Talented baby squirrel

Ongoing | | 2019 released
2023-02-14 17:24 marked

35 chapters in and they finally investigated properly as to why she's VERY insistent on staying. That's how tedious this is. It's like everyone has "dense" as their middle name and stripped off when the plot needed, very RARELY done so. I even skip by 5 and that's only when things actually move the plot, barely at that. I can't take the overdramatication of every single strand of her hair to emphasize her "cuteness" in every tinie tiny plot movement. Didn't get that much satisfaction too when they finally found out about her abuse sigh. Just not my thing.

Continued Love

Ongoing | 远上白云间, 原点格子漫画, 七兮兮, 陆放,一白 | 2019 released

I'm so inlove with this, particularly the main story. The side was toxic judging just by the snippets of them with the main characters so didn't had any motivation to read it. Anyways, the main story was great, I love the pain most of all. There are still questions unanswered in seme's actions overall but just satisfied as they are.

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