DisgruntledShota want to do ( All 1 )

first kiss

DisgruntledShota's experience ( All 0 )

DisgruntledShota's answer ( All 17 )

The hair on my head and my cheeks are nice I guess. I dislike my manboobs and gut because they're really embarrassing and I really hate my body hair and facial hair for some reason. I know it's biologically normal to for men to have facial hair and thicker body hair but whenever I look at the hair on my arms or legs it just feels so... wrong. Also ......   reply
01 10,2018
Spraying acid in the faces of people who get by solely on their looks so they'll know what it like to be considered undesirable by the heartless and shallow society we live in. Was that too dark? Also I've fantasized about seeing my father completely humiliated and laughing in his face when he asks me for help.   1 reply
01 10,2018
I'd really prefer marrying someone of my own faith as most of my personal morals stem from my religion, but I don't care when it comes to race.   reply
23 09,2018
Once. I was immature and stupid enough to do it after she had already started dating someone else. It's not a time in my life I'm proud of, but in hindsight, it's probably for the better that we never started dating.   reply
05 10,2017
I don't believe in pre-marital sex for religious reasons and nobody's been tempted to take it. Even if those weren't factors I'd still wait for a person who I deeply trusted and was sure I loved; I don't want to regret who I give myself too.   reply
05 10,2017

DisgruntledShota's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did explain your username

A combination of of my real name, I wanna change it so bad cause I was really young choosing that dumb username now it cringes me out so bad

49 minutes
did fall for a same sex person

I loved her so bad bro, she was my bully but she was so damn hot

51 minutes
did fall for a same sex person

I did and once you two are over it hurts like hell. Still haven't moved on it's been 4 years

1 hours