Heesoo did worst thing too.. remember what he did to byul's mom? What he did is far from worst his planning something worst too... his not that clean to act that why... what chowon did is wrong but now that we know why he did those coz of the mental illness he have. But atlest now he know what he did and say his sorry did heesoo ask forgiveness to hye_song? I started to hate him now just let chowon to be happy atlest...
Heesoo basically responded to chowon telling him to do what he himself did. Chowon actually wants to apologize because he now fully recognizes the mistake, but Heesoo isn't nice enough to let something go. Heesoo does have a bitchy side that is stubborn and selfish, which is why he is able to impose his will on others. The first time it hugely happened was with Byul's mom because there was so much miscommunication that all Heesoo saw was the bad side to the relationship between Byul's parents. It got to the point where he wanted things to go the way he wanted and heavily harmed byul's mom because at the end of the day, Heesoo couldn't fully grasp the situation from the miscommunication. Then he didn't apologize, but he did feel bad and I think got wasted at some point from it, and moved on. He himself won't forgive chowon no matter what so he's just being a bitch back and basically being like 'then grow up, regret it, and move on like people do' <which is not fully right because it is still better to outwardly apologize on top of doing this, which Heesoo failed to do because of his pride. Their basic characteristics are that Heesoo cares too much about loved ones to a fault and chowon is spoiled to a fault. Chowon is finally starting to move past his issues and holding himself accountable. Heesoo will never understand that it is okay to be vulnerable and literally apologize. He's too prideful.
Chowon is like a brat after all he use to have what he want plus the mental illness i dont like him at first but heesoo is not an innocent either. He planned to live hey_song in foreign countrie remember that? He even borrow some money to buy the plane ticket just bcoz he think hey_song is not perfect for his master
Doumeki just forget him already i really wish you could find someone who will cherish your love your sacrifices and not some spoiled brat who can't accept his own feeling like a coward
Yashiro left Doumeki in order to protect him. Doumeki's the one who wasted Yashiro's sacrifice by staying in the Yakuza. Yashiro wanted Doumeki to be safe and free, and was willing to stifle his own feelings just to protect Doumeki. That's hardly the action of a 'spoiled brat'.