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daija411 February 24, 2025 9:00 am

About damn time

daija411 September 7, 2024 7:03 pm

I’m tired of Matthew and Jen . like at first, I think their dynamic is so cute but honestly, I’m getting tired of Jen .. Matthew needs to leave go back to School think about his life and take a break from Jen .. Jen need to go to therapy and get help because it’s stressing me out more because knowing that Matthew literally is not thinking about his own life like if you think… how much Matthew lost prepared of what Jen .loss it doesn’t add up

….. No, I’m not only just blaming Jen because Matthew also was looking for him and enabling all that stuff you know but at the same time, Jen is older. Yes he’s not a functioning adult but at some point instead of getting back together with him, he should’ve pushed him away, completely ….Matthew life is going downhill. Like my man is not going to school anymore like . He’s been running with the wrong people. Everybody have this bad mindset about him. Everybody thinks he’s running around with drug dealers like what is going on. Matthew‘s life is spiraling like I just hope the Arthur, decides to let Matthew have a 3-5 years we are Jen and Matthew don’t see each other at all . and I really want to see Jen Chase after Matthew because like I’m tired of Matthew running after him and holding it down .. like I really want a moment like that and I know it’s probably not gonna be towards the very end where everything‘s get settled but at the same time we need relief like everything been so dramatic and so stressful lol as a reader is getting to the point where I’m gonna have to take a break because it’s just too much up pack here . And another thing and I’m not saying what Matthew did was right with drugging Jen because drugging anybody is not the right thing to do and is a double head sword because I feel like if he didn’t do that let’s be honest. He would’ve got killed a long time ago right this man is spiraling OK and Jenna is not a easy
person either ..(๑•ㅂ•)و✧

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•✹💈Sexy stuffs💈✹• 06-28 00:50

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