I know I've made like a dozen of paragraphs-long comments here but I don't think I've ever talked about Mari's arc and I feel the need to write one because of the hate she's receiving from many platforms.
I believe kimiyoko handles the teacher-student relationship well unlike most mangas. Her attraction towards him is an extention of her struggles and coping with extreme anxiety. So the narrative question really isn't about the clichéd "will they-won't they student-relationship" but moreso on how will this feeling affect/help her with her struggles. I think the manga made it abundantly clear with the teacher already setting boundaries, and the constant reminders of his existing romantic relationship. (And honestly tho, I feel like unlike the other protagonists, she's already on the "moving on from her unrequited love" stage)
I understand that there are many readers who will find her attraction to be uncomfortable. I did too. But just to put things on perspective. She's a teenager with severe social anxiety and selective mutism. So I find it understable or in-character since those who struggle with it tend to easily form attachment towards people they find comfortable to be with. And that's exactly what the teacher provided her with: patience, a safe space, and an encouragement. And like Asagiri who has a newly-reignited desire to continue diving, her feelings motivated her to pursue the things she like (writing) and actually go out and form bonds with people.

I initially thought that this would go the murder mystery route with Merlin as the prime suspect but the fantasy and supernatural aspect is as engaging especially when more character history is revealed.
The main characters' relationship is quite a slowburn so you really have to indulge yourself to every bit of their moments. I love how their relationship is more similar to a buddy cop.
Also, I can't believe that the a-hole of a father tested the superstition on CHILDREN!! I'm intrigued on how the bus accident is connected with Mallory's death and Terry's questionable behavior. I assume the other kid got Terry's Dad's envelope while Lucky still had the Rich Guy's envelope but since she has insurmountable luck or maybe because Merlin protected her, the envelope didn't work which led to the Rich Guy having heart attack. Or maybe it was vice versa, that's why Merlin felt indebted to her even years later?
Terry clearly cares about Lucky even prior the accident. What I'm most certain is that the bus accident is an unfinished business. That would explain Terry's clinginess to Lucky, the file folders, , and his involvement with Mallory.

This was an incredibly frustrating read. The manga has every bit of opportunity to go on an interesting or subversive way, and yet missed it every single time.
Like okay, you have an immature "heroine" who just got a reality check that maybe life is more complicated than a shoujo manga. Will this mean it will deconstruct her perspective of the concept of protagonists and side characters? And of her seeing herself as "the heroine"? I guess they do kinda touched upon it, but the way the subsequent arcs just have all the other characters revolved around her and her relationships undermined the message I think they were trying to portray in the first chapters.
A more interesting story will explore the toxic codependent relationship that she and her childhood friend have with each other. It will have them realize and acknowledge that they tie each other down to the point that it's suffocating and a hindrance to their self-growth.
This is why I think having Nakajima and ML be closer is a missed opportunity. This is not to say to actually have them end up with each other, but we get to see other sides of ML when he's with her. And we also see little bits of growth of Nakajima besides her usual detached self. They are opposites of each other that can help each other grow. She's decisive and stoic that the wishy-washy ML can learn from, while he has demonstrated that he can break her cold persona which she can benefit from. But instead what was that arc for again? Was it to incite jealousy again?
Adachi's writing especially on the latter part of the story just reeks off misogyny. FL referring to her as "b*tch," when between the two of you, she's not the one who has stolen someone else's boyfriend??? Her becoming more s'xually liberated is demonized, and most especially, her motivation for turning a 180 is a man......
I guess this is one of the main problems that I have with this manga. The main characters judge the other characters for something that they should be guilty of. The ML being judgmental of Hiromitsu for maybe toying with FL's feelings and FL and her views of the women around the two guys...
With the side characters being far more interesting, I guess I do wish that the MCs no longer be the heroes of this story.

Both ml and fl dont know how to respect other people's boundaries so i guess they do suit each other.
I stayed for Nakajima(???) and that white-haired guy. His development is probably my fave part of the series though I only read until ch 32 and stopped because I read some spoilers... yea I don't think it's worth my time finishing it.
I thought I'll grow fond of the third yr student character but i guess the author just can't help but involve them with all the shenanigans. Had this been publish more recently I would complain more regarding the absence or more accurately, the near-impossibility of the concept of platonic relationships between opposite genders, but since this was written more than a decade ago, I'll just let it go.
Also, not a fan of how the author wrote adachi(???) on the later parts of the series. It's so......... off-putting.

It makes perfect sense for Asagiri to take the longest to realize and admit his feelings (due to his trauma) while also being the first one to be direct about it. It's really ironic how Asagiri, who didn't want to make decisions that cause big waves, is the first one to riskily take that big plunge. I guess, that's just what you'd expect from a diving champion. Though, if we go back to the first chapter, his action was the trigger that led to these events. If he didn't forcefully invite Ootani and himself to join Mari and Hikari during lunch, maybe Hikari might not have any meaningful interactions with Ootani and subsequently fall for him; if he hadn't, Mari wouldn't run off to the staff room; and of course, Ootani wouldn't get to interact with Mari. Heck, the friend group might not exist if not for that one lunch day.
(I have many things to say especially about Hikari and Asagiri's individual arcs and relationship, but I have to stop for now, I'm afraid this would get even longer. I need to learn restraint. HELP)
I really don't get why she has all these men falling for her.
The top 3 most attractive men she listed all fell for her