this is getting really tedious and trite, going over this whole folk song vs Hymns thing over and over and over, ugh ok yeah we get it... all the badguys/stuff that killed her family will magically disappear if they can manage not ot get folk songs outlawed... like wut? and was that a whole chapter only on "please wear this jewelry as thanks for the advice"? - I mean is it just me?
Why does he keep bugging Doo Joon about his crazy daughter? I mean she's got issues you need to deal with it, constantly asking to meet Doo Joon... for what? is he secretly hoping Doo Joon will be like "aw ok I'll take your daughter instead of this other person I love"? I mean if he's not hoping for that what is he constantly bugging him about?!?
"Why doesn't Navier accept graciously to be humiliated, have her name dragged in the mud, embarrassed and sit patiently at home and wait (tough she doesn't know she's waiting) with no clue on what's going to happen to her so that I can call her back in a year or two and have her marry me again like nothing happened? So selfish looking out for her own well-being!" -- I'd say it's unrealistic for a man to be this selfish and self centered... but I've known men (and women... though mostly men) of the human race
I'm sorry but a freak accident happened to sir RANDO? who could EVER have seen that coming!?!