Let the children be queer! Nobody is preforming surgery on a child at that young of an age, you got baited. There’s nothing to perform surgery on for a child’s body, they literally haven’t developed anything besides a since of self.
Tbh I think most of the popular BLs rn are too overrated and too hyped up compared to their actual contents, most of them are either too simple, too dramatic, too stretched, some have too much rape-y scenes yet the readers ignore it because the uke seemed to ‘like’ it and sometimes ppl just keep on reading them because of an attachment to a cer......
essentially your argument is that ONLY GAY PEOPLE CAN READ AND /OR WATCH GAY BOOKS OR MANGA OR GAY FILMS BECAUSE WHEN STRAIGHT PEOPLE DO IT IS IS FETISHIZING. I have heard your argument and that is your opinion but stop putting labels on people like that, not everyone who reads bl is like what you described, that is all, I have a fucking headache f......
Wow what a post. (I am sorry this is very long, but I wanted to clearly explain my point of view because your post was loaded . There was a lot to unpack) Alright, I want to give you my (contrasting) opinion. Let me start by saying that you can think what you want, as you said, you have every right to do so whether you’re a mlm or not, like eve......
Omegaverse is just sexist. Basically, alphas are males and omegas are females. The girl got just deleted for a man 'cause fujoushis want to read a hetero-like relationship (so they can identify with the "bottom" character), but with two guys. I means, if you're searching for a relationship between a powerful and masculine person, the "strongest......
As a queer person and rape victim, it really doesn't surprise me how often rape shows up in yaoi. I've been reading it for years now and it still disgusts me. People like to justify their fetishes by distancing themselves from it. It's "fiction". I see a lot of so-called psychologists in the comment section. I'm in university for psychology as well......
Honestly try reading "A Man Like You" I really liked it at first, and I thought that the series was really good.. Until the pace started slowing down drastically. Unnecessary side stories and the main character constantly falling for things like the stereotypical "catching their boyfriend kissing another person but it's actually the other person's ......
Everything about your post made me giggle like an idiot for 2-3 minutes. I just loved your innocence about the whole thing. You seem like a very nice person with a very legit concern for your friends and also tons of curiosity. Hello, gay male here. All the previous answers are rather sweet and open minded. Truthfully, I can't answer your question......
I will accept this interesting challenge (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ I am warning you in advance, but my answer will probably be REALLY long (I tend to ramble when I recommend stuff I love to other people) If anybody has read any of the mangas I recommend and disagree with my choices, feel free to post a comment about it Σ(  ̄□ ̄||) These are ......

Would you date yourself?