weird take but why do i lowkey want nanase and fuuko to end up together, cuz yuni's been pissing me off ngl
2024-09-20 23:22 marked

I agree with everything here except the Hamas part, I don't support Hamas. I know they are trying to protect Gaza but I can't ignore the fact that they also did many unforgivable things. What is really annoying to me though is how people keep downplaying the damage being done to Gaza with the excuse that "Hamas is using people as human shields!! Th......

2023-10-28 14:09 marked
2023-09-30 02:55 marked
Anyways i remember reading this before lmao i just forgot but ill just spoil stuff that I know, dw this ones a happy ending :)))
•First of all, Sienna becomes the emperor, Dian gave up his right to the throne because his son (?) didnt have colored hair so he feared that he might get discriminated plus I think his wife was also weak after giving birth to him.

•I remember there's a 2nd male lead here, forgot the name but i think he comes from the duchy of bless (the one where kuhn's supposed to go) and he proposes to sienna but he rejects him cuz she likes kuhn but he didnt propose to her for power though so rest assured he's a good person

•Fatima marries someone else from another tribe and its pretty obvious that she wont end up with kuhn lol

•Kuhn and Sienna are really fated, kuhn (raad clan) is also a descendant of gods too if im not mistaken however they were like the dark side while sienna (imperial family) is the light side, they used to co exist but its impossible for two gods to be together so the raad clan had to leave which is why they live in the desert and are more like wanderers.

•not sure about their names but they have 2 kids, a daughter named isabele and son named eckart
2021-09-01 14:55 marked
While I was finding the novel of this manhwa I found out the reason why Ianna didn't knew Aeji after reborning is because he committed suicide after the bahamut empire ppl died by Arhad. And turns out Taro was actually a half beastman and his dad was actually a protector of the fire dragon.
2021-08-13 13:24 marked
What chapter it's in the novel? I'm not that patient to wait for next ch haha ╥﹏╥
2021-08-03 13:11 marked

I have all the time in the world

you are still here

there is no spoiler


keep scrolling u will never reach the bottom





it end at chapter 163
2021-07-23 16:07 marked
Is this story worth reading?? I’ve been trying to get back into these type of manwahs.
If anyone had recommendations similar to Who Made Me a Princess and Death Is The Only Ending For The Villainess, I would really appreciate it!!
2021-07-23 15:53 marked
Do you guys know if there is a link for the raws? thanks (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
2021-07-03 03:51 marked
Shi Xiaonian (Nina) eventually gets over her mental barrier with the help of Gong Ou (Aubery) and she falls in love with him. She confesses to him and accepts being his lover, only with the condition that he must not make her a mistress. He agrees and they start dating. He announces to the whole world that she is his girlfriend. During this time, Mu Qianchu (Charles), seeing that he can't beat Gong Ou's destructing power, decides to give up and go abroad. But the plane he boards crashes and Shi Xiaonian is distraught. They can't even find the body. His family blames her for his death. She simply tries to forget him to get rid of her guilt. Meanwhile, they destroy Shi Di (Shi Xiaonian's adopted sister)'s career to get revenge for the time Shi Xiaonian was despised by everyone. Gong Ou's family objects to their relationship, since they plan to get him engaged to Mona Lancaster, the daughter of a European noble family. His mother, Luo Qi, comes from Britain to solve the problem. Shi Xiaonian tries to leave a good impression on her but Luo Qi refuses to accept Shi Xiaonian as her son's partner. She tells her that it's OK to be his lover, his mistress, but he will marry a noble woman worth their family's status no matter what. Shi Xiaonian firmly refuses to be his mistress and neither one of them is able to persuade the other. Later on, Shi Di tries to get revenge on Shi Xiaonian, cooperating with Gong Ou's mother to get her raped by several men. Shi Xiaonian is then kidnapped and beaten unconscious, and when she wakes up she finds her body showing signs of assault. Still, even though she was unconscious and doesn't have any memories of the time, remembering the sensation whenever Gong Ou forced himself on her, she feels that she was not raped, just beaten black and blue. Gong Ou comes to her rescue, only to find her in an extremely miserable state. On her face is written several words like "Gong Ou's woman is really delicious", and Gong Ou snaps right at that moment. Shi Xiaonian tries to tell him that she was not raped but is unable to convince him. He firmly believes that she was raped, and is incredibly furious. Shi Xiaonian desperately tries to prove her innocence but Gong Ou doesn't even let her explain, he refuses to believe her because she was unconscious at the time and it's not possible for her to clearly remember the events. He doesn't think Shi Xiaonian is lying, he thinks she only says what she wants to believe, she refuses to believe the truth. He tells her he will love her no matter what. He finds out that while it was the work of Shi Di, it was actually his mother who arranged the kidnapping. Luo Qi planned this, thinking that her son would leave Shi Xiaonian if he thought the woman was ruined. However, Gong Ou refuses to leave her even if she is dirty, and chases his mother away from his castle. Shi Xiaonian talks to Luo Qi before she leaves to Britain, and learns that she really was not raped after all, for no matter how cruel Luo Qi was she couldn't bear to ruin a woman. If it was Shi Di who arranged the men, she definitely wouldn’t have mercy no matter what, but Luo Qi couldn't be so merciless. She simply designed the scene to make them think so. After Luo Qi leaves, Gong Ou takes revenge on Shi Xiaonian's adopted family. He sends them away to a faraway country to live the rest of their lives in poverty. A few weeks later Shi Xiaonian finds out that she is pregnant and is extremely happy at the news. She thinks Gong Ou would also be very happy, since that was what he wanted for so long. But when she tells him the news, he is very angry and upset. While she is surprised at his unexpected reaction, she finds out that Gong Ou still doesn't believe that she wasn't raped, and because the timing matches perfectly with the day of her kidnapping he thinks the child is not his but the rapists’. He tries to give her medicine to make her have abortion but Shi Xiaonian refuses to kill the child in her womb. She tries to persuade him once again that the child is his but Gong Ou still refuses to believe her. After a long period of fighting, she finds out that the reason Gong Ou tries to make her have abortion is because he believes that Shi Xiaonian will leave him when she gives to birth to another man's child. He doesn't want her to leave him no matter what so he insists on killing the child. Shi Xiaonian refuses and she eventually convinces Gong Ou to keep the child, though he still doesn't believe the child is his, but Shi Xiaonian doesn't mind since the truth would prevail once the child was born. Shi Xiaonian is very happy to finally have a family with the man she loves but she is worried about the future, she doesn't want her child to have a paranoid father. She wants them all to be happy. So she proposes Gong Ou to seek for treatment for his illness. She convinces him with sweet words and Gong Ou agrees to give it a try. They seek for a renowned psychiatrist to treat him, and the psychiatrist they find turns out to be none other than the intended fiancée of Gong Ou, Mona, who goes by another name in medical world. She acts so sweet and friendly and promises to help Gong Ou heal, convincing them of her earnestness. Thus, they begin the treatment with Mona. After a while, Shi Xiaonian finds out that Mona has been in love with Gong Ou for a long time so she feels anxious to have her by his side, since they spend so much time together for the treatment. She tells Gong Ou of her worries, who also found out about the feelings of Mona, but he appeases her and tells her not to worry since he would never cheat on her. Right when Shi Xiaonian was feeling bitter about the closeness between Gong Ou and Mona, Gong Ou proposes marriage to Shi Xiaonian. She is extremely delighted and accepts with joy, very happy that she could finally have a home. After that, Gong Ou receives an intel about something he asked his men to investigate, and starts to act strangely around Shi Xiaonian. Shi Xiaonian doesn't know the reason but simply feels weird about his change of heart. Then suddenly, Gong Ou wants to break up with Shi Xiaonian, much to her disbelief. She doesn't take his demand seriously and simply refuses to leave him. He keeps insisting on breaking up with ridiculous reasons and intimidates her when she refuses. Mona tells her that she was just an emotional pet to him, and he didn't really love her, he was simply obsessed with her because of his illness. Now, since he started to heal of his illness with her treatment, his obsession for her started to fade away. After a week of intimidation, Shi Xiaonian agrees to break up when she sees Gong Ou and Mona intimately close together, thinking that he really didn't love her anymore and she was just a tool he was obsessed with because of his illness. They sign a breakup contract just as they did when they first started living together, and Shi Xiaonian tells him angrily that he was right, she had lied all along, she remembered the events of that night clearly and she really was raped, and the child was not his. Gong Ou, who didn't believe her in the first place all this time, is simply bittersweet. Gong Ou says he wants to break up with her peacefully without any hard feelings but Shi Xiaonian refuses and tells him that she wants to break off all ties with him. He agrees without any choice. They hold a press conference telling everyone that they are breaking up peacefully. Thus Shi Xiaonian leaves him and moves to a small apartment on her own, her only companion MR Gong whom Gong Ou left with her. She has a very difficult time as an abandoned pregnant woman but tries to stay strong for the sake of her baby. Meanwhile, Gong Ou keeps tailing her without her knowledge, and plants surveillance cameras in her apartment. He also has a difficult time and refuses to eat food cooked by people other than Shi Xiaonian. He sneaks in her apartment when she is out to steal some of the food she cooked from the fridge. Shi Xiaonian notices that the amount of food in her fridge decreased and contacts Gong Ou to threaten him that if he keeps sneaking in her apartment, she will call the cops to arrest him. He denies the accusement and Shi Xiaonian really calls the cops. They have an argument at the police station and Gong Ou leaves feeling depressed. He goes to the luxurious apartment at Port of Heaven where they had lived together in when they first signed the contract and he sees several comics drawn by Shi Xiaonian on the wall. The comics tell their story together and Shi Xiaonian's love for him, and eventually them breaking up, with Shi Xiaonian's heartbreak. It ends with a line of words from Shi Xiaonian: "What home were you talking about? Don't lie to me." Gong Ou is distraught at the sight and feels extremely bitter. On the other side, Shi Xiaonian goes for a checkup on her baby's condition and she learns that she has twins. She doesn't know whether to be happy or sad, as she is happy to have twins but bitter at the thought that she can't even share the joyful news with the father of her children. In a daze, she goes to the apartment in Port of Heaven to celebrate the news that she has twins by herself. Meanwhile, Gong Ou is still inside the apartment and lying on the bed, starving because he didn't eat anything for a long time. Shi Xiaonian comes to the apartment and draws another comic depicting her checkup on the hospital that day on the wall before she cooks a feast for herself to celebrate. When Gong Ou wakes up, he sees Shi Xiaonian and hides away to prevent her from discovering his presence. He watches her celebrating the joyful news by herself, though he doesn't know what joyous thing is there to celebrate. After eating by herself, having cooked too much for a single person to eat, Shi Xiaonian decides to feed the rest to the stray cats. Hearing her intention to throw away the food, Gong Ou calls her phone secretly to threaten her of arresting her because she stole his stuff when she was in the castle. Panicking at the thought that the police wouldn’t find her when they arrive at her house, she leaves the apartment in a haste leaving the dishes she cooked laying on the kitchen. Gong Ou stores the food in the fridge, planning to eat them bit by bit to prolong the time. After Shi Xiaonian leaves, she sees that there are no cops coming after her after all. The next day, she finds out that Gong Ou is secretly helping her by investing a huge amount of money for the drama adaptation of her comics. Suspicious, she returns to Port of Heaven only to find the food she left the previous day stored properly in the fridge and Gong Ou sleeping in the bedroom. She talks to Gong Ou after he wakes up and he is shocked to see her, immediately reprimanding her. She questions him for her suspicions but gives up when Gong Ou says he stored the food just to feed the stray cats. She tells him to feed the cats together much to his displeasure. They go out together to feed the cats as it rains outside and she asks him several questions, trying to find out if he still has feelings for her, only to hear that he doesn't love her anymore and he is developing a relationship with Mona. Mona appears in front of them and humiliates Shi Xiaonian, kissing Gong Ou in front of her. Shi Xiaonian leaves after bitterly giving them her blessings as she drenches in the rain. After returning home she gets sick with fever. With no one but MR Gong to take care of her, she is in a very pitiful state. At night, she hears sounds coming from outside her door. She feels very scared of thieves in darkness as there is also a power outage, with MR Gong also out of power. She calls for the ambulance and waits for them to arrive, she feels extremely sick as she keeps vomiting and feels her consciousness fading. Right then, Gong Ou, who learned of her situation as he was monitoring her apartment, arrives, and takes her to the hospital. He tells the hospital staff to tell Shi Xiaonian it was the ambulance that saved her. The doctors do as Gong Ou says and Shi Xiaonian believes them with no other choice. As she wonders in her mind about what happened the previous night, vaguely remembering Gong Ou coming to her rescue, she concludes that she was just having a hallucination. Meanwhile, Gong Ou regrets agitating her to the extent she would fall sick with fever like that, blaming Mona for appearing out of nowhere like that, wondering if the decision he made was the right one. He faces his contradictions, realizing that what he had done to protect Shi Xiaonian, to keep her safe was actually hurting her more, she wasn't safe when she was away from him at all with how she was currently sick. Mona talks him out of his thoughts but then Gong Ou realizes it was Mona who brainwashed him all along, making him think this decision was the right one. Agonizing over his mistake, he decides to take Shi Xiaonian back to his side to never leave her ever again, he takes his leave to the hospital. As he arrives at the hospital, mysterious men disguised as staffs come to the hospital ward of Shi Xiaonian and kidnap her. Gong Ou frantically searches for her when he finds out she is nowhere to be seen in her ward but to no avail. Shi Xiaonian is then taken to a faraway place where she learns she was kidnapped by Gong Ou's mother who learned of her pregnancy from Mona. Mona was beside them when Shi Xiaonian declared the child was not Gong Ou's in her moment of burst of emotions. Mona also thought the baby was the rapists’ but Luo Qi knew the truth better than her, as she was the who instigated the kidnapping. Shi Xiaonian wasn't really raped and she knew the child was actually her son's. Shi Xiaonian is taken to a secluded tower by seaside where she is to be confined till the babies are born, with a team of renowned gynecologists and capable servants to serve her. She is hopelessly trapped at that place, she feels despair as her only trace of hope, her children are to be taken from her when they are born to be raised in the noble Gong family as successors. Meanwhile, as Gong Ou desperately tries to find her, he suspects Mona of kidnapping Shi Xiaonian. He interrogates and tortures her endlessly but all Mona says is that she wasn’t the one who did it and she didn’t know where Shi Xiaonian was. Stubbornly believing it was Mona who kidnapped Shi Xiaonian, driven insane at the thought of her being dead, Gong Ou refuses to eat or drink till he finds Shi Xiaonian. At a moment of dreaming in a haze, he sees Shi Xiaonian reprimanding him for being so useless, telling him to quickly come to her rescue. Regaining his composure, with the help of several clues, he comes to a conclusion that she is taken by his mother as he notices that Shi Xiaonian was right, the child was his after all. He grieves over not trusting her all this time, only hurting her. He leaves for Britain and interrogates his mother for Shi Xiaonian’s whereabouts but Luo Qi refuses to admit to kidnapping Shi Xiaonian. He doesn't believe her lies and keeps on urging for her to tell, threatening her with taking his own life. Luo Qi comes to an agreement that she would tell her whereabouts only if he agreed to marrying Mona and making Shi Xiaonian his mistress. Gong Ou refuses to accept such conditions but is desperate with no other choice. He eventually agrees, planning in his mind that he would find her once they showed their weakness. So, the engagement between him and Mona is planned to take place several months later. Meanwhile, Shi Xiaonian suffers indescribably as she waits for the day her children are born in grief, with no one to trust nor love. She hears the news of Gong Ou’s upcoming engagement from the staff who accompany her in the tower. Their only purpose is to humiliate and dishearten her further by letting her hear how great Gong Ou is, and how his N.E. is prospering even more so than ever. Initially, she was hoping Gong Ou would come to her rescue one day, saving her from her endless agony, but eventually she could only lose all her faith as she heard of his news, how he never cared for her whereabouts. Her love and affection towards him turns into intense hatred, pure resentment and grief. She pours all the negative emotions she feels in her confinement to hatred for him, also experiencing severe pain from her pregnancy all along. She would double up endlessly as she cried and shout out in agony from her cramps and pain, all the more painful than normal as she was having a nervous breakdown. She would carve down with her nails on the head of her bed, on the woods, how much she hated Gong Ou for making her into this state. She also drew a picture book depicting her days of pregnancy without all the painful details, only the funny and blissful parts, for her children, and entrusted it to the butler who took care of her to give it to her children once they grew up, hoping they wouldn’t resent their pitiful mother so much for leaving them. One day, she meets a doctor on her usual checkups who tells her he will save her from that place, however she refuses to trust him. He only tells her that he is from her biological family, and he will save her. She is shocked to hear of her biological family but she still chooses to be wary. As the due date of birth comes closer, a week before, she hears the servants talking of the engagement oath ceremony of Gong Ou that will take place that day, and how joyous everyone in the Gong family was. Feeling very bitter at the news, agitated, she feels pain and gives birth a week earlier than the due date. Her birth is a very painful one, as she screams nonstop but no one cares. She could vaguely see a man helping her as she was lost in pain, and that man was none other than Mu Qianchu who was supposed to be dead on a plane crash. He tells her he will save her from that place along with her children, only if she trusts in him and promises never to be afflicted with Gong Ou ever again. Feeling that he is the only person she can trust, Shi Xiaonian agrees without hesitation. After she gives birth to her children, a girl and a boy, she falls unconscious. Then a huge clash happened at the tower as all the bodyguards, servants and doctors fall one by one. She is taken away by Mu Qianchu along with her child, as Mu Qianchu’s men infiltrate the whole place. Meanwhile, Gong Ou, who was proceeding with his plan to find Shi Xiaonian once the oath was over, finds the tower where Shi Xiaonian was confined only to see a scene of bloodbath. Horrified, he searches the whole tower for Shi Xiaonian, but the only thing he can find is the dead bodies of all the staff in tower. As he finds the delivery room, he sees the operation table full of blood. He loses all his senses at the sight. As he keeps searching, he finds the room where Shi Xiaonian lived for the past six months. He sees the carvings by the bedside, showing her hatred towards him. Defeated, agonizing over how he was always one step too late, he collapses down. Swearing to find Shi Xiaonian no matter what, he threatens his mother and father insanely. His father, who would have no qualms about violence since he was a child, beats him severely for leaving the engagement oath before the ceremony finished, angering the Lancaster family for being humiliated. After being beaten, he recovers in the hospital for months. Meanwhile, when Shi Xiaonian comes to her senses after giving birth, she finds out about her biological family, the Xi family. It turns out that her biological family didn’t even know of her existence all this time. Apparently, in Italy her father ran a shady business where women of the family weren’t allowed to intervene, and her mother had to hide in China for a while during the time of her birth and she wasn’t aware that she was pregnant with twins. After giving birth, Shi Xiaonian was kidnapped by human traders who sold off orphan children to families who wanted to adopt them. That was how she was adopted by the Shi family. Her mother, thinking that she only gave birth to one child, Shi Xiaonian’s twin brother Xi Yu, didn’t even know of her existence back then. Back then, Mu Qianchu, who was about to board the plane to go abroad, met Xi Yu, who saw Shi Xiaonian on the media when Gong Ou disclosed to the whole world about their relationship, he was surprised to see a person who resembled him so much and came to China to find out about her. Then, Mu Qianchu gave up going abroad and didn’t board the plane. It was Xi Yu who boarded the plane and died on the plane crash. After agonizing over his death, Mu Qianchu found out about Shi Xiaonian’s biological family. After he met them, he started to work under them as their underling and told them about Shi Xiaonian. He found the tower Shi Xiaonian was confined in and brought her to Italy, to her parent’s home after she gave birth. Unfortunately, he could only bring one of the twins, as the other one was already taken by the butler of the Gong family. Hearing her son was still with the Gong family, Shi Xiaonian collapses. They appease her by promising her that they will definitely bring her son back. Shi Xiaonian names her daughter Xiao Kui and recuperates from her weak state of body for a few months before going to China. She spent this time with her newly found family and Mu Qianchu. It is after three months she was saved from the tower that she returns to China. There, she once again meets Gong Ou. With all the resentment she feels towards him, she tells him how she didn’t want to see him ever again. Gong Ou feels very repentant towards her and tells her how he wants to get her back. However, Shi Xiaonian refuses no matter what, expressing her endless hatred for him without any constraint. After that, Gong Ou keeps chasing after her for some time, as she rejects him over and over again. Then, one day, Gong Ou finally explains the truth to her. Nine months ago, when they broke up, it was because Gong Ou found out about her biological family. Her twin brother, Xi Yu, was a transgender boy who liked to dress as a girl in his teens. More than ten years ago, Xi Yu was in a relationship with Gong Ou’s brother, Gong Yu. In his hands is a photo of her twin brother, dressed in girl’s clothes and looking extremely identical to Shi Xiaonian, and Gong Yu, sitting in a café drinking a beverage with couple’s drinking straws, smiling happily at each other. The night when Gong Yu died in a car crash, it was because he was trying to meet two people at the same time and rushed, resulting in an accident. One was his brother, Gong Ou, whom he promised to watch the meteor shower together, and the other one was Xi Yu. Knowing that Xi Yu was the reason his brother died, and seeing how Xi Yu looked identical to Shi Xiaonian in the photo, he had a very hard conflict in his heart. It was Mona who gave him the photo, and she threatened and brainwashed him at the same time. If this truth was to surface and his father was to find out about it, his father would wipe out all the members of the Xi family, including Shi Xiaonian who was unaware of the truth at the time. That was why he had to break up with Shi Xiaonian and keep her away from him, to protect her, to keep her safe from his father’s clutches in case he found out the truth. But soon after, he regretted his decision very much. It wasn’t that he didn’t try to find her when she was confined, he just couldn’t no matter how much he looked for her. The reason he took the oath with Mona was only because of his mother’s promise to let Shi Xiaonian and his children back to his side if he agreed to marry Mona. He feels very regretful for everything and asks Shi Xiaonian to come back to his side.
2021-06-27 05:13 marked
Can someonegave me the freaking RAW!! PLEASE!!
2021-06-13 13:12 marked
so the queen is MC's former life's sister. Her mum died a tragic death, so everyone spoiled her. This made her crave love and affection. She made a deal with the king (mc's ex-fiance) that if he makes Mc a criminal he can do whatever he wants with her. The queen overtly didn't hold her end of the bargain and killed MC and forced the king to marry her.

The king is a yandere. After MC's death, he sleeps next to her dead body. He never had sex with the queen since he thinks that she's a sad pathetic woman. ALSO, HE HIRES PROSTITUTES(that act or look like mc) AND DOES SOME SCARY BDSM WITH THEM. He later meets the MC in her new body and is immediately CRAZY about her and does whatever she says to "prove his love to her." That includes finding the actual proof of Charlotte's wrongdoing and left it out in the open for the rebels to find. In every meeting with the MC, you could tell he was jonesing for some serious action. It is disgusting as it is creepy. The MC keeps him at arm's length just to make as much use to him and even had him fake taking poison. He later figures out that the Mc in the new body will also not be his - freaks out and stabs himself saying that he will leave a scar on her soul forever.
2021-06-12 18:38 marked
oops, this item doesn't exist any more
2021-06-04 00:59 marked
oops, this item doesn't exist any more
2021-06-03 14:19 marked
like i know her father secretly dotes on her and really love her but how about the og daughter? it was because of his cold demeanor that she became thirsty of attentions, even until her last breathe he was cold. I can’t stop thinking about this. yes, it’s a misunderstanding but that misunderstanding lead to someone’s death. don’t start me with “it’s her fault she misunderstood” like if i relate it to my situation, my father is emotionally unavailable as parent to me while i was growing up. my mom told me my father loves me but he’s just bad in expressing his emotions, but still i grew up emotionally unstable with daddy issues. i mean — just how about the og owner of the body? why did he that? is the father a regressor too or what? i still can’t like him but maybe overtime i will. the fact that everyone abandoned her in the beginning will never change. how come they are all over her now? everytime i remember the scenes how he used to ignore her while she was just asking for attentions or how he abandoned her when she was accused, my heart aches and i wanna cry for her. it’s very understandable she will misunderstood his father’s actions now. after all he did abandoned her, whether that was his intention or not.
2021-06-03 14:17 marked
oops, this item doesn't exist any more
2021-06-03 14:15 marked
She is gonna save his majesty and go back with her awesome magic! Ahaha
2021-06-03 13:31 marked
okay so-

Alot of people say it looks like wmmap right?
well well I noticed these and I dont think its real but its just too uncanny to me SJHAJS
Adel can be Aizen and this blonde person's childe, now Aizen looks like Lucas from wmmap because of his red eyes and black hair, easy to recognize. Now the blonde person shown can be Athy because:
1. blonde hair
2. the blue eyes (though its not shown but big hunch)
3. in the panel the blonde hair is wavy/curly yes
Then Serena can be Lillian and Felix's daughter GWNDVSJ because: Felix has red hair and Lillian has brown hair, together it would make not a full red like felix's like SERENA'S HAIR And her eyes were gray LIKE FELIX And she's a maid right now, LIKE LILLIAN ITS TOO UNCANNYY
I read chapter 8 already, but I just like to think of it like this. ( ´∀`)
ALSO This this series is called Baby Empress right? Well what is Athy trying to become? AN EMPRESS VAJEVSN ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ
2021-05-22 16:57 marked

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