bitch ass bird shit smelling Prarie roach disregarded version of refrigerator bubble gum machine incorporated with peanut headass delusional inbreed with a loss of insight lookin like you fucking evaded a cottage blaze while savoring motor oil. Mf ran out a fucking cognitive association go fuck yourself brutally fucking terror microwave like the size of your headass. Caveman 2.0 I could tell you were born where catastrophes would usually occur assembled like a staircase mismatched eyes lookin bitch forehead be misshapen expired milk smelling whore aimless airhead. On your parents happiest day they forgot you existed don't know what's sadder either you're crooked as your legs or your refinement sinking faster than a toilet fucking self-obsessed narcissistic bitch. Even a hound could disseminate with your cries inbreed with a loss of chromosomes mf got 5 stacks ahead of your own life
2020-10-09 22:43 marked
To that uke vampire