if you love someone you wouldn't dirty their name to others just to keep them by your side, if you truly love them, you won't put them in harm's way, physically and mentally. nishi is actively choosing to fuck up sakaki's life and that's a parasitic behaviour if I've ever seen one. if this was irl the only right thing to do is to cut him off and heal
I'm so tired. haru instead of over analysing and then assuming what your hyung wants from you, why not just fucking come clean.
like sure apparently haru's behaviour is bc he's been analysing hyung for a long time and uses that as his crux of how to behave, but wtf was that first chapter? you keep lying through your teeth and even when confronted that it was apparently your anniversary (regardless of if it was true or not,) you didn't think to comfort your partner who's clearly in distress that the anniversary ended like that? the partner you claim to completely understand and can analyse???
and after your partner out of nowhere asked for a breakup (in haru's pov), WHAT ARE YOU DOING TRYING TO GET THEM TO STAY IN THE HOUSE STILL WITH A POWERPOINT PRESENTATION INSTEAD OF EXPLAINING YOUR POINT OF VIEW OF HOW SUDDEN THE BREAKUP WAS. if in haru's eyes, the breakup was too random and sudden, why not say it? why not explain yourself. OBVLY YOUR PARTNER WAS STRUGGLING WITH THE BREAK UP, YOU CLAIM YOU UNDERSTOOD HIM, WHY ARE YOU UNABLE TO SEE THAT HE'S HURTING? for hyung, i get that he does the things he does, from his pov, haru's so cold and utterly emotionless abt the break up, like he looks like he doesn't even care. why would you stay if that was the case? in haru's pov, hyung looks absolutely crushed, he's been crying and he doesn't hide it, he's been trying his best to avoid haru, ect ect. the misunderstanding is so stupid
yea ig what's ml's feeling is valid too plus considering his trauma and all that but holy shit it must've been fucking EXHAUSTING to be mc. everyone's putting their emotional baggage onto you while you yourself CANT even fucking understand emotions. like that's tiring asf. I'm so tired reading everyone in this story completely disregarding what mc's feeling just bc he can't and do not know how to show it. he's been dealing with everyone's issues and he's stuck solving his own issues himself bc ml and others are already so caught up in their own shit. but still, this relationship was nvr stable nor equal cus ml still haven't been trying to understand mc like at all. it's pretty obv he has problems with understanding "normal people" (neurotypicals) 's social cues and morals, but no one made an effort to know why he's the way he is. and i think STILL TO THIS DAY, after reading the raws months ago, that mc deserves better. sure ml has his rights to be feeling what he is feeling but man what kinda main character syndrome ahh dialogue and monologue, "everyone always approaches me with secret intentions", pooks, that's literally how human relationships works, you ain't that special or rare but oh well. it's like watching a 12y/o discover school drama
not the comments defending the ml.
"oh ofc he's like that, ml was lied to and had a bad impression of mc :("
"why are people mad??? ml deserves to get mad at mc bc this and that"
He's so into him it's insane may their greenflag relationship influences more author to write more healthy and cute couples like this
Hopefully behind the scenes after this story they genuinely came to like each other, not for the money from mc's part and not just for the sexual stuff from the ml's part
Like yall can't think far ahead or what??? Is EVERY ONE in this story that short-sighted.
Like she, mc have ALOT of information from her regression that coulda been used so much more efficiently yet bro just chooses to sit idly by and let shit happen for not at all impressive climaxes and the illusion that a lot of things are at stake when actually it could been resolved so much easier if she acted differently. It's like watching someone who clearly doesn't know how to play chess fumble their shit yet refuses to stop running their mouth. She acted like she's trying her best when it's really not hard to see that she's failing to do so.
Zaina, also extremely stupid and wayy too emotional for her own good. Her stupidity became her own demise and despite all that, she was the stupidest of them all cus you're telling me she got all that opportunity to get out of the slums and she wasted it all like this? Over literally unfounded hatred and jealousy???
The brother, also extremely stupid and fucking weird cus yk your sister been saying a buncha stuff to ENSURE you're wary of this one specific girl but bc she "reminded you of your mother" () you proceeded to trust her anyways??? YOU'RE PISSING ME OFF CUS WTF BRO YOU'RE NOT "NAIVE" YOU'RE STUPID.
The dad of these siblings literally not doing a better job at protecting the family heirloom cus wdym you got the powerful ass stone that YK the mage have been suspiciously aiming for and you got no protection over them WHATSOEVER. that's stupid.
Literally everyone pissed me off this this story. Waste of great artstyle oml.
And oml rachel coulda been so much happier if alicia can confess to her (which i still think her love towards rachel is obv) but nonetheless if rachel is to marry a dude, it's definitely so much better to pick brian. Cus you can't be an incestuous freak AND immature, noah. PICK A STRUGGLE.
No effort to even TRY to match the novel or the manhwa.
and i genuinely believe it's for cashgrabs cus all the non readers who likes kpop and kdrama (no shade i like them too" but all of them been hyping the live action up although it's been REPEATEDLY agrued that it doesn't even make justice to the literal first chapter of the novel. Like that's insane, not even a tiny weeny change that maybe to cut cost, but literally story altering change. Truly i hate the greedy industry. If you can't make it true to the source, don't call it live action or and adaptation. Call it for what it is, another copycat trial and error cashgrab.
What happened to the real bro? We can assume real parents are probably still doing research or even in on a secret organisation whatever but what happy to the real big bro? He seemed to genuinely care abt ilrok to just leave him there
Bc the cover reminded me of yjh from orv HAHAHAHAHA and the comments be fighting each other
I genuinely hated that such good art are gonna be wasted on a pretty stupid story like sorry not sorry from the spoiler alone i genuinely see this becoming an especially frustrating story
This black haired mf i hope he fall down a drain and die
Is this rational? No? Yea so idc. Hate him bc ik he's endgame from the vibes rn.
And the fact that this shit ain't a big famous story that i can just search up for alternate ending fanfics of in ao3 is devastating