Spoiler alert!!
I just saw on Twitter that this is will end at chapter 7. With hot sex between chinwo x kyujin that means jihyun leave and married other person for real! I'm happy and mad at same time, is that really jihyun love that person? Is he really happy? Please don't come at me and said "well he deserve it, he jerk bla2" i have enough with that stupid argument.
Anyway i'm still appreciate the author with amazing story and beautiful art. this series brought me joy and sadness. Nice work!

Well you right the story never told more further about the engagement. But for sure i think it'a real he even show the ring, perhaps it's business married because jihyun told chinwoo that he learned business from his father or brother (i'm forget lol)
Spoiler alert!
I'm really feel this manhwa really rushed that make thing like you said about the married didn't uncover at story instead make thing clear they make side story with title "what if" and that contain about what if jihyun with chinwoo together.
Im sorry if pour so many Spoiler i just can't helped it

So i just watch the sequel teaser at youtube,so i thought maybe there the manhwa for the sequel but apparently not? Can someone explain to me for the sequel?

no sequel, but there is a bonus animation. here's a link that has both the animation episodes and the bonus: https://blcd.online/anime/wach-anime-hyperventilation-online/

We need more mahwa with uke power like this, not like other manwha with weak uke that ready anytime to be fuck. BOTTOM POWER! PERIODT

That’s good and all if this wasn’t just taking the long way around and is just same type of uke who’s reduced to a weak willed idiot over a dick. Especially if the end result is him becoming romantically involved with someone who treats him like shit which is literally every other yaoi/ manhwa under the sun. It’s not inspiring about someone who has so much confidence and self worth be flung out the window the instant that have a love interest. It’s a small girl playing dumb. It’s just sad.
Yeay finally they confess each other and seem like end up good way! But that it? Just what you guys doing over last 60 chapter? I know those chap supposed to character development but the thing "is he love". "Maybe not" over 60 chapter really tiring for me but that not my point cus right now i"m so happy for them, i'm scream like cat stepped on its tail. I wish we will get a little fan service? Hehe