I had started reading this manhwa when it first came out but I dropped it because it was boring me.
I forced myself to complete this now that it was finished and I must say it was 2.5 for me.
1. FL is always winning.
2. I still hate the dad. He was irresponsible one and also he is responsible for his first wife's death. Bro didn't even bother, even in this timeline we can't see him paying attention to his son.
3. Grandpa deserved a more grief, he was sent off to peaceful. I still didn't like how FL tried to ignore what her grandpa did.
4. The romance was so out of nowhere. I didn't get the whole thing, couldn't feel it either.
5. Can't believe so many demon lords couldn't control one demon lord.
6. For once the royal family was not total crap and major biased from the goddess towards humans.

But I googled on how long china was united for a first time and it's shows only 7 years max.
Since then I find it hard to root for these guys especially with all the wars and death.
If I am wrong please correct me so I can read this again....

In my opinion, Kingdom is more about characters and what they do to accomplish their own ambitions (sometimes in line with their countries hopes, sometimes they can't care less lmao) while constantly being in war. The characters, 'good' or 'bad', are the main reason people like me keeps following the story, even when we have "spoilers" from the very begining due to actual historical facts hahahaha.
You are not exactly expected to root for the success of the main guys, or even for the inevitable unification, you are supposed to witness what the people behind these countries in conflict are going to do and how, which is why this manga also focuses a lot in strategy and warfare tactics. If you read Kingdom and you enjoy as it is, you may end up rooting for the characters you like as individuals with their own hopes and ambitions, not as part of their respective countries.

This manga is like Romance of Three Kingdoms (RoTK). There are dramas and something that are not entirely accurate to the history. It's for the author's discretion.
Just like in RoTK where Liu Bei is portrait as the main hero, wise and benevolent, but in history, Cao Cao was the main 'hero'. He was a brilliant statesman, general and leader.
Can someone recommend me mahwas were the groveling by ML is satisfying.
I don't think I am gonna see it here according to the comments
try "the only love i know" it's not really historical manhwa but there is groveling
Try BETWEEN SEASON you will really love it ....the guy begged on his knees while crying