I don't get it Sasuke didn't even kiss Sakura and how are they even get sarada dammnn... I wish for more of Sasuke and Sakura story .Even Sakura deserved more Lou..damn Sasuke ヽ(`Д´)ノ
Sasuke has never been kind to Sakura. I swear to god he gets off on letting her down when she gets her hopes up. He's very sadistic and he likes treating her the way he does...he doesn't cherish her at all...even if their relationship isn't that bad...she deserves somebody that will treat her better. He's always so cold.
you know after that episode were it was snowing and sakura told Naruto to give up sasuke and even told him they would date, it became very fuckin clear that it was the opposite of what she said they there is no sakura/Naruto but sakura and sasuke and any thought should have been put to ease come on guys. the author goes through all this and tells you midway and you still cant see it
┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍
I know but that's thinking like a fan and not from the authors perspective. I never saw the romance btw the two of them. Have you ever read a manga with a love interest that you didn't see a connection for, but everyone else was for some reason, well that was this case for me that's all. everyone has a right to an opinion and its cool that you saw that as a possibility for this to end but I just didn't understand why everyone still thinks like this
Can u recommand me some shoujo romance manga in which either one of the male lead or female lead is werecat or werewolf or half animal something like fruit basket ヾ(☆▽☆)
Animal Transformations-
http://mangafox.me/manga/fruits_basket_another/ (This is the sequel but I haven't read it yet.)
Fox God Guys-
Part Animal love Interests-
Main Guy Raised by Wolves (takes on characteristics)-
I am sry(╯°Д °)╯╧╧but i feel bad for loki's death.But they didn't really show loki's death and rito said he is died and we assume he's died.?? HOW ? B coz of overusng arcana when? Plz some one explaine me the ending...?
It was overusing the arcana to see Nakaba again. Just like what Nakaba did when he was away from Caesar. It was not shown but I am sure it is that reason why he died. He was lonely and he loved her sister so much that he did stated that all through out the manga even to his death