Ashlyn February 4, 2021 7:59 am

I feel like Taesung is having some very messed up feelings. He likes Sooyoung and is attempting to date him, which was normal up until now.

Now he remembered that when he was making his way up in the mafia, he got his ass beat by Sooyoung and had to admit defeat. Now, the roles are reversed, Sooyoung is the weaker? I wouldn't necessarily say that was true. He still fights and scraps like he always did, but okay, Taesung is now stronger.

It feels like he's looking to trap Sooyoung. Sooyoung represents some version of himself but also is the person that Taesung cares for so he keeps jumbling all these feelings together like how can I win over Sooyoung, mind, body and soul? He wants to consume every part of Sooyoung.

He is supremely screwed up but I don't know what it means.

Edit: what I don't think is that Taesung wants to own Sooyoung. He wants Sooyoung to bend but not break under his will. He wants Sooyoung to be exactly as he is but Taesung's.

Ashlyn January 28, 2021 7:08 am

Taesung is manipulating the situation. Having the mafia rough Sooyoung up is about breaking down the walls Sooyoung has. Taesung is trying to corner Sooyoung to make him feel more positively about him.

What I don't think Taesung expects is what actually happens.

But honestly if he thinks getting beat up by some mafia guys is going to break Sooyoung, he's got another thing coming. The moment he gets whiff of this manipulation Taesung is toast.

Taesung, you had one job you were doing really well and now you're all twisted up and tbh, pretty shitty. Do better. Forget your stupid ass plan.


Sooyoung gets stabbed in the shoulder.

Ashlyn January 21, 2021 10:00 pm

I just read this in it's entirety and I really felt like Taeho loved Eunwoo well before be realised it. He did everything in his power to make sure Eunwoo lived and he did it because he knew Eunwoo liked him when they were teenagers. What we don't see until much later is that Taeho also liked Eunwoo whether he knew it or not. He never felt worthy of being someone to die for and he was scared to die. He was scared to admit his feelings. He was just plain scared until he wasn't.

It doesn't excuse how he treated Eunwoo but I don't think he did it out of spite. He wanted to make sure that they never admitted that they loved each other but as he realised it was always destined to end that way because already they loved each other when they found out about the curse.

Ashlyn January 21, 2021 7:33 am

Param is upset because he has feelings for Hwi otherwise he wouldn't care. He doesn't want Hwi to find out what he did because he doesn't want Hwi to be disgusted with him.

They're not dating but they like each other. Param didn't cheat but he knows his actions could make Hwi not like him anymore and he's terrified. Maybe that's how it has to go but I think Hwi might be more understanding if Param explained that it was more like closing one door before opening another (Hwi).

Param and Hwi's relationship is genuine and I feel sorry for Param because yeah. It might lose him Hwi but then if that's true, Hwi isn't the guy. It doesn't have to mean either of them is wrong. Just that they're not meant for each other.

Ashlyn January 19, 2021 8:45 pm

Jooin deserves better than either. Yawhi is your closet case and Cain is lowkey controlling the situation and I don't vibe that.

Free Jooin 2021!

    Octavia January 19, 2021 9:17 pm

    Cain is controlling the situation? Bruh how? He just wanted to win over Jooin but then stopped when he realized that Jooin was already "happy" being with Yawhi. He prioritized Jooin's happiness over his own, while Yawhi will repeatedly act like Jooin isn't even his friend at the least to maintain his reputation cause he cares more about himself than Jooin. Which in my book qualifies as an asshole. Cain is 1000x better than Yawhi will ever be.

Ashlyn January 17, 2021 4:40 pm

Seunghyun felt how he did for a long time and he never really let go or moved on until he met the section chief.

He's wondering if that's okay to do, to let that go and be with the person who used to be with Yuseong. And also as much as he tried to move on he didn't get very far away from Yuseong as he's now dating his ex. Seunghyun seemingly wanted a fresh break and the SC is not it (but he'll realise it doesn't matter).

The section chief is upset because Seunghyun is confessing a long standing crush on Yuseong but also that it *appears* that Seunghyun is bothered by the fact that SC still has the pen.

They have realised that they have a secondary connection through Yuseong but they need to figure out whether this is something that will affect *their* relationship (it won't).

Ashlyn January 13, 2021 8:10 am

What worries me isn't isn’t Taejun may have killed the parents. He was a kid and he was scared and things happen.

The hands imply that whoever was killed was likely dismembered. Taejun has likely disassociated from what happened but he didn't seem like the kind of kid that would do that. Yeonwoo who was traumatised and abused.... Well. And Taejun is alone with him. Taejun could end up in the room.

Ashlyn December 31, 2020 12:48 pm

The other thing that's super interesting is that Sooyoung thinks that Taesung sees him as a dog, cute, but unequal. However, in the same breath, SY says he doesn't care if his hand scars but TS says you will.

SY is careless with himself, he doesn't hold any care or regard for his life and TS is making him rethink the value he places on his own life. He begins doing it to please TS but I hope he realises that he should do it for himself.

    5 YEN December 31, 2020 12:57 pm

    Well said

    KLeeLee11 December 31, 2020 12:59 pm

    I like your analysis! I get confused sometimes so you've cleared it up, thanks lol

Ashlyn December 31, 2020 9:39 am

Taesung wants Sooyoung to be with him of his own accord (with his own two feet [walking towards Taesung]). It's not just that Sooyoung is disabled, it's that he is someone with a lot of pride and strength to go through his life's pain alone. Jisung tried to take Sooyoung's heart by force and all that did was traumatise him and Taesung knows that (he was aware of SY's PTSD symptoms).

So yes, he says bullshit like he's gonna break SY's legs but that is such a crock of shit. That man won't do a damn thing that might push SY further away. SY has all of the control, he just doesn't realise it.

Ashlyn December 26, 2020 4:54 pm

Saro has always been honest. Yirum strings Jungmin along so that he's always got one person who adores him. Jungmin is the fall back guy. The fact Saro comes along is the only reason Yirum is interested in JM. Saro is playing that, forcing JM to engage in this futile love. Not because of JM. It's futile because Yirum is a player and JM is too sweet to realise.

Saro, despite being awful and poking an open wound, will finally free JM from this user. I don't have to like Saro but he is honest and I appreciate that.

    Jiophone2 December 26, 2020 5:13 pm

    I completely agree with you.

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