faint odour of onions in the kitchen intensified. His mom leant against the doorframe with crossed arms, silently observing him.

"Something seems to the matter." She remarked. "Spill it, already."

He glowered.

"Nothing is the problem, mom." He stated. "It'll only take a few minutes."

"You miss your dad." He turned to face her, and loathed what he so. A tired woman with a ruffled face, eyes that drooped with lethargy and shoulders that seemed to bearing the entire weight to the world. Unconsciously, somewhere deep within his mind, his quiet fury and simmering emotions all melted away, leaving him introspective, and a bit guilty.

"Old man will be back in a few hours." He said, covering the pan. "He's having shift duty today."

"You probably should be taking up the family business." His mother smiled at him as he brushed past her, entering the hall.

"You cook a lot better than me. Do you recall the number of times you've had to save my ass because I'd over-cooked something or the other? You were such a precocious boy then. Loud too."

Her chuckles brought a slight smirk on his face.

"Someone has to be." He muttered. "One more word and I will be cutting your tongue off, lady."

"And rude too." She reminisced. "Still is, apparently. Where have I gone wrong? Hey, look at the time, you moron! Cram school."

"Shit." He raced into the living room, picking up his bag from the table.

"Slow down-"

"See you later." He said, kicking open the door and rushing out into the yard. Clambering atop his bicycle, he looked back reflexively to see his mother waving after him.

"Tell dad his meal is on the counter." He yelled.

"Sure." She said aloud. "The household rules are completely inverted in this house. Don't let your friends know."

Friends? He huffed, pushing his feet onto the pedal. What friends? A bunch of brain dead morons who followed him about out of desperation was the apt selection of words. The climate wasn't merciful, and he was fully drenched with sweat by the time he reached the compound, which was swarming with students. Rolling his bike out over the gritty mud, he looked over at the sea of kids.

It was a mess of juniors and seniors, and everyone looked haggard as they clutched their colour coded notes and whatnot, mouthing words as they revised like maniacs. In his opinion, cram school was a pain in the ass. The sole reason he was attending was because the lectures in his highschool sucked, and if he had any chance of passing and not facing his mom's wrath, it would be this. His slung his bag over his shoulder, making way towards the entrance. Someone crashed into his back, and he swivelled around on his heels.

"Watch where you are walking." He said sharply, looking down at a small guy.

"Don't block my way, then.". The kid said irritably, and it was like his brain was instinctively wired to respond with aggression. In a mere span of seconds, his hand curled around the guy's shirt collar, lifting him up.

"Listen kid." He said evenly. "You should be more responsible. Watch. Your. Step."


Breathing in slowly, he walked up the stairs, towards the windows that overlooked the park behind the school. A dark, shadowy figure outlined the glass, shrouded by the darkness. It was late afternoon. He paid them no need as he continued walking up the stairs.

"You are impulsive out of school as well, how predictable."

He whirled around, nearly snapping his neck with horror. He stared as the figure came out into the light, a trail of smoke following him. He Tian crushed the head of the cigar onto the wall, dropping it in a nearby bin. The asshole had a pleasant, plaintive expression on his face, and that might have fooled him into being calm if it weren't for those languid, black eyes.

"This shit creeps me out." He muttered to himself, brain going flat. "Don't talk to me, you bastard. I ain't putting up with your shit today."

He Tian raised his hands, looking as innocent as a wolf who's been gnawing on a sheep's bones.

"I wasn't about to do anything else."

There was no way He Tian was going to make his day shittier than it was before. He clambered up the stairs, walking through the crowded corridor. Glancing back over his shoulder, a dead weight formed in his stomach when he realized that the guy wasn't following him. He Tian might be a sadistic masochist, but even that bastard wasn't idiotic enough to follow him about. Even if it was to torture him.

Pissed off and more than a little confused, he realized that the corridor was becoming more and more less populated.

'Fuck these similar looking classes. I'll have to go downstairs again.'

Mind preoccupied, he didn't hear the steps behind him untill he saw the shadow in front of him. Gritting his teeth, he swivelled around, ready to give whatever unfortunate asshole behind him a piece of his mind.

"I am fucking tired of brains dead morons collid-"

The air went out of his gut, as though someone had landed a solid blow on it. He Tian stood in front of him, tilting his head.

"What do you want?" His voice was quiet. "Why the fuck are you following me like a goddamn housefly?"

"We happen to have the same class." The bastard had the audacity to sling an arm over his shoulder as though they were best buds. "Why don't you show me the way? It's my first day, after all."

Then the bastard did something completely unexpected. He felt a warm breath on his ear, and it burned like a furnace. He tried to pull away, but the arm around his back held him in a tight lock.

"That's fucking gross." He wheezed. "What do yo-"

"I like messing with you." He Tian admitted, running fingers through his hair and mussing it up. He gave up attempting to pry the bastard's hand off.

"Can't you find some other target?" He demanded, oddly calming down. "I can't put up with this."

"Well then, you'll have to suck it up, and-" He Tian met his eyes. "Swallow it."

He couldn't tear his eyes off the way the bastard's throat bobbed as he spoke.

"What did you say?" He asked, distracted. Rewinding back on the bastard's words, his features contorted in disgust.

"I like messing with innocent guys like you." He Tian continued. "I don't feel sorry."

"You want me to console you or something?" He was incredulous beyond words.

He Tian curved his lips mysteriously, leaning in.

"I was hoping for that." He whispered. His voice was rough. "You see, I like being consoled."

He couldn't stop staring at the bastard's face, he realized with unlimited horror. It was witchcraft. Sorcery!

"In what ways? You are so fucking idiotic. It's sad." Apparently his brain was short circuiting.

"Several." He Tian pointed out nonchalantly, and small hairs rose over the nape of his neck, and he opened his mouth to remark. Silence impermeated the air, and there was a brief, convoluted moment where they both considered each other. Predator and prey. Perhaps, there was no such distinction. He could easily land a few punches if all hell broke loose, although it gnawed at him to admit that he could just as easily have his head smashed by this douchebag. He wasn't a moron. Even he knew his limits. Although, it was funny how there was no malevolence on the bastard's face. He might have been hallucinating, but the bastard's eyes were darkening by the moment. Inexplicably, his mouth went dry for a crazy heartbeat when those dark eyes flickered down on his lips, before going back up. A strange buzz filled his head, and it was driving him nuts.

"Gotta go." He tuned his head away. "Get away from me."

There was a second where He Tian said nothing, moving away from him.

"You get angered easily." The bastard turned to face the windows. "I hate your kind the most."

"Who are you to judge, huh, asshole?" He was feeling irritable. Bitterness took over him like a wave.

"You have it easy." He continued. "Cool house. Rich parent and all that shit. Probably don't even know how it is like to balance shifts and your shitty school life. I guess you think you are such a hotshot."

He Tian didn't say anything.

"You don't realize stuff. Stuff like earning for the next meal, and working your way to the top. Pathetic losers like you are a waste to the world." He continued. The bastard spared him a neutral glance.

"How can you say that?" He Tian asked, not tearing his eyes from the landscape below. "You the kind the person who makes assumptions without even knowing anything. The way you say that I am rich makes me laugh."

"You are jus' bluffing now." He said, irritated. "You are the lowest of the low, you asshole."

"I get your point." He Tian smiled. A warning shock raced down his spine. What did the bastard want?

"The-" He cleared his throat, and it seemed like his eyes had a mind of their own, not being able to meet the bastard's calculating eyes. "There is no way I'll tolerate your shit. Come on to me again and I'll break every bone in your body."

He Tian sauntered towards him languidly, like a lithe cat stretching itself out. He took a step backwards, his back hitting the wall. The bastard braced an arm on the wall, and he felt like he was in a deep abyss. Brain freezing instantaneously, he found himself unable to say anything.

"That's quite the bold statement to make, isn't it?" The bastard edged closer, untill he was plastered onto the wall. The cold mosaic pressed against his back, and he could feel unwordly tingles on his skin.

"I can say whatever I want. Who the fuck are you?"

"Someone who oddly affects you." He Tian put his palm on his chest, and his heart sped up. "I can feel it. Need I say more?"

The sky was darkening, purple and violet mixed with hues of red. The corridor was partially ensconced in darkness, the two of them abandoned. He Tian's face was fading away as the syun slipped beyond the horizon. Classes were probably ongoing. Why was he stuck too the wall?

"I-" He turned his face away when he felt He Tian's hand on his hip. Swallowing, he stared resolutely into the darkness. "I don't know what the hell your intentions are, you bastard. The only reason why I am keeping myself in check is because my ma would kick me to hell if I stain my clothes with blood."

"You are confident." He Tian commented, and he felt the bastard's nose brush against his cheek in one electrifying moment. "How unnatural. I could kill you here if I wanted. Breaking your neck, for example. A clean thing. No one would question me. No evidence."

"You wish." He snorted, even as he felt He Tian's chest pressing against his. "You are crushing me against the wall, asshole-"

"Hey, who's there! Come out! I can hear voices!" A sharp voice sounded from around the bend, and he frioze against He Tian's chest.

"What the fuck have you done, you bastard?" He groaned, even as He Tian laughed quietly.

"You ready?" The bastard asked, and it was unnerving that he couldn't see the expression on He Tian's face in the lack of light. "What-"

He Tian grabbed his arm, before he was suddenly jerked forward.
"Hurry up!"
"Hey, you two there, stop!"
Elated, and more than a little breathless, he let himself be dragged away blindly.

"Fuck off!" He shouted at the teacher following them, and He Tian's wicked laugh followed as they both raced towards their class.

----- was it? (Hides)
2016-04-10 21:21 marked
Fanfiction - He Tian and the redhead.

He didn't know why, but it seemed like the entire universe was against him. Maybe, that's what most people his age thought. He was nothing special. Fucktards, the lot of them. There wasn't any reason why he had to slave through life, for he couldn't envision a future where his desires and aspirations would come true. It wasn't anything fancy like the royal shit that he kept seeing on television, though - something quiet and unassuming, where no one would come and pester him like insistent crows, and a place where his dad could find solace from all the moneylenders that trailed after him like swarming flies.

The sunlight filtering through the open windows highlighted the specs of dust floating about him, and he leant against the wall, clutching the handle of his broom and using it as a stand. There was a brief outburst of excited female voices, before the sounds in his ears got reduced to faint murmurs. Someone switched on the fan in the classroom, and there was an indignant cry.

"What are you doing, you retard?! We jus' swept this-"

"Oh my god, do we have to sweep this mess again-"

"Haha, who was in charge of the sweepin' today, Fen Shang?"

"Don't ya look at me. Speaking of which, where is the flaming idiot?"

The red-haired, lean boy in question opened his eyes, tugging on the collar of his shirt. A couple of girls brushed past him, averting their eyes as they always did. Sometimes, he wondered whether he had a sun on his forehead. Perhaps that was the reason why people turned away from him. Maybe the glare hurt them too much, those people. He had menacing eyes, the eyes of a troublemaker who wished to cause havoc, they said.

"I am not cleaning that shit." He said evenly, propping the broom against the wall and sticking his hands into his trousers.

"You are supposed to-" A sharp, nasal voice called out. The class representative. "I'll have to take your name down otherwise."

"Shut up." He said plaintively, combing fingers through his red hair. "I am not doin' it. Ask someone else."

He sauntered out of the class, stepping into the largely empty corridors. A pair of girls were in sight, attempting to balance holding a huge trash bag between them. The main garbge arena was a long way of, around the bend of the main corridor. He glanced at their pretty, flushed faces, and they panted with exertion. Small girls with breakabke arms. He paused in his steps, considering.

"Put the bag down." He said, and they froze in their tracks.

"Uhm, we were just-" The girl who spoke to him had a trembling smile.

"Shut up and leave." He grunted, heaving the black polythene bag over his shoulder. "Do you want me to fuck you up?"

They mumbled something under their breaths, before hastily retreating towards their classes. He adjusted his grip on the plastic, the crackling driving him nuts. After what had mostly been a calm day, it seemed strange to him that he was riled up by an insignificant thing such as this. The sky was coloured red, like someone had spilt warm blood in streaks across a warm yellow canvas, but it reflected his mood. He had to hurry back to the bus station. The afternoon buses would leave in another five minutes, and he had no intention in walking home.

When he reached the west end, climbing down the stairs leading to the main cluster of third year classes - he could hear laughs - the door of a class around the bend burst open with a crash. He almost missed a step, grasping the railing.

'Fuck.' He grimaced. 'Would've missed a teeth or two.'

"Who the hell-"

Breath catching in his throat, he clammed up, fists tightening involuntarily.

"What a pleasant coincidence."

He stared ahead resolutely, not bothering to open his mouth as he stalked past.

"You are being rude, you know." The husky voice had an undercurrent of amusement, and he bit his tongue, nearly ripping through it. The tang of copper filled his mouth.

"Get the fuck away from me." He felt dangerous, and his blood was already boiling.

"Haha, give me one good reason why I should."

If devil had an incarnate, he was convinced that He Tian was a solid example of that.

He increased his pace, refusing to acknowledge the evenly spaced footsteps that casually trailed after him.

"Why the hell are you following me, asshole?" He burst out, rearing around.

"Looks like you have a bone to pick with me." The asshole curved his lips, pitch black eyes calm and clear in a way that he absolutely despised. "I wonder what it is that I've done to make you pissed."

"Don't mock me." The rage was red-hot, addictive and poisonous, for it poisoned his blood as rapidly as arsenic - it made his heart and teeth ache with an unnatural intensity. It wasn't plausible for a human to feel such hatred towards another human, was it? It wasn't justified. But it was, he though, curling his fists. It was in every fathomable manner, justified.

Hurling the garbage bag into the dump, he swivelled around, almost slipping on the pavement. Regaining his balance at the last minute, he collided head on with the aforementioned devil. Before he could come to his senses, however, He Tian retained a vice like grip oon his forearm. When did the douche get such strength? He tried to break his hold.

"You aren't escaping from me today." He Tian smiled, grabbing his collar, and it wasn't particularly a pleasant smile. He clutched He Tian's wrists, attempting to pry them off.

"Are you mad?" He was incredulous. "Any one who takes you seriously is full blown retard. You are gonna be fucked any moment now if you don't let me go!"

"I wonder what punishment I should give you today."

He flushed when a girl walked past them, bug-eyed and more than a little apprehensive.

"Fuck!" He was mortified. "Leave me alone."

He Tian perked up.

"Something embarrasses you, interesting. We don't see that everyday, do we?""

"Being with a moron like you obviously does." He muttered, struggling to remove He Tian's grasp from his collar. He had a feeling the asshole wouldn't stop to choke him as a last resort.

"I wasn't aware you though of me like that. You hurt me with your callous words." He Tian smirked, edging closer to him. He had this strange, sinking feeling in his gut. He Tian's breath was warm and humid on his lips, and inexplicably, his face coloured. He breathed out softly, and for a moment, it looked like there were no words that could be exchanged. He Tian's eyes were dark like a never ending chasm.

"What are you looking at?" He Tian murmured. "Should I be disgusted? Or am I just throwing your own words back at you?"

"Maybe you should let go, you ass." His voice was hoarse, and it was strange that he didn't break away from He Tian even as the guy's grip on his collar loosened considerably. He opened his mouth, wanting to trade a couple of insults. Maybe draw back a fist and land a solid blow on that smirking face. He idly wondered how blood would look on He Tian's lips. His face still hadn't lost the heat that steadily radiated from it.

"Why are you looking at me like that, you bastard?"


...and done. How was it? Should I write more?
2016-04-10 21:20 marked
2015-12-02 00:03 marked
2015-12-01 20:19 marked
2015-12-01 20:19 marked

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