This is what I wanted from all the other Stockholm romances like Killing Stalking, Warehouse, etc. The creator knows how to balance it so you're still comfy with the situation and not screaming for the other love interest to come save him (or for the MC to save himself). Messed up AND cute, very good.

The next five chapters are already out in Korean, but Lezhin's made no move to translate even the free season epilogue. I wonder if they're waiting so they'll have a bit of an episode buffer if there's a hiatus? Or maybe it's because it's selling so poorly in English.

Sure, they're here: https://www.lezhin.com/ko/comic/honest
You'll probably have to buy the coins on the English site, though, unless you have American Express.

You're right, I think I had them mixed up with TappyToon. There *are* some comics you can't buy on the app, though. (Supposedly the R-18 content, but it's all BL and some of it's PG-13, because Apple is a bunch of homophobic jerks.) The list is below, but Truth or Dare should be fine.
A Guy Like You
At the End of the Road
The Wilting Light
How to Hate Mate
Jazz for Two
Out of Control
Hotel Phryne
30 Days with You

There are official English translations on Lezhin and Netcomics! Personally, I'd recommend buying it on Netcomics because they were responsible for the original translation, are much smaller than Lezhin, and don't have Lezhin's sketchy reputation for taking advantage of creators: https://www.netcomics.com/comic/princebari
Netcomics also has a set of side stories that aren't available anywhere else yet. (≧∀≦)

They're sold separately here! https://www.netcomics.com/comic/princebarisidestories

I knew I'd love this because I enjoyed Eunsoo so much, but this might be even better (mainly because the characters are more sympathetic). After he killed the first Hyunjin, I was a little worried that Doyoung was going to be yandere and end up killing the real one as his mental state deteriorated.
This is the opposite—he's almost being too careful. If I were in his shoes, I'd have already gotten rid of the white-haired hyung.
Taku's pout when his phone rang was pretty cute.