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BumperSticker December 14, 2024 11:47 am

UGHHH GAY ASS NIGGA HE LOOKS SO GAYhe’s a twink now literally had to go back to chapter 1 to reminisce over his old look

    Haru December 14, 2024 1:41 pm

    Twink birth is a mysterious thing

BumperSticker July 6, 2024 5:46 am

He’s obviously mentally unwell and going through a lot i lowkey relate to him. I feel so bad for him since he basically doesn’t really have anyone fully there for him. Even the person he values most brings a deep sense of anxiety with him (Skylar) since Cirrus doesn’t have a true sense of self. Bro literally had a vulnerable moment with his child hood friend only for Chan-il to go yelling in his face or whatever like if you have a problem why don’t you go talk to your gf about it since you’re aware (probably) that Cirrus is going through something and acting differently. Like he literally saw his dad punching him square in the face on school property. Personally, I don’t think Chan-il is a bad person and it’s mostly that all the stuff about viewing himself as better than quiet kids is probably all in Cirrus’s head but even if Chan befriended Cirrus out of pity all that matters is that he’s been a good friend thus far. Cirrus is obviously just in a vulnerable place rn and Chan-il needs to understand that not everyone’s life is sunshine and rainbows. I hope his gf tells Chan what’s going on truthfully so that Cirrus can have a friend that actually sees him for him with all his flaws. But the people blaming Cirrus for not being straightforward are dumb af like imagine venting to your friend then getting accused a day later I wouldn’t respond directly either like WTH. But all in all I hope their friendship doesn’t end here. Cirrus def needs someone to lean on other than the Rein and Skylar. This story makes me so sad I hope nothing happened to Candy either cause Cirrus looks exhausted. Rooting for Cirrus :(!!

    Takabayashi July 6, 2024 5:46 am

    Ugh I love you <3

    WBoogie July 6, 2024 5:53 am


    pyong July 6, 2024 6:16 am

    what cirrus NEEDS is therapy so he stops dragging people into his mess

    The fool July 6, 2024 6:46 am
    what cirrus NEEDS is therapy so he stops dragging people into his mess pyong

    Ok. WHO should be the one providing him the help he needs with getting a therapist? Oh—that’s right…HIS DAMN DADDY. HIS FATHER. HIS SHITTY ASS POPS, BRUH. and WHO isn’t doing that/helping him make those steps???? THAT FUCK ASS DAD.

BumperSticker's questions ( All 25 )

BumperSticker June 18, 2024 5:31 am

Anyone have any genuinely good story recs I’m looking for something I can be invested in.

BumperSticker June 1, 2024 11:30 pm

Please recommend idc what genre I’m so bored of all these mediocre stories

BumperSticker's favorite ( All 12 )

good news only !! 07-04 23:51
Weight loss tips? 01-07 19:35
HAVE Y'ALL SEEN IT? 12-10 04:38
WHOEVER 11-24 21:20
rant abt anything 05-25 02:58

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IsimpforOrochimaru May 21, 2021 4:20 am

Ikr he’s so underrated

neji May 20, 2021 9:53 pm

your username

neji May 20, 2021 9:55 pm

bro it cut out my emoji’s

nvm i meant to say it’s epic. snake man doesn’t get enough appreciation

Code Geass is the best anime ever created.

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