White haired purple eyed shin is such a blessing to the eyes
Well that last sentence basically sum upped their entire future. Awwe how considerate of the prince to warn us
They made me eat 12 grapes under the table. I better have a dohyun by the end of this yr
Dang ypu domt make him so funny and lovable and just tale him away.
Who drew it why does it look sick, the shape is okay but is his dick okay too?
man, they gotta get their act straight, brett is not happy youre not happy, no one is happy. Except us readers. Thats sum wild wild wild toxic sex thank you sm
Stop, im alr an emotional wreck, why do you torture me so. I better get an entire season of thwm being just inlove or im never gonna recover from everything.
What chapter or volume is the manga in novel?’ I got link for it so i wanted to read it now
have no idea whats going on but i dig these sinfully smexy angels.
i feel like thisll be how sn would look like in 3 more adaptations if they continue with that woke shit girlboss thing
My delusional mind was like omg theyre so romantic. I could practically see heart eyes forming in brett’s eyes as he ate the d like Christmas turkey
Id would gladly fight a wolfgang for him. Also id expect nothing than a school hooky quickie for this school date