why did the adaptation change so much

she was brutally beaten and abused while held captive and when she escaped she had been wearing a cloak or smt so when she was captured again by the dukes side they hadn’t seen the extent of her injuries. they only realised she wasn’t aligned with the rigelhoff family was bc when she was abt to be executed her cloak blew off and revealed her injuries and beaten face. or smt kike that

like why's psyche being treated like how she was in the start? my girlie just went through HELL and BACK and somehow she's being treated as if she's someone below medea? like that's her BEST FRIEND who suddenly cut everyone off, how the FUCK would she know what medea's on?
like bffr omg see things from her point of view. her father just died, she just knew the truth about her mom, her curse which she just broke and how everything in her life has more or less been fake. she's a LOT better than you all seem to give her credit for. even at this point, she's TRUSTING medea to have some reasons even if everything abt her is so SUSPICIOUS because let's be for real, SHE IS, especially to psyche who just went through what she did while medea's being crowned as an empress.
part of the reason this story's so good is bc all characters have a story of their own and they have misunderstandings bc they don't know how the other is living their life. so pray tell why is psyche the only one getting LASHINGS like be so fr right now, out of everyone there, she's gone through the MOST and still came out strong and kind from it.

nawh nicola's a big whiny brat but the fact that almost everything becomes her fault pisses me tf off LIEK that girl is a person who her whole family BABIED and spoiled tf out off, so you really can't expect much from her. but the brother and the father? they're INCOMPETENT AS FUCK. educated and with power but can't do shit without blaming other ppl every other chapter they're single-handedly ruining the entire nation but somehow oh it's nicola's fault bc she can't shut up LIKE

Well, my take on it is this:
A lot of it is Nicola's fault. She opened her big mouth in Chariot and brought trouble and drama, which caused problems--not for Berry specifically, but for the Royal Family Fools, which by extension is causing Berry problems.
BUT....when it comes to their work and responsibilities, as we know, Lass used to do the work of the whole family, while they shimmied around to parties and such, and just lazed around, doing absolutely fuck-all. And when something went wrong politically and work related, who was to blame? Lass.
Now that Lass is gone and not coming back, plus Lass brought Chloe over and saved her from the life that she (Lass) had in the palace--stuck doing their work--the Royal Family Fools are now stuck with doing the work that was their's in the first place. But since they can't blame it on Lass, they blame it on the second weakest person (when Lass was there), who has now moved up to first place: Nicola.
Also, with a lot of it being Nicola's fault, I feel like Lass made it that way too, to get back at Nicola (and also the father and brother, but to mainly annoy them). She baited Nicola to spill the beans at that lunch/dinner sit-down and purposely told her brother and father during their visit. Lass baited Nicola a couple times so that the Emperor would find out. Bc of that, he threw her ass back to Berry, with a letter stating it was Nicola's fault that this, this, and the third happened.
So yeah, while a lot of it...well...I hate her, but I'll be fair and say while SOME of it is Nicola's fault, its also the father and brother's fault too, but the shitty thing is, is they can't even take responsibility for their parts in this shit show. And the mother? She's just....there. Lol. I feel like she's being lazier than what they were to begin with.

"the moment they entered that arena, genders stopped to matter" right . when it comes to being hurt or killed, genders don't matter. but when it comes to basic things like having the right to pick their own careers and prospective partners, suddenly it's "oh she can't because she's a GIRL" fuck that fr
amber deserves better tbh
She's litt going after a man that's already "in live " with another.
Hmm... Idk about that?
I mean, yeah?! Amber deserves something, but it is her choice to run after a man who is in love/obsessed with another girl, thinking she can "Change him" + use him to fix her issues.
Like what someone commented on their topic, 'Their sense of love is weird. It doesn’t feel like it’s love.'
I get the vibe that Amber and Platinum are each other's endgame, but I hope the process for the two becoming a couple is satisfying; Not Platinum choosing her as the next best thing or some other shit.
it's literally a GAME SHOW wtf are yall on
Yes exactly so why are you acting like she's some pitiful damsel who just found her crush is in love with someone else ?? She knew this from the beginning. ARE YOU ON CRACK ??
babe u know damn well what i meant by she deserves better. don't be purposefully ignorant. she's admirable for being in love and doing her damn best, especially considering her background. doesn't mean she doesn't deserve better bc the man she's in love with is so damn delusional abt obsidian. what you replied first to me doesnt make sense in this context either.
It's bc your original comment kind of had negative implications towards the other characters, as if Amber is too good for anyone, even though I think(?) you may just be trying to say you hope she finds someone who will treat her better and like her for herself. (Feel free to correct me.)
"negative implications" now that's crazy bc i know what i said can easily be pinpointed in juxtaposition of platinum. what does she even have *against* other characters for me to imply that lmao. she's not mean, not a pick me, is openly herself, and still chooses to trust and love earnestly despite her background. do i think she deserves better than platinum? hell yeah. she deserves EVERYONE but platinum.
*"negative implications towards other characters"
No need to take it word for word so literally, I'm just saying it rubbed off the wrong way and can be interpreted differently and that's why you're getting these sort of replies.
If you just simply didn't want her to end up with Platinum bc you think he doesn't deserve her, that'd be far less vague.
wow it's as if it's the same thing. literally all the people that commented thought it was for platinum. they understood it word for word but they disliked it bc they hate liked platinum more than amber
case is in point: the first commenter. they were trying so hard to make her seem like a bitch and a side piece at that. which isn't just true bc (1) platinum and obsidian are NOT together and (2) they could pursue literally anyone they want, which is not mutually exclusive to thinking if they deserve the person they like or not lol