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hes so pretty

Lyre add 1 photos to Good art

aw ily wigrun cutie

Lyre add 1 photos to Good art

i can't she's too funny

Lyre add 1 photos to Good art

his face card is lethal

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liar. f this guy for not using protection btw. He's hot as hell tho, a shame

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weak ass FL. she's passive, doesn't rlly care, doesn't have a personality

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uhh tf.. no

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nana squared in love ong

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he's so fcking mean i remember this audio

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aw hachi being the spirit of the band i love

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i love them they r so cute

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hachi talking to nana? smthg bad is gonnna happen UGH

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shin's father hates him tf??

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?? they both want eachother lMAO what is this possessiveness

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hachi pls stay with him.. he's so good for u and empowers u