to anyone that read this till the end, how's the outcome?
i stopped reading this last year because of the shitty seme who continuously raped and blackmailed the uke :v

(MAJOR spoilers)
Kang Junho decides he's in love with Lee Kang before any kind of redemption of Lee Kang's character, Jihoon (blond guy) is kidnapped by the chairman again despite the fact that Jihoon is in his prime and the chairman is an old man with twiggy arms (at least Jihoon avoids getting permanently damaged a 2nd time), Junho's orange-hair baseball club friend is apparently in love with the TA (who doesn't love him back), it turns out the chairman arranged for Lee Kang's parents to be killed in the car crash (with no explanation of how) because he was in unrequited love with Lee Kang's mother, and the characters finally remembered that the police are a thing that exists in the world and the chairman is arrested at the end.
owemji the *kiss* (つ✧ω✧)つ