man a bunch of yall are edgelords "i want the mc to win and kill a bunch of innocent people and ruin the world" like are y'all hearing yourselves he's literally throwing a tantrum on a global scale like ik he suffered and stuff and i WAS on his side for the first couple of chapters but like no way y'all are still rooting for him to win after doing all these nefarious shit

i would definitely but I'm talking about the people who say that they want the guy to win and stuff. like yeah it sucks that his life is ruined and i did enjoy the first chapter and him killing the assholes but you can't tell me that you were reading this and cheering when he killed children and innocents. after that it really is basically a tantrum he literally says it in the manhwa "it's unfair if I'm the only one who's sad" "im the hero" "i should be rewarded" i get it's unfair the way everyone's treating him but my problem isn't the fact that he's doing these horrendous shit, it's the fact that everyone in the comments are praising him and being disappointed that he isn't the mc

Dude, that's not a tantrum? That's a very emotionally sensitive person. Who loved more. His only fault was he cared more, he was still thinking of returning. And the fucking world betrayed him? His ways were wrong. He just should have showed his powers. Killed his mother fucking relatives. Burned the school without students, beaten his sk called friends, loot everyone and fly away to some remote island

the art is immaculate the story is pretty cool and unique but like why is everything happening so fast there's no natural transition into the plot i swear i didn't even know that the glasses guy who died was serious and same with the director guy like they just revealed, then proved that he was actually a monster, then beat him in like 2-3 chapters like you'd think a big deal like him would at least have a bit more time to expand on it more