One of the best I've read tbh. The characters are interesting and so is the premise. Unlike most webtoons this one gets better with each read, with nice story building as chapters go by. Its a slow and may seem cliche but it truly isn't. The male lead while not too special is somehow different compared to others and more fleshed out. The female protag is relatable and strong mentally, she has her realistic side to her when it comes to her death and wish to return. Honestly a good read, just a bit slow in the build up :)
Please dont read unless you want to be spoiled :)
Ok, so first of all this manga is so frustrating. The sister won't change in the context that everything is against the female lead. The sister if I remember correctly is a princess of a neighboring kingdom who the dad (he was the personal knight of the queen/princess of the time) had gotten pregnant. Suffice to say the mom of the female protag was the handmaiden but was sent to be with the father as the queen was selfish and didn't want him to remarry anyone other then her closest friend. The mom poisons the sister I forgot why but she does, but she held no love for our female protag. The father doesn't care for our female protag either and the only one who seemingly does is a raven...death...god dude??? Along with her guard but he loves her as one would a loyal servant, he's married or was about to be in another route. In that route she tried escaping but was captured and fed drugs as a prostitute only to be recovered to find her sister and fiance married and gotten kids. In no way is the sister ever revealed to be a white lotus of sorts or rude to our female protag other then being naive and sheltered. The female protag doesn't actually harbor any kind of hatred (idk how tbh and her reasoning is pretty dumb-) but yeah supposedly she was saved by the sister who could've died if the horse managed to kick them, and for that reason alone I guess she wanted to save her as a coup is happening in her (actual) mothers country and the heir to the throne or at least the most likely to suceed the throne is the sister, so people are out to murder her, which the female protag finds out. At the end the female protag dies for real this time saving the little sister, but its noted that there might have been another magical source of some kind influencing the events as from the fiances point of view he stated something about feeling attracted to her in an eery, almost oblivious state. I dont know, but the author should've given the female protag some kind of amazing moments, its not the end that im hateful about since sad endings I usually like. But this time it felt tasteless, there was no respite for our female protag, only I guess the solace she felt by protecting her younger sister?? As the audience it isn't good enough, I had hoped she would be fight fate, know and realize why this was happening to her but literally it was dry, it didn't give any of that. Bad happened for the sake of being bad, I get the tragedy tag, I get it having a unhappy ending, but there has to be reasons to that cause. The characters and settings were pretty realistic, loved the idea and the female protag in a weird way. But the fact that theres no happiness nor any consequences to the other characters burns the meal. All in all, a manga you should read if you want to cry, feel angry or just want to feel something.
In the end, though, the female protag
fell out if love with Soleil and instead FL in love with the Raven god as he was the only with her when she was a prostitute. So she spends her other lives trying to find him. But yeah, the ending was bleh imo too.
Honestly, I read most of the novel but just can't make myself finish it. You're so right about it being bad. There is no payoff, just pain.
Our MC deserved so much better than that.
Like, imagine if at the end, for some reason all characters other than her got to remember the lives of themselves in all those different universes. The well-deserved guilt and pain would make me happy. I want to see them miserable, sad and hopefully aware of their faults. I want her to have a happy ending. I want her to be strong in a different way Instead of suffering I want her to fight back, gain power.
But that's not a thing that will ever happen :(
ohhh I see! I wasn't able to finish it since the english translators suddenly stopped and I wasn't able to find more ;-;
yep...I appreciated that one moment with her mom where she stood her ground, but it wasn't enough to mend for all the stuff she experienced, I truly wish she had a respite then a lame "she found her peace" moment
The novel hasn't ended yet.
The novel hasn't ended yet. We still don't know what the actual ending is.
Dude the novel hasn't even ended yet. The author got back from a hiatus and it's very much still ongoing with a lot of the plot still left to be explored. Don't lie man it's not cool.
I'm not lying though? From the latest translation FL DID fall out of love with Soleil, and has spent her last few lives looking for the Raven dude. And it's implied she's in love with the Raven dude.
hmmmm, then am gonna make myself finish it if people begins sharing updates of a good ending
Ah, sorry for calling you a liar dude. You said "In the end" which has an indication that the series has ended and that was the ending specially because most people have not read or don't know about the novel. You clearly see that from the other responses as well. I had also thought that was what you meant. I tried to clear up the misunderstanding.