But man fuck this author. Imagine feeling all that shit and feeling crappy abt yourself bc you doubted your lovers, then when all came crashing down it all was spun to make it as if you're the one who caused this bc you don't communicate but it was actually your partner's faults. Fuck the guys bro MC should rethink all this and get out of this mess

Buff dudes fucks other buff dudes


I'm so disturbed by tako calling him dada and molesting him if it weren't for that parent-child portrayal it's actually good

What's with people hating the train scene yall should hate it for the quite unconsensual part at the end when zhenya fucks the girl pillowed by taekjoo (which he didn't consent to) , but not hating it for them fucking the girl yall realise they were straight right? And the scene starts out consensual too.
Like that's the whole plot(in terms of sexuality) , it's straight guys finding out more about their interests and figuring out their sexual interests in the same sex, hence making them bisexual not all BL have to only show gay guys. The scene was important because it marks the first time taekjoo and zhenya sees each other in a sexual light. people hating the novel's plot when it's the unconsensual part is valid, but it's so obvious a bunch of yall just can't handle that bisexuality is a thing and it's normal

Also spoiler,

From here on out yall are gonna see ALOT and I mean a lot of rape (like if things go according to the novel) a bunch explicit, and a bunch implied. It's going to take awhile for the plot to move and for the sexual interaction between zhenya and taekjoo actually becomes consensual, and even longer for them to be actually romantically involved. It has like a sweet ending actually despite all the rape and assault and shit,
So if you really don't like that kinda stuff, do stop reading, it can be triggering


Biathon ik you don't know if our girl is an enemy or not yet but you better lower that sword my girl has gone through so much

smh imagine being in a relationship for 5yrs, not counting the years you've known each other as friends, and STILL not understanding than prolonged secrets kept from another can cause big misunderstandings.
I really want the MLs to be jealous this time round

I like it but it's so bland lmao, Idk I don't feel nothing for no one in this story, love the light plot overall tho

My brain is just auto translating at this point tbh

When did they date?? Why did mc said he's breaking up with kujou? They dated??? Am I tripping yall

Finally no more of the "I'm trying to keep the peace" MLs

At first and even now, although yuma is definitely a victim too here, ffs bro is so fucking infuriating, like " the omega demands it" /"you betas have it so easy" /"I'm the one who's disgusted here"
Bro you are not the victim when raping another regardless of on ichita's commands or not, esp the earlier chapter where he's the one that initiated the first assault to yuma in the first place. Like that alpha is definitely more of a perpetrator than a victim and I will die on this hill.
Ichita is fucked up for sure, but he was genuinely being a normal ass highschooler with yuma most of the scenes when he's not in heat. Like fuck.
Legit although the author is trying to say oh this alpha is under the omega's control, he's not that bad, nah. He is.

You need to understand shit is deeper than you think bros making trouble for mc now smh like I love you and your dedication but damn man you brothers need to talk before going into action