laikhatakowowowowowow created a topic of Be My Bottom

no forcing, just open communication and actually verbal consent love it sm plus bigger bottom, and as a boss he really is just kind


the girl disappearing??? am i missing smth like shouldn't they be onto the club's managers and like cctv or smth poor mc if he really is just an innocent guy tryna make a living

fuck yea if this is how they'll solve their issues then i dont mind them tgt. but istg these authors and pitting women against each other ☠☠☠

sure not all relationships are like this but they seemed happy lmao I'd say that's better than most


of regretting your decision in the past , it's an extreme one for sure but it's real, though i would like to argue, first of all it's never too late, in this case this applies for yachiyo, secondly, letting go is a process, while yes always remembering about the good past or the bad past is okay, inevitably you have to move forward. this can apply both to yachiyo and mc. lastly, a good partner, listener and everything else is DAMN hard to find so if in the cases that you did find them, pls treasure them , this applies to mc and kiyoto's relationship, idk if they're officially dating happily in the most recent timeline, but they sure as hell look happy, and my thing is, if a couple is happily together, i hope that if the relationship must end, it'll end with peace too , no cheating arc, no backstabbing, none of that. just basic simple break up

girl this is bad for the both of you man like what the fuck is this situation?? don't kid with me right now, aside from the emotions, WHY IS A CIA AGENT ACTING LIKE THIS and HOW COME A PERSON AS IMPORTANT AS LINUS IS JUST WANDERING AROUND WITH LITTLE TO NO FAMILY GUARDS

man i hate when authors tries to justify shitty behavior with "i just love you, idk how to love you but i do" SUCH A TIRING TROPE BROOOOO LIKE STOPPPP if you want to make a story abt a manipulative fucker that doesn't know how to love fucking up again and again but is trying to do better, WRITE THAT. like SHOW THAT IT'S CREEPY AND WEIRD. why are you trying to portray the bad actions with emphatically??? why are you trying to make this as a "sweet" behavior suddenly??? you did understand that a story must be a continuous thing to be a story right??? why the fuck is your story so fucking disjointed? it's like he never did anything bad

all his yap made me so fucking angry y'all

ik people deal with shit differently but fuck no. i was a neglected child, and while my parents didn't left me in FUCKING DEBTS, I know damn well i ain't giving them a second chance as big as sohan is doing rn, esp not if they fucking abandoned me WHEN I WAS IN HIGHSCHOOL???? SOHAN ??. WHAT THE FUCK DUDE. DON'T TRUST THIS GUY. YOU'VE BEEN KNEW THIS.

the authors decided to make mc more manly than his early concepts, having an couple that's both very manly is a unique thing this manhwa got right

man i like to read them honestly but everytime i reread i felt so bad for okumura like damn he's never had a real experience with loving someone his whole life and his first actual try at love is with a guy that can't get hard if he consents, and that's so sad, the way okumura kept thinking abt how he's going to "lose his use" if karasawa got over his fetish is so sad like ik ik it did get resolved kinda but damn that's just so sad to me

also if anyone hate okumura pls just fuck off and don't comment to me, like idkwhy you hating, sure his mouth a bit foul but he's okay lmao, he respects boundaries, and when is he is playing around he always makes sure everyone else understands that like i think that's fine for his life


great art, great setup but whil yes the translation also fucked with my reading experience, the characters utter lack of motivation whatsoever is also very.... how can i say, distracting, like why even bother in a shounen genre if you have no drive? maybe better off being labeled as a slice of life or even just plain comedy , no action and no shounen, not much anyway

laikhatakowowowowowow created a topic of Arthur

man is IT just me bc i feel so troubled with the lack of safe word and Arthur is literally just crying yall

while yes what mc did (lying to his amnesiac friend) is shitty, nothing abt what they did was non consensual, everything was done by parties that do actively want to partake in the actions , and yes you could say it was kinda unjust, but nonetheless everytime they did it, the amnesiac guy knows what he's doing , so if he was actually faking it , it's very sad for mc bc yk, yea you did lie abt stuff being romantic, but he never forced anything to happen, in fact it was the opposite, so the only one with so much to lose is mc