The storyline is soooo simple but u have this sensation tht is dragging u to read it. It's not boring but really meaningful ,deep n adorable in a way. (it's hard to explain in words) tht's how I personally feel. It really captured how high school crush wld feel. Despite the fact it's simple but it's definitely leave a different after taste rather then the normal cliché storyline

OK fine, I have to admit I did judge it by the picture but in the beginning it was quite boring but OML it's soooooooo gooood NOW n HILARIOUS. Bless my eyes with a good manhwa tdy. (/ω\) what is this sense of accomplishment n satisfaction. I hope the both ML except for the crown price fall for her n SOMETHING FISHY IS DEFINITELY GOING ON WITH THE FL. Tsktsktsk, I can't wait for more updates. (ω ) ~♪

Let me just say nanhee and deokhoo is such a power couple. This is so good OMl, I can't even express how good it is through words I literally stayed up all night just to read this n it was WORTH IT! And finally a plot where actual marriage n child birth is involved. U don't get those often so I really appreciate it so much. This storyline has fulfilled all my requirements tht sld have when involve in marriage. The child was so adorable n loveable, my heart can't take it. I hope other author wld consider doing this type of plot even tho it's like super long but the satisfaction at the end is ╰(*´︶`*)╯

Honestly it was super good. Paloma sldnt have died but her ignorant father ,SMH. Yet again the author needed a good ending n I believe Paloma has reincarnated as the child of both adorable parents. Obvly , I did expect a wedding to be held since he was next in line to the throne and even if he didn't want tht he is still considered as royalty so it's abit sad they didn't have a grand ass wedding cz she deserves to feel special even tho she knows as goddess already but she was discriminated n most of her classmates were so 2 face. A simple life isn't bad either. It was truly a splendid ending I did say at least we got to see their baby . ヾ(≧▽≦*)o

It's about time this girl got some respect as their saint n ofc as a daughter. Honestly, when I was reading this half way I didn't want to continue n it felt so draggy but at the same time I was curious so I just read the entire chapters up till the latest one . Ngl I think It was really worth my time. Adorbs couple, when he regain his memories I was like yassssss boiii, protect her n love her. Clearly his doing a fantastic job. What a Tsundere family...... I am always excited to see their reactions. Can't wait for next update, cz this is just a warm up ; the real things bout to begin so sit back, relax n enjoy. (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
How can someone be sooo freaking stupid. Obvly she wld prefer a foreign tht treats her with respect instead of u tsktsktsk. When his not happy the only thing he knows how to say is “is that yr type? ” he probably no balls to fight back. I can't.... These type of people honestly ntg but trashh. God is fair, he has attractive feature but his intelligence is shit literally the brain inside his head is like for decoration or smtg.