If there are multiple characters featured in the cover of it(esp romance based), I want them to look at each other. If one of them is looking at the reader (me) while interacting with the other throws me off for some reason. I get it for the gaze and all but I don't want any part in their story at all. Like I want them to be fully immersed in each ...... 1 reply
Idk poems but here are lyrics that do resonate-
1. "If I can't hold you like a lover, I won't hold you at all"
2. "There'll be no funeral for a boy that no one ever knew"
3. "Nathan keeps me on the run, begging him to stay
Nathan holds me to his chest, begging me to stay" 1 reply
I know this has been asked before but I'm genuinely curious, suppose if two people A and B are 12 and 15 when they start dating and they've been dating throughout their adolescence. B will experience high school and college first and they mature faster obviously and i feel like this time period is very fast paced everything changes a lot in a short period of time. do you think it's okay for B to continue dating A when B reaches adulthood? like when B is 19 or 20?
For me, Korean authors really need to cut down on the timeskips and "oh they knew each other all along from childhood, they're meant to be". Like it takes away from the relationship they build in current time. Turns me off so much I crash out whenever i see these two.