why is everyone ovulating???
the cycle repeats itself
from 1-10 how slow is the slow burn
8 but when it’s starts, it’s fast (⌒▽⌒)
I'd say around a 6 or 7? It helps that one of the two is somewhat proactive lol
damn i should’ve let this marinate now can’t binge read
so have they… it’s been a while
I genuinely don’t see him getting better idc even if this kid a dark lore background i don’t see the redemption arc being satisfying
i feel like dan will forgive him after only a few chapters... because i dont think the author will drag out the redemption arc, even though i'd REALLY be interested to see how desperate jaekyung can become
does anyone have recs similar to this one?
another trashy seme
why is everyone ovulating???