AHAHAHAHHAHA I’m actually dumb asf but seriously, themes in BLs lately are so wild they reached this point abt someone’s pee Tanya
I will say i love it like yeaaa get wilder so i can be shocked in awe and laugh. I like the silly billy wtfuckity type creativity rather than the oh no thats a crime what the fuck type so consensual honey golden shower? Lol weirdo but sure
im from the Philippines and from what the others are saying, my wifi (globe) blocked mgg,,,, so i cant use it, but its still accessible from other wifi brands (i gorgot whats it called wtff)
If our How are yous were said out of concern for the other person/just to catch up or were said because deep inside we just wanted somebody to ask if we're okay?
Nah... I say it cuz I don't know what to say to the other person... And as a courtesy 2.....and also cuz I am eager to know about others... Since my life is going as that of the hands of a watch.....
I read somewhere here that his pee taste like honey and my mind was like ‘so he’s diabetic?’
Youre too smart to be on this website
AHAHAHAHHAHA I’m actually dumb asf but seriously, themes in BLs lately are so wild they reached this point abt someone’s pee
I will say i love it like yeaaa get wilder so i can be shocked in awe and laugh. I like the silly billy wtfuckity type creativity rather than the oh no thats a crime what the fuck type so consensual honey golden shower? Lol weirdo but sure
I have to say that I find myself agreeing to this. I’d rather laugh at something ridiculous than get pissed