Omg I see so many comments talking about how this manga "romanticises" incest and pedophilia.
Stop pushing western standards of media onto asian media!!!! They write about those taboo topics because BEING GAY IN THEIR SOCIETIES IS ALREADY CONSIDERED TABOO. This story was written by a GAY JAPANESE MAN, try read this with an open minded attempt to listen and understand his works and his experiences.
Some aspects of the story are exaggerated, but that is only to emphasise the emotions and situations. There were some parts that were lacking, but it shouldn't be called shit and disgusting because people aren't able to digest more serious and darker topics.
Don't give this manga shit because it's not pure and holy. Not every queer story has to only contain the good in a relationship, there is good and bad in all ways of life. LGBTQ+ stories can and should be allowed to address these taboo topics.
This story was beautiful and heart breaking, and was able to convey so much emotion. I'm not saying this is perfect but it isn't as horrible as many of you are saying it is.

yeah truu u know incest not allowed too in my country (im asian too) even tho not allowed but theres no one who throw hate, like when i and my friend read incest, we enjoy the stories so much and no one judge we because we read incest and like when i heard from my sis she have a friends who do incest, i just like 'woahh' like i just shocked but that not my business anyway and thats not my place to judge her friends and my sis and her gang not judge her friends too.. or when there is celeb twin in my country that leaked their twincest sex videos, and goes viral, people from my country not throw hate or make a big fuss about that..
i just dont know why western people hate that genre so much, like Incest actually happen too in real life in this society, so what's wrong with the writer who make a topic about something that happen irl? and what wrong with the writer who makes story about incest? they said Incest is wrong, So write incest or read that also wrong? like Killing people is wrong. so make stories about killers reading or watching something about killers is wrong? not right? idk double standard everywhere it seems

I understand the frustration when people look at this from only a western perspective, but I don't thinks it devalues their opinions on certain topics.
People can write about problematic relationships, that's not really my problem with this story. My problem is the fact that out of the two gay relationships in the story, two of the them were pedophilic.
This is a story that is trying too show that gay people are just regular people, so why isn't there even one example of a healthy, non-predatory same sex relationship (no matter the place or the culture a grown adult dating a teenager is predatory).
When gay people are already stereo-typed as pedos, I thinks it's alright for people to be a little mad at the fact that this manga only kind of pushes this notion.
Also you say that this manga doesn't Romanizes Pedos and Incest, but I kind of disagree. Never once in the story does it say that these relationships are really harmful or toxic. THE MC'S BOYFRIEND LITERALLY PRESSURES HIM TO HAVE SEX WITHOUT A CONDOM, AND HE IS NEVER CALLED OUT ON IT. All around the world these types of relationships have cause trauma, not just in the West so this is not just a cultural thing. I would say that this is normalization of Pedos and Incest in the LGBTQ+ community if I have ever seen it.

I can see your point here, it's true that this manga does involve such topics without showing any retribution. I wish that there was some type of punishment, and that it wasn't all one big happy ending.
However, this manga does show the percpective from a gay japanese man (the creator), and his opinions and stories shouldn't be disregarded because it contains such topics. Instead of trying to justify the story or topics, what should instead be focued more on is how if a LGBTQ+ story contains darker themes, it can often be ignored or "cancelled".
Despite me saying this, your points do show me how the relationships are romanticised through not giving proper consequences to the adults in the manga who do these crimes. Even so, there is valuable messages and meaning in this manga, as it is more focused around showing whats inside the mind of someone who is hurting.
I hope people are able to read through the story and empathise with the main character as he shows his point of view. This manga really opens up about such meaningful discussions, about the good and the bad. I loved how it showed that life does get better, even though it might seem that its not worth going on.
omg its so frustrating , it felt like the person giving advice to haji was just projecting his insecurities onto haji , like if your giving advice or upset don't prpject it onto someone else!!!!!!!?!??!?