Yona6 June 28, 2024 1:32 pm

I've seen a lot of comments telling that Cael "doesn't deserve Hestia considering all she has done for him" and wanted to talk more about Hestia and her reasons for doing all that. So first, I love Hestia, she is a great character, and yes she did a lot for Cael, it's thanks to her that he didn't kill himself, she deserves credit for all she did

BUT I also like Cael and I think that he has every right to still have conflicted feelings for Diana and the crown prince, and even if his actions are not what Hestia would do if she were him he should NOT be mad or seek revenge at his ex-friends if he does not want to. At the end HE is the one who has been hurt, not Hestia, and if he just wants to move on with Hestia and not resenting anyone, he should be allowed to.

The thing is Hestia's whole life revolves around Cael, it's cute but in truth quite unhealthy.
She wants to do so much for him that she weirdly doesn't really care about what HE wants sometimes. It's like she knows better. I find it especially obvious with Diana. I hate Diana too, and I love the way she is being dealt with currently but the fact that Hestia says "it's for Cael" doesn't sit right with me. Revenge is NOT what Cael wants, it's what Hestia wants. Hestia is so involved in the cause of "saving Cael", but she is not Cael.

The fact that her revenge is so personal show to me the flaws of her character. She is both selfless and selfish. She adores Cael and wants to do everything for him but at the same time she is obsessed with him because without him she would be alone without any purpose. What she does for him is really great and deserves to be praised, but it's also something she does for herself, because without all this revenge she would not know what to do. The sad thing about her is that she was left alone in an unknown world and she had to grab into Cael and make him a sort of god in order not to become crazy and lose herself

I really hope that she will be able to open herself more to Cael in future chapters. Being so obsessed with "doing everything for him" is envoyable but can't last forever. It makes her unable to evolve as a character and it prevents her relationship with Cael to develop into something romantic since she only sees herself as an instrument whose only purpose is to avenge him and make him better, and nothing else

Just my opinion

    Anamika June 29, 2024 7:22 am

    Yeah I do agree with you...

    AttackOnPotatoe June 30, 2024 11:56 am

    I love to see when people have great understanding of all characters. The author wrote them in a way that I can see where each of them is coming from, and how every single one of them believe they’re in the right (which is pretty realistic). Hestia is a great character but she’s also doing a lot for someone who didn’t ask for it. I also understand how she sees (at least at the beginning) them as characters NOT real people, and if she could return to her og world she would. Just like you said Caelus is her only purpose, so obviously she latched on the only person who keeps her going (which by itself isn’t very healthy).

Yona6 June 27, 2024 5:16 pm

Seeing one child throwing tantrums and the other who doesn't even dare calling Reinhardt "mom" really leave a bitter aftertaste in my mouth.

I know it's means but Bianca annoys me A LOT, she acts like a spoiled brat (which is normal, she IS a child) but it only highlights the difference of treatments between her and Billroy so I just want her to stop acting like that in front of him even knowing it's not her fault

Poor boy really, I know it won't happen but I wish he was adopted by a loving family who doesn't put him in the middle of the conflicts that SHOULD NOT concern him

Yona6 June 14, 2024 3:19 pm

It's so obvious, it can't even be called a plot twist ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ I can't even understand why people don't think he is. He probably manipulated Mc into trusting him by searching for a guy that looked like his previous self so that uke is not suspicious of him anymore.

But well I haven't read the raws, so I can be wrong, but if he ends up not being Narye now THAT would be a plot twist

Yona6 June 13, 2024 10:53 am

If like me you can't wait

    Min June 14, 2024 6:28 am

    wah thank you!! i'm excited to know what they're saying in ch76. kinda disappointed to see no mizumoto tho :(

Yona6 April 24, 2024 4:39 pm

"Deep down he wants to be close to his brother, he's just a spoiled child"
Like okay ?

Dante may be manipulated by his mother and not be the first antagonist but he is clearly NOT just a spoiled child and doesn't have just pure brotherly feelings for Limon

Dude clearly lust after his brother since the begining, he doesn't just want to be close to him. He drugged and tried to R*PE him, and you can't make me believe it's just his mother's fault, he looked quite happy seeing his brother on this state and trying to SA him. He is a creep, not some cute younger brother

But well the comment of the author makes me think they will turn out to have a good brotherly relation by the end of the story, it's just anticlimatic (in my opinion)

Yona6 March 16, 2024 12:54 pm

When we learn about Mc's childhood there is this moment in chapter 35 he says that he and his little bro ran away from the drug-addict "father" and gang

Then he mentions another person who "ran away before them", and I wonder if it might be seme ?

Why I think that :

1/ what is the point of mentioning the fact a kid ran away before him if it's not going to have an importance in the plot later ?

2/ We don't have any info about seme's childhood so he could very well be that kid who ran away before becoming who he is now

3/ If it's him it makes sense for uke not to remember him since apart from his little bro it is clearly stated in the story that he doesn't remember the other kids' faces. He doesn't have any picture of that time either, so maybe there will be a future scene in which he finds a family picture and recognize seme among the other children ?

Just a theory too, but in any cases I'm curious about the mention of this adopted brother. Even if it's not seme I think he may have a role to play in the story

    calex March 17, 2024 1:54 am


    user2 March 17, 2024 11:02 am

    I don’t think that the person who ran away before them was Jake. I think shin just mentioned that to say that they weren’t the first ones to risk running away from that gang, I mean if they were gonna get caught they would have been killed by the gang. And I think shin just mentioned that to emphasize how bad it was living with his father and that gang, it was so bad that even at his young age they were thinking about running away and there were the other kids who thought the same and risked their lives by running away(hope this makes sense)
    And after jake got shot, he and shin go to that diner place to eat breakfast, shin notices his good table manners and Jake tells him that his father was strict with table manners and that his parents are alive and well. I think that is one of the very few facts we get to learn about him.

    Yona6 March 17, 2024 11:43 am
    I don’t think that the person who ran away before them was Jake. I think shin just mentioned that to say that they weren’t the first ones to risk running away from that gang, I mean if they were gonna get c... user2

    Oh you're right, I didn't remember this scene with Jake, but it's still possible that Jake was adopted by these rich parents after running away so I don't think it totally invalidates my theory

    But well it's just a theory based on one sentence, you're most probably the one who is right in your interpretation and I'm reading too much about it

    Either way can't wait for the next season to know more about Jake

    pipiri March 18, 2024 7:17 am

    Jake talked a tiny bit about his strict upraising when they were in the diner. He mentions his father being strict and all but there were no mention of drugs, broken home, etc.

    OruchO March 20, 2024 11:51 pm
    Jake talked a tiny bit about his strict upraising when they were in the diner. He mentions his father being strict and all but there were no mention of drugs, broken home, etc. pipiri

    He could be adopted tho, but it doesn't really fit with Jakes pov, he obviously met Shin in a parking lot for the first time. I also had this in the back og my mind, but i doubt it, it would also be too cliche

    BL Freak March 21, 2024 1:12 am

    Exactly my thoughts too!

    J Unleashed March 22, 2024 8:11 pm

    I've been wondering the same thing. At first I thought they were talking about the foster father, because in Shin's own words ff did "run away" during the time Shin and Gren took off and went into hiding from their foster brother Henry(?), but Shin exactly says, "a certain guy ran away BEFORE us." Which means he isn't talking about Henry or the ff. so unless that was mistranslation, that's a weird tidbit to just throw out there for the readers.

    Also, Jake could've later been adopted by a family that was strict... so him talking about his family doesn't completely rule out that him being one of the foster kids. Still that would be a cliche-y coincidence

    PatrickStar March 23, 2024 6:44 pm

    I find this very plausible even with the mentions of his strict upbringing. If it does, I’m coming back to this comment haha.

    This is no shade to you or anyone but I hope it doesn’t come true. I think it’d be a more compelling story is Jake was just obsessed with Shin for Shin as he is in the present rather than the tired childhood friends trope. I wouldn’t be so mad to not read but I would be moderately disappointed. Maybe I’ll have to eat my own hat and the author will kill the landing but I’m so tired of that twist.

Yona6 March 8, 2024 10:21 pm

I'm so sure this monster still has the photos of Yeonwoo and is going to use them to create drama, it's obvious !
(It's not a spoiler, just a theory)

    Nuu March 8, 2024 10:30 pm

    Then a murder will occur

    Tomosen March 8, 2024 11:15 pm

    I feel like that would be just inconvenient and would ruin what the author built up till this point. So to say, it's pointless, there is no way this could get any more worse whilst having this really really hardly built structure and heavy atmosphere. There is difference between too much drama and just enough drama. A lot of authors tend to go too far. He(she?) made everything perfectly, gave a little of this, a little more of that, but he didn't turn this story into a powerpuff girl.

    G5l March 9, 2024 1:02 am

    I also have that theory but I don't think it's in a way that the whole school finds out if not the group of friends, since apart from Haseol it would be interesting to see the reaction of Nari and Jinwoo who also suffered bullying and harassment

Yona6 March 8, 2024 12:16 am

They managed to make their story one of the most popular currently even though 80% of the comments say they hate it. And myself included, I am so frustrated by the story, I am always thinking of dropping it but I also always come back to it !

I'm genuinely curious : how can you manage to create a story that frustrates EVERYONE and still make the readers come back to it every chapter ?
It's so strange !

Anyway, good luck Doc Dan, it seems like you are going to continue suffering for a while

    sinnamonroll March 8, 2024 3:20 am

    it is strange indeed. im questioning it myself too. we probably stay reading it still for the sake of Dan's justice?? maybe...

    NightmarishLand March 8, 2024 4:39 am

    Some people stay because they are curious how things turns out...

    U got e x p o s e d March 8, 2024 9:53 am
    Some people stay because they are curious how things turns out... NightmarishLand

    As you said!!!! Ive dropped this forever ago but sometimes in a while i read the last released chapter just to see how things r going and it’s only curiosity for Dan tbh. Otherwise it’s not like im expecting something, it’s really just checking on this and making fun of it because it’s been so bad since day 1.

    GucciVelvet˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ March 8, 2024 9:57 pm

    Rage bait. She’s REALLY good at rage bait. Which will get her money, but not much respect

Yona6 March 4, 2024 11:29 am

It almost feels like the true story the author wanted to tell isn't Ian's but Brian', and the first part was just a pretext honestly

Like I know they are technically the same person but it feels like by getting Brian's memory, Ian is just going to lose traits of his personality that I really liked

Ian has lived a different life than Brian, and it's quite sad that there is such focus on Brian because I found Ian much more interesting and complex as a character

But well, can't wait for the end of the flashbacks and the return to the main story to see how all this "reincarnation" thing happens

Yona6 February 20, 2024 4:16 pm

I just adore this story
Both Novel and webtoon are amazing

The novel is so good, it just takes your heart away. There is comedy, tragedy, action, love and even philosophy
But most of all, there is such an incredible main character, I just love Kim dokja so much
I won't spoil the ending, I know that some people didn't like it, but in my opinion it is perfection, I couldn't have imagine another one.

No really, I can't stop saying how amazing this story is, even more because we kinda ARE in the story. The story is about all of us readers, it's about how much a story can influence and change your life and make you remember it forever. I think many of us can understand the pain of watching an incredible story end, it just feels empty, we would almost wish it never ended at all

I also want to say that the webtoon in itself is incredible ! I can't imagine this story being adapted by anyone else other than the current artist. The art is so good and you know that the artist knows how to deliver this story in their own way, it's just great ! The scenes of action are particularly well made in my opinion, I can't wait for certains emotional moments to be adapted as well...

Anyway just a long message of love, to tell to everyone who hesitate about reading this story to read it, and if you have liked the webtoon, just try the novel if you can, it made me fall even deeper for the story

    AkumaKira February 20, 2024 4:54 pm

    My heart well up whenever ORV is done right in the webtoon; drawn with passion and admiration to the original source and embracing out-of-this-world imagination to visualize all those words and sentences into masterpiece ~

    Ahhh, tears.. (´;ω;`) I love ORV so much

    KanekiKen February 20, 2024 5:05 pm
    My heart well up whenever ORV is done right in the webtoon; drawn with passion and admiration to the original source and embracing out-of-this-world imagination to visualize all those words and sentences into m... AkumaKira

    Totally agree, its even better when u can feel ur heart aching when u read both manhwa n the novel UGHHH ITS SOOO GOODDD ┗( T﹏T )┛

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