I feel aside from the mid ending and weird unconfirmed relationship thing, I also just didn't really like Hyobin. I mean it seemed like by the end he didn't really know anything about Gichan despite 10 years of friendship and he was just so immature throughout the story. I'm disappointed cause I was really looking forward to this one and the art style is so nice

Are there missing chapters or something? There are jumps in the story that have zero context and it makes it seem like I skipped chapters inbetween, but when I go back to check there aren't any. The jumps are strange and it's hard to understand the story, but the ending really carried this one for me since it was super adorable.

I am so freaking happy that I'm seeing other comments about the LITERAL BLACKMAIL/ RAPE that was taking place in the first chapters. That just didn't sit right with me, so I skipped a huge chunk.I skipped all the way to chapter 20 just to find what seemed to be a completely different character???? I know I missed a bunch of context about that, but I would rather not read about a rapist anyways :/ there is nothing that can redeem sexual assault in my eyes

It was pretty good, but at some point I was reading just to finish the story and not because I was interested. One of the tropes I really hate in bl is when there's a second love interest. I always end up liking the 2nd better than the main or hating the second and wishing they didn't add them to the story. I actually loved Minjin and felt so bad for him
T-T poor bb

I absolutely loved every second of this and I spent all day looking for it so I could re-read it. As much as this would have worked so well as bl, I think it's really important to show that friendships like this are ok! It ok to show you care deeply about someone in a nonsexual way! Also love the fact that a manga has main characters with disabilities. A MASTERPIECE <3 <3

I don't understand the hate for Nagizuka, he clearly liked him from the beginning he just wasn't the main character. In any other bl manga he would've tricked him into coming out and they would've ended up together and everyone would've rooted for them, so I don't get why he was made into such a "bad guy." Anyways I feel bad for him but this is such a good read otherwise!
I'm sorry, this flaming hot garbage can't even be taken seriously but at least they made it apparent that we're not supposed to like him and they weren't in love that's more than most do.