This is another one where the plot doesn't move and the dumb MC keeps shoving her head where she shouldn't. Does this dumb bitch even realise that that girl doesn't have any power whatsoever? If she were to say she doesn't want to marry she would just be beaten and forced. In fact, it's already a relief that that bitch stepmother didn't sell her and are instead trying to legitimately marry her.
Anyways, this MC is annoying as f. It's like her brain is just a decoration.

It's getting boring for me... it's been a long time since the plot stopped moving... What about the body exchanging? What about the divine beats we only got a name God knows how many chapters in? It feels like the author tossed that aside just so he can stir some love drama (which I don't enjoy).
Also, I don't care how cute his wife is, the fact that he willing to let his sister ruin herself for love is kinda dumb and not realistic. Why, instead of allow and help them ruin themselves can't he help the knight get a title, or at least became famous and recognized in high society so that even if her rank lowers, she won't be "ruined"?

Look... I like the hot guys and all... but she doesn't act like a princess AT ALL. And nobody cares!? Please make that make sense. She doesn't have a decent advisor or a tutor, the emperor doesn't care whatever she does, what doesn't make sense either. It's just ??????
She's the heir of a fucking empire and this bitch, who would have already died if this was any other story, is demanding her trust?? And she's intendind to concede!?!? What would be of this girl if Nadricka wast there? She would be stepped on, used and discarded by everyone.
Nothing she's done until now was even remotely princess like she doesn't try to learn or act according to her surroundings and social standing. This doesn't make sense at all to me, it bothers me so much, Jesus.
The whole thing is bending and twisting just so she can "capture" all the hot guys, and I'm feeling more and more that in the end she's gonna be some puppet queen and one of the concerts will be promoted to king and be one making the decisions.

I know they had good intentions and are good people, but the adventurer party was just so creepy when they approached Arito. They stalked him, forced their presence on him, and then made sure he kept going with them (even took him to their house??) and now the elf is even following him on his personal business? Maybe they can justify such behavior with being worried because he has a child's appearance, but doesn't that make it even creepier? Four strangers stalking and coercing a child who doesn't want or need their company/help? That's a red light for me. Honestly, if I was Arito I would have run away as soon I realised that big guy was staring at my back during the queue, and if even so they followed I'd go down that road screaming kidnappers and would use the divine beats help to escape. I would never be able to get close to people who approached me in such pushy manner.
Also, the manga is adorably fluffy, but Arito is such a goody two shoes? I would have at least beaten the f out of all those pursuers and that creepy baron kid, and I would definitely kill that slave trader. Maybe I'm evil, idk ¯¯_(ヅ)_/¯¯

What... So she's actually gonna engange in an affair with the guys who let her and her only loyal maid starve? What a let down...
I came here thinking she was gonna yeet her garbage husband and show off her affair all over his face... Disappointment is an understatement.

The whole thing is just so dumb, like. Why would she "ask for permission" to have an affair in the first place!? And that garbage guy, I don't care if he was forced to marry her, why and how would that lead to cut her expenses to the point of making her chose between starving herself or starving her maid? Does he even realise that a divorce would totally destroy her life? She would not only "go back" to being a product, but it would be an undervalued product, and her family obviously doesn't care about her, which means her life would be totally shitty, and god knows who the would marryher to next. And finally, if he hates her to the point of starving her, why the fuck would you disguise yourself and pretend to be her lover? Like, he used her as a convenient hole in the beggining of the marriage, but now he's so interest? Is it that "I don't like you, but you have to like me, because everybody like me" type of shit? I don't know, everything is so warped and I really don't get it.

People complaining about him killing innocents is so funny to me, cause like. You do realise that every humanoid creature he killed until now are pretty much humans with different features? They have language, have a society, they use tools, they have intelligence, they have personalities and families and etc. And the MC himself proved that less inteligent and more barbaric races have evolution potential, since he himself drew that potential from the goblin community. So haven't he pretty much being killing "innocent" humans since the very beggining? Cause even if their morals differ from ours, in their eyes they where just living their daily lives like normal and were suddenly slaughtered by this weird Goblin/Orc/Lord.
Also, he's being killing to acquire skills since his previous life. He's being indifferent towards strangers since the very first chapter (Kichi and Mi-chan where disposable pawns in his eyes until he saw their potential and later became attached. And even the rest of the community, he litteraly said he didn't care if they all died in some ch in the beggining). He was always very open about that. He's cruel, but necessarily evil. He's unapologetic about killing, but has his own set of morals and bottom line. It's a very complex gray area.
Besides, isn't this exactly the "charm" of this story? There's dozens of story's showing the human perspective, but I'm here to see the point of view a "monster".
Anyways, I'm really sad I already caught up with the latest release, so if you guys know of similar stories, please recommend me (/TДT)/

Yes, I like it too! His individualistic and sometimes cruel actions don't actually bother me because, like you said, it's realistic. I rather read about someone real, whose actions I can rationalise (and sometimes simpathize), that those nice, goody two shoes MCs, cause I simply can't understand their actions and a lot of times they are illogical. Tho I gotta say, I don't like overly selfish and cruel MCs either. There's gotta be a balance, and reason behind their actions, and to me Re:Monster accomplishes that perfectly.

I like stories like this but it's so hard to find mc that are like genuinely morally gray. It's annoying if there's a MC who wants to save everybody and magically does it despite being naive and ignorant. In my opinion, these are the best type of mc because they're not a bland piece of goody good garbage

Eating things and other beings gives him skills, and therefore optimize his chances of survival. He loves to fight but doesn't necessarily draw pleasure from the act of killing and inflicting pain. He's a practical person, who always have a reason for what he does.
So yes, in my eyes he is morally gray and I don't see him as excessively cruel. Even if he was, it would only be by 21st century human society's standards, but I don't think the same can be said when you take his society and context into account.

Oh, I'm not gonna argue against that. Yes, sex slavery IS bad and I don't stand by it either.
But again, you're judging him by 21st century humans standards. Let's remember he was a goblin born from a human sex slave (wich means that's something common in the culture/world he was born into). Even if he shares some few human beliefs because of his past life, that society wasn't our 21st century human society, so morals and common aren't equal to ours either.
And also, even tho he also emphasized on the girls, let's remember that he also turned the males into sex slaves. And that all of them were prisioners of war (it doesn't justify what he's done, but it's not something new, as world history can tell).
All in all, this is a story about a monster, from a monster's perspective, in a completely different world and context, so I don't see why judge him as if he's a human with the same background as a human from our society.

I find it much more real this portrayal of reincarnation, where his new life isn't reigned by his past life and it's morals/rules. He's a being formed by the fusion of both lifes, and that's makes him be who he is.
I mentioned the male slaves because you talked as if he were only slaving women, and that would give it a worker connotation, when it is not the full picture.
Now, can you please get off my mentions? Let's agree to disagree. I don't even understand why you escavated my comment from weeks ago just to vent your grievances. If you don't like the story, don't read it. If you disagree with me, leave a dislike and comment once if you must, but stop being a bother, please.

Hm... I really like this story, but the fact that politicians have so much power and importance feels a bit forced to me? Even if the military is striving to keep the order and is trying to recover/stabilize the status quo, money doesn't have value at the moment, and there are so few awakened people, even if the people who used to be in power have some awakened who are loyal to them, I don't think that would be enough to exert as much power as the story is portraying. And honestly, how did these people not die during the appearance of the monsters? Cause like, most probably they would all be old people. It just doesn't make much sense to me.
And they're already talking about exporting... How, when money has no value? They didn't even establish a national market or coin (I believe the monster cores will end up becoming the coin, since it is, besides the monster byproducts, the most valuable thing as of yet), how do they intend to trade with the US? And how do they even know if the US (or any other country, by the way) is better off than them, and it doesn't even seem like the communications are working...
As of now, I see a lot of holes, and I know if it's just because of the adaptation or if the og story is like that too, I gess I gotta read the novel.

Many people would have bunkers and supplies..and as long as you can threaten the families...you'll have your first enforcers. Plus the wealthy had the artifacts...also kinda sus...like they expected the apocalypse. But look at the covid situation...Governments have lied non stop. Yet we still trust them. People would cling to such ministers with fake justice..by the time you realize your ruler is a Hitler too late!

Gosh, that Hunter girl is becoming more and more annoying...Wasn't she suspecting him being more stronger than he looks and that he's hiding it for some reason? Then why did she change all of a sudden and become this dependent and obsessive bodyguard typa person? It's like the vow skill is messing with her head, I don't know...
Also, I really hope that there is no romance. And if there's gotta be, then I hope it it's with some character we don't know yet. At the beginning I was really scared the author was gonna pull a usagi drop on us and force a romance between him and the daughter (I even suspected she wasn't really his niece or something, but now this impression faded a bit).

Welp... I can't blame her... he's the sole reason she is getting stronger... And she probably decided it's not worth it to keep insisting on getting to the end of it...
About the daughter... her identity is still sus af to be honest... i still doubt they're blood related... but I don't want her as a love interest... neither the red head...
I know there won't be anyone as strong as him... but i hope for a fl that's at least strong enough to not be a burden... and that's not too young... i mean... he's mentally over 100yo at least... no romance would be the best... but a same physical age would be acceptable...

Hm... I bet her father was the other participant of the spell. And maybe that would explain why he keeps dreaming of the previous timeline, but forgets if after waking up and only remembers the pain... maybe it's a vestige of the magic, like how the magician knew he cast the magic, even tho he lost part of his memories...

that would actually make so much sense! Like, here, we see that he kinda likes his kids but he never wanted to get close because he is a duke. But what if he realized after that fact that his REAL daughter died and the catastrophe happened that, hey, she really was my kid and this blonde bitch is a fake-ass ho. So then he went to the magician and was like, yo, turn back time to save my daughter and prevent this terrible future from happening.
OMG the art got so much better! She doesn't look like she's trying to catch flies with her mouth anymore!!
Also, that princess, is she gonna be a villain? The Duke tried to say he was forced to accompany her, but she purposefully cut him off and said he offered to accompany her instead. I'm confused if it was pride of if she wanted to create a misunderstanding (joke's on her, tho, since Ayne would want nothing more than for them to end up together, so there's no need to act like that). Oh, and when she went back after realising that she was refused for a dress that wasn't even ordered, she looked a bit, she didn't even wait for the Duke to escort her back...
Anyways, If the princess really ends up "corrupted" is gonna be kinda boring for me, I didn't even want the Duke to fall for Ayne, it's just so cliche ( ̄へ ̄)