FLs' code of romantic interests (this should apply to most stories): Oblivious to the hot love interests' love when it's so obvious (except for the hot ML) and only learn about their love when it's not so obvious anymore / 20-50 chapters later. Then when they learn about the love interests' love they're either like ewww, wtf, can't pick shit, or screw the ML let's get married.
MLs' code of romantic interests (this should apply to most stories): Switching between women like it's nothing, also can't pick shit, are actually more retarded than their FL counterparts in noticing love, or just love all the women (harem/dumb logic but it's a fake story anyway)
Readers: I don't care who just get married already.
He seems so arrogant that it's annoying. Stella wasn't even that much of a bitch when she was introduced and mc was like u rude fuck. Her response to that is kind of expected even tho she's also fucking annoying.
I know what you mean... but...
1 we don't know what happened after their (Dana and the other guy,his aide i think) deaths...
2 Stella and Edgar were the reason Dana died. It was their love triangle that caused it. And he clearly wants distance from them.
Lastly... no matter how nice she is the fact is that she fell for a taken man and got it on with him even tho she was "friends" with his fiancé. Yes he fell for her too and Dana accepted it. If she had at least the decency to refuse him instead of being chummy under the pretense of friendship I'd be ok with her.
So... I'd probably be rude af towards them too in his place...
Oh well I guess we'll all just have to see what happens in the next chapters and learn the ML's backstory and stuff
Yeah his attitude seems extra asf now but once you know spoilers, his behavior is totally justified