I'm E February 19, 2025 4:33 pm

why are the new official translation even worse than the original ones...

I'm E February 3, 2025 1:37 pm

I wanna say her personality took a whole 180 instantly. It's kinda cringe for her to act super over powered with those lines, when she was acting like a mayflower a few chapters back It's fine to act op but like her getting confidence back so quickly is a bit unnatural for me

    being-you February 9, 2025 9:08 am

    nothing unnatural power & money changed you overnight ,

    urmom February 9, 2025 10:35 am

    I just wanna ask does it have romance? Or harem??

I'm E January 4, 2025 10:25 am

I feel like the 3rd prince is a bit crazy, his eyes are too lifeless for me

    Rjhay January 9, 2025 1:16 pm

    Geniuses are crazy to begin with

I'm E December 22, 2024 2:43 pm

Up to chapter 16, so far I can tell that it's going to be another manhwa where everything is basically handed to the mc... fair enough but it's not very exciting to follow his journey.

I'm E December 5, 2024 9:35 am

Amazing art but like please stop psychologically harming the husband's. Like it's not that hard to keep an agreement
I generally feel so bad

I'm E December 2, 2024 9:53 am

please please please don't come back with a different art style for season 2

    BitterCitrus December 2, 2024 6:55 pm

    Praying with you for no art change(/TДT)/

    Chibi December 3, 2024 4:05 pm

    I mean this artist is drawing another manhwa besides this one, so I don't think they will change the art, he or she has been very consistent

    Penguin127 December 3, 2024 5:02 pm
    I mean this artist is drawing another manhwa besides this one, so I don't think they will change the art, he or she has been very consistent Chibi

    Wait which manhwa?

    Chibi December 3, 2024 7:02 pm

    I think this one, unless I'm mistaken? Maybe they just have the same story writer, but I thought it was the same art author

I'm E November 11, 2024 6:16 pm

Someone's mad, honestly please put this energy to actual advocating for racism, would like to hear what you do in real life to better help those who are actually affected by racism. Do you have a charity that you work with/volunteer for, please do enlighten us with facts rather than useless opinions. Do you have a blog or Instagram account that advocates for racism? Genuinely what do you think you're going to achieve by spamming the comments of this manhwa? How will this help those who have been affected by racism?

you're not gonna do much by complaining on a website where 75% of the content is graphic and about sensitive topics

    GLORIOUSKINGKABRU November 11, 2024 6:16 pm

    I'm a nigga, hope this helps

    GLORIOUSKINGKABRU November 11, 2024 6:17 pm

    "what do you do in real life" idk live as a black person in a fuckass racist European country

    I'm E November 11, 2024 6:23 pm
    "what do you do in real life" idk live as a black person in a fuckass racist European country GLORIOUSKINGKABRU

    yes but how do you help other black people from commenting in here

    GLORIOUSKINGKABRU November 11, 2024 6:26 pm
    yes but how do you help other black people from commenting in here I'm E

    Y'all have this belief black people have to just sit back and take the racism and if they respond to it then they're the bad ones they're the one being dramatic, why i as a human being have to do the work to make sure other black people don't experience racism and dehumanization? Thats y'all jobs to not be fucking racist

    bluemoon November 11, 2024 6:34 pm

    It’s kind of sad watching you try to help somone so ignorant if you ever see or hear a black person proudly call themselves the n word trust they only know how to yell and talk about racism in which their only defense is that they’re black without knowing much about it nor are they going to try and do anything about it cause boohoo “they’re black and everyone hates them” a very sad victim mentality ignorant people seem to take up

    GLORIOUSKINGKABRU November 11, 2024 6:55 pm
    It’s kind of sad watching you try to help somone so ignorant if you ever see or hear a black person proudly call themselves the n word trust they only know how to yell and talk about racism in which their onl... bluemoon

    Translation: "It's sad watch this poor dumb nigga being so ignorant and playing the victim, black people only know how to yell and talk about racism" If you want me to use big words and talk smart i can

    GLORIOUSKINGKABRU November 11, 2024 6:55 pm
    It’s kind of sad watching you try to help somone so ignorant if you ever see or hear a black person proudly call themselves the n word trust they only know how to yell and talk about racism in which their onl... bluemoon

    Are the words big enough? Do i sound smart now?

    GLORIOUSKINGKABRU November 11, 2024 6:57 pm
    It’s kind of sad watching you try to help somone so ignorant if you ever see or hear a black person proudly call themselves the n word trust they only know how to yell and talk about racism in which their onl... bluemoon

    It seems there is a tendency among some to portray the anger of the Black community regarding racism as overly dramatic. The author in question, whose work has been rightfully banned due to its overt racism, constructed a narrative around the concept of "reverse racism." In this narrative, a dark-skinned character harbors animosity towards lighter-skinned individuals, merely to allow his Aryan protagonist—complete with white hair and blue eyes—to use a derogatory term against him. It is crucial to understand that the n word in question has been reclaimed by Black communities, transforming a historically dehumanizing slur into a slang. The perception that we possess a victim mentality often stems from individuals who are deeply entrenched in online echo chambers, consuming right-wing ideologies without question. Meanwhile, the reality of racism against Black individuals—and those with darker skin—remains deeply embedded in societies worldwide. There is scarcely a nation untouched by this prejudice, with the exception of Africa, which grapples with its own complex issues, including gender inequality, the legacy of colonialism, and homophobia.

    Obviously mangago deletes my comments when they're long

    bluemoon November 11, 2024 6:59 pm
    Translation: "It's sad watch this poor dumb nigga being so ignorant and playing the victim, black people only know how to yell and talk about racism" If you want me to use big words and talk smart i can GLORIOUSKINGKABRU

    Lmaoooo that’s funny please don’t lump all black people into this I’m talking specifically about you let’s not insult a whole race just because you want to be ignorant I never called you poor or dumb tho this made me laugh I love how you summarized it

    GLORIOUSKINGKABRU November 11, 2024 7:02 pm
    Lmaoooo that’s funny please don’t lump all black people into this I’m talking specifically about you let’s not insult a whole race just because you want to be ignorant I never called you poor or dumb th... bluemoon

    I'm not insulting anyone, im translating what you want to say, do you genuinely think people are dumb and don't see the racism reeking from your comments? Actually do you genuinely believe you're not being incredibly racist right now?

    bluemoon November 11, 2024 7:03 pm
    It seems there is a tendency among some to portray the anger of the Black community regarding racism as overly dramatic. The author in question, whose work has been rightfully banned due to its overt racism, co... GLORIOUSKINGKABRU

    See this is the ignorance I’m talking about no matter how much you try to say you “reclaimed” a word the definition doesn’t change and it’s still demeaning nonetheless no matter how much you wanna say it’s not slang it’s not everyone can use slang but only black people can use that type of “slang” it’s not slang it’s still a derogatory term, no matter how much you want to change the definition of a word it still means the same thing no matter how much you try and dress it up

    bluemoon November 11, 2024 7:06 pm
    I'm not insulting anyone, im translating what you want to say, do you genuinely think people are dumb and don't see the racism reeking from your comments? Actually do you genuinely believe you're not being incr... GLORIOUSKINGKABRU

    I know for a fact I’m not being racist all I did was point out what you were doing and your behavior and since you love to throw the word racist around let’s look up what it means showing prejudice, discrimination or antagonism against a person or people on the bias of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group typically one that is a minority or minor marginalized and I have done no such thing ignorance really is such a sad thing

    bluemoon November 11, 2024 7:09 pm
    Are the words big enough? Do i sound smart now? GLORIOUSKINGKABRU

    Woah I never said you weren’t smart but if you don’t know the definition of words like ignorant and the difference between the word dumb and ignorant it says a lot more about how all those “big words” which aren’t big words btw can’t make you sound more knowledgeable

    GLORIOUSKINGKABRU November 11, 2024 7:11 pm
    Woah I never said you weren’t smart but if you don’t know the definition of words like ignorant and the difference between the word dumb and ignorant it says a lot more about how all those “big words” w... bluemoon

    Ignorant is straight up a synonym for dumb

    GLORIOUSKINGKABRU November 11, 2024 7:13 pm
    Woah I never said you weren’t smart but if you don’t know the definition of words like ignorant and the difference between the word dumb and ignorant it says a lot more about how all those “big words” w... bluemoon

    Racism meaning: showing prejudice, discrimination or antagonism against a person or people on the bias of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group

    You: "if you ever see or hear a black person proudly call themselves the n word trust they only know how to yell and talk about racism in which their only defense is that they’re black without knowing much about it nor are they going to try and do anything about it cause boohoo “they’re black and everyone hates them” a very sad victim mentality ignorant people seem to take up"

    Good job you're so smart for trying to man's plain racism to a black person,.you totally don't sound dense af and you're totally not racist

    bluemoon November 11, 2024 7:13 pm
    Ignorant is straight up a synonym for dumb GLORIOUSKINGKABRU

    Since I have to explain this to you and treat you, as if you are dumb, ignorance specifically refers to a lack of knowledge about a particular subject or topic while dumb implies a general lack of intelligence or the inability to understand things easily there now you know the difference you’re welcome

    GLORIOUSKINGKABRU November 11, 2024 7:16 pm
    Since I have to explain this to you and treat you, as if you are dumb, ignorance specifically refers to a lack of knowledge about a particular subject or topic while dumb implies a general lack of intelligence ... bluemoon

    Since you love your dictionary so much here what ignorant actually stands for "lacking knowledge or awareness in general; uneducated or unsophisticated." It's just a less crude way of saying someone is dumb

    bluemoon November 11, 2024 7:18 pm
    Racism meaning: showing prejudice, discrimination or antagonism against a person or people on the bias of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic groupYou: "if you ever see or hear a black person prou... GLORIOUSKINGKABRU

    Thank you I know I’m not dense and racist I’m glad we agree and again, I wasn’t racist the meaning literally shows that I didn’t display any racism I didn’t show discrimination, prejudice, or antagonism against a person or people on the bias of their membership. I was just pointing out how ignorant you sounded. I never said Black people proudly call themselves the N-word all the time and blah blah blah, I was just pointing out the behavior I saw I never said all Black people do this I said, sad victim, mentality, ignorant people seem to do it I can’t believe I have to explain this to you I thought you were at least a little smart

    bluemoon November 11, 2024 7:20 pm
    Since you love your dictionary so much here what ignorant actually stands for "lacking knowledge or awareness in general; uneducated or unsophisticated." It's just a less crude way of saying someone is dumb GLORIOUSKINGKABRU

    No, it is not Sad that you think that if you want to be called dumb so bad you can have it but I never called you dumb. You can lack knowledge. I think you lack a lot of knowledge on racism and so that’s what I said you’re ignorant. I don’t think you lack intelligence, but if you wanna lack intelligence so bad, you can have it fineeeeee you’re dumb happy now?

    GLORIOUSKINGKABRU November 11, 2024 7:22 pm
    No, it is not Sad that you think that if you want to be called dumb so bad you can have it but I never called you dumb. You can lack knowledge. I think you lack a lot of knowledge on racism and so that’s what... bluemoon

    "You lack knowledge on racism" they say to a black person who experienced it throughout their whole life

    GLORIOUSKINGKABRU November 11, 2024 7:23 pm
    Thank you I know I’m not dense and racist I’m glad we agree and again, I wasn’t racist the meaning literally shows that I didn’t display any racism I didn’t show discrimination, prejudice, or antagoni... bluemoon

    Nigga stfu you're so fucking corny i can't take this seriously anymore. Go watch Andrew Tate or whatever right wing podcaster you get your politics from

    bluemoon November 11, 2024 7:26 pm
    "You lack knowledge on racism" they say to a black person who experienced it throughout their whole life GLORIOUSKINGKABRU

    Yeah see your only combative argument is I’m black anyways I’m tryna eat curry so please remind me to come back to this and yes you lack knowledge on something you apparently experienced that’s quite sad I feel sorry for you a little ttyl

    GLORIOUSKINGKABRU November 11, 2024 7:29 pm
    Yeah see your only combative argument is I’m black anyways I’m tryna eat curry so please remind me to come back to this and yes you lack knowledge on something you apparently experienced that’s quite sad ... bluemoon

    "I'm black" -

    (ಡ‸ಡ) November 11, 2024 8:12 pm

    Guys, let’s just stop typing. I say bluemoon is right. End of match

    bluemoon November 11, 2024 8:14 pm
    "You lack knowledge on racism" they say to a black person who experienced it throughout their whole life GLORIOUSKINGKABRU

    Yes, it is sad that as a person that’s experienced racism you lack knowledge on it

    bluemoon November 11, 2024 8:22 pm

    BWAHAHAHAH lmaoooo

    Joiecansing November 11, 2024 9:31 pm

    I agree with you lmaoo but a reminder it’s not the obligation of anyone to enlighten adults/able thinking humans who have full access to the internet. Curiosity is a great thing and if people wanna know how to help POCs or black people they can easily look it up lol.

    bluemoon November 11, 2024 10:09 pm
    I agree with you lmaoo but a reminder it’s not the obligation of anyone to enlighten adults/able thinking humans who have full access to the internet. Curiosity is a great thing and if people wanna know how t... Joiecansing

    You’re right I just can’t help it sometimes

    justarandombi- November 12, 2024 2:33 am
    You’re right I just can’t help it sometimes bluemoon

    I fear you wasted a few hours of your life arguing with the wall

    bluemoon November 12, 2024 3:57 am
    I fear you wasted a few hours of your life arguing with the wall justarandombi-

    lol nah I had fun

    I'm E November 12, 2024 7:34 pm
    Y'all have this belief black people have to just sit back and take the racism and if they respond to it then they're the bad ones they're the one being dramatic, why i as a human being have to do the work to ma... GLORIOUSKINGKABRU

    Okay, so your answer is "it's people's job not to be racist", great problem solved. Why are you still here then? If you're not advocating for your community then what is your point?

    I'm E November 12, 2024 7:40 pm
    I agree with you lmaoo but a reminder it’s not the obligation of anyone to enlighten adults/able thinking humans who have full access to the internet. Curiosity is a great thing and if people wanna know how t... Joiecansing

    Yeah, I was just suggesting better maybe more effective ideas that person can do instead of spamming "AUTHOR IS RACIST AND MISOGYNISTIC". A cause isnt going to go very far without any action.

I'm E September 17, 2024 8:09 pm

Wtf they stopped a century old war with threats of FL being outed as a half witch? Most anticlimactic ending ever, at least have the king be sick and the witches be the only ppl to be able to save him...

    Hokipoki September 17, 2024 8:19 pm

    I know right their hatred towards each other makes like no sense now. Like why was the king even against them in the first place?

I'm E August 23, 2024 11:40 am

I truly don't get it when the consort's are pregnant and then say that their unborn child will be the next ruler... girl the gremlin isn't even born yet and the crown prince is healthy asf and of the right age, your lil egg ain't gonna grow fast enough to be the next ruler

    Trodrigo August 28, 2024 11:29 pm

    Lol, lil egg

    Bea August 29, 2024 8:03 am

    Lmao gremlin and true they are delusional. There's a war hero, legitimate crown prince who in in his twenties

I'm E July 19, 2024 11:57 pm

She isn't even a manager or a staff member, AND she has 3 shops. I gotta say I don't think she would have seen alot of people's faces in her current coffee shops...

    Meow August 4, 2024 8:24 am

    Exactly my problem! I was practically screaming at her the whole chapter

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