My dude, I've never been happier. Am I a psychopath for liking the fact that they killed those fake ass people? Hell yeah, but screw you if you think I'm nuts lol.
But honestly, it's kinda refreshing to see an ending like this. Plus the ending fan theories that will show up afterwards. Like "what could the ending message to the MC's friend meant?" Or " What's the significance of the their powers and the Black Room?" .
I would LOVE a sequel of this. I can't get enough !

Those who are complaining about licence and whatnot. You do realize that you are on a ILLEGAL manga site, right? Let us have nice things. Some of us can't afford to buy the chapters due to us being students or just not having the money in general.
But to the uploader, thank you for all that you did for us. Those of us that didn't bitch and whine, are truly thankful for you doing what you do. Personally, I can't afford to buy the chapters due to medical, utilities and other expenses, but it was nice while it lasted. Hopefully in the future I'll read the rest.
And again to the people who complained...... Go fuck your selves, you whiny a-holes.
Good night.

I hope Pinky and Blondie end up together. Why you ask? Cuz I'm sick of the stereotype of a tall masculine guy with a small cute looking guy. It's an old fad.
It would be a breath of fresh air to see to cute looking guys together and then have the two taller guys together.
Not that the other way is bad, but I hate that they tease this as something that it might not be. I just hope that this would be a cutie x cutie BL.
If you hate me cuz of it, then fine. But we all need a change in pace. Thank you to the uploader tho!

Giving to the name of the manga, the "Love" in this story is more tragic than you can see.
One is in love with his Omega cousin, which in the eyes of society, is bad as it is.
Another doesn't wish to proceed further with the thoughts of love (with his time being bullied and slandered for being an Omega).
And finally, the last one. This one is a turning point. He's in love with an Alpha, and being one himself, he couldn't get what he wanted. Plus the fact that, the one his in love with already loves someone (someone who is capable of giving him a family so to speak), was the final nail in the coffin.
Now, the desperate Alpha took it upon himself to use the Omega to further ruin everything else.
The Omega, in his mind, believe that if he went with it, not only would he have a mate, but also no longer be chased by his cousin.
Now, to give my feelings. When I saw the blood dripping off his knuckles, I was hoping he killed the sick fecker. I sure as help would.
Overall, if this is indeed the end of the story, then they author did something different.
Most manga that follows this genre, has the Alpha and Omega fall in love, or in the case of some lucky threesomes, they all work is out and are all together. But in this case, no one is happy.
No one has a happy ending.
Goes to show that, not all stories of this type, is always going to have a happy ending for the main character. Just pain, and regret later on.
But tho I hope this not the end, at the same time.... It's sad that I think it's better off original. But I wished it was happier. Like the Omega finds away to be with the cousin, or he just meets another guy and finally falls in love. And the cousin could hopefully find another guy he could be happy with.
Idk about the last guy, but he was just hurt and made DUMB choices .
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