i genuinely do not understand. in my understanding, they died together (double suicide) and then in another life they met again and they lived happily ever after. is my understanding correct? if not, please i hope someone could explain cause i want to understand but it's kinda vague in my mind. thank you !

it's completely free and has a better interface than here in mangago. why are there even people reading this here ? and some of ya'll have the audacity to give your opinions when you're reading it illegally but it's already completely free.
here's the link just remove the space
https://www.webtoons. com/en/super-hero/unordinary/list?title_no=679&page=24

i use mangago for reading manga / manhwa that i cannot read anywhere else for free. the point of my comment was to tell other people that there are webtoons / manga that can be read LEGALLY for free. for example, the webtoons Unordinary and True Beauty are both in Line Webtoon in which it can be consumed LEGALLY and is also COMPLETELY FREE. please widen your understanding. thank you. i only use this site to read things that i cannot consume legally due to language and region barrier. however, i do buy physical volumes once it comes out. so u can't really call me a hypocrite.

correction **
i use mangago for reading manga and manhwa that i do not have a way to read legally without paying money. i know i also consume media illegally but if i have a way to read it legally then i would no doubt find a way to do so. and just like i said at the last part of my reply, i buy physical volumes once it comes out.

I feel you, I also use the webtoon app but u could also see how others might use mangago instead of the original site because it has a lot of manga/manwha/mantua/webtoon in one place whereas webtoons, has just webtoons and also people might be more comfortable using mangago so they wouldn’t see why they should switch to a new unfamiliar site to read their manga

i'm sorry i appreciate the effort but this manhwa ain't it lmaooooo

“I appreciate the effort”. No you don’t. If you don’t like the art than don’t read it and drop it you don’t have to make such unnecessary and rude comments like “this manhwa ain’t it lmaooooo” why do you think your opinion is valid to the artist? There is nothing wrong with giving feedback to the artist instead of vent a rude bitch in the internet grow up.

No YOU'RE the one who needs to learn the difference lmao the terms aren't even about the formating
manga = japanese PRINTED comic
manhwa = korean PRINTED comic (i.e the breaker)
webtoon = (originated in korea) the digital viewing of a comic through the vertical format (but also includes other formats)
webcomic = (western) digital viewing of a comic

When did I say you cannot say your opinion? I said you should be nicer about it. I’m not trying hard to be a “good person” I was just educated to have empathy and be respectful towards other which is something you clearly lack on. There is a difference between an opinion and being rude. I meant manga because the artist called it a manga or webcomic which for some reason I was autocorrected. The only one here that needs to educate themselves is you
i expected him to do more but i guess it's my fault for expecting cause back then he would literally torture the perpetrators but now it's like they got the easy way around i know being buried alive IS frightening but if u compare it to the MC's other torture methods it looks underwhelming
Same,, lowkey disappointed
Well his mushrooms were top priority rn XD
its probably because dan didnt know the full story. all he knew was that they killed and buried a man...if he had known about the arson he wouldve done much much worse.