Hm.. This is kinda confusing... If people of opposite traits aren't supposed to be able to identify each other while taking suppressants, how did the prince feel the MC's "strangeness"/artificial hormones, but didn't feel the same with the fake fiance? Or is he using the MC's hormones only to fake exams and not exactly fake estrus and shit?
And when the prince told the fake fiance to send the MC to his palace, did the fake fiance beat the MC or not? Cause the prince said he posted people guarding the MC, but the MC thought about how he was beaten up 2 days straight and because of that he didn't knew about the prince's schedule. Also, how was he beaten 2 days straight (even more than that, since it appears he's abused frequently by the fake mf), and doesn't have any bruises, doesn't have difficulty to move any limbs, doesn't instinctively recoil when strange people approach/touch him?
And how the fuck does a fake fiance, who just entered the palace, with no authority has the guts to bring lovers and abuse people in the palace and nobody finds it strange or say anything, that doesn't look nor sound realistic to me at all. He even disrespected the prince right at his face and received less than a reprimand...

Yeah, it's such a mess. It doesn't explain why the illegitimate son assumed the MC's identity, nor what's the point of a marriage that was intended to be cancelled anyways (that money excuse was bs. The guy owns a farmaceutical company that's is ahead of others in research about alpha/omega traits, as if he's broke. It makes no sense).
In fact, what is even the point of adopting the MC just because he has some gene expressions that are similar to Omegas!? Even if Omegas are rare, what's the purpose? It can't be just research. Isn't the owner of the pharmaceutical company also an omega, so why couldn't he study his own test results? And why would he annouce the adoption publicy if he didn't have sure of the research results?
I have so many questions (︶︿︶)=凸
Also, I'm not even gonna comment the supposed beat up again, cause it makes absolutely no sense, nor the lack of bruises and wounds, nor the whole caligraphy bs

Well, from what I remember, the prince is an alpha. Omegas doesn’t exist or as you”ve said, are rare. So this pharma company decided to turm a normal person to omega, MC has an omega characteristic (small, frail) so he became the no. 1 test subject and was introduced as the son. (Mc doesnt know his real name since he’s a test subject since he was a child). Prince needs to have his partner that is why they had an arranged marriage with the pharma, to get an omega to pair up with him.
Now, for some reasons I totally forgot why, Fake fiance was introduced as MC, as an omega, that will marry the prince. I think fake fiance takes or spray omega pheromones to deceive the prince. If my memory serves me right, MC needs to stay with fake fiance to make the fake fiance look like an omega (still quite fckd up since there is really no way that fake fiance looks or feels like an omega) andto think that the prince is fooled or is just going with the flow lol.

Well, I binge read, and maybe I skipped something, but from what I understood they forced the marriage onto the prince by creating rumours and swaying public opinion. Since the beginning the marriage was stablished to be broken, and the motive they gave was that the pharma owner loved money (which is, in my opnionio bs.).
So like, yeah, the MC needs to stay by the fake asshole's side to help him fake being an omega, but what was the need to have him steal his identity in the first place? And the whole "faking being an omega" situation is badly explained too, cause if the prince could feel that the MC was an omega (or smt similar) and even the artificial hormones, why can't he feel it on the fake fiance (cause if he's faking it, wouldn't he use the MC's hormones and other things to simulate estrus and all?)?
The Prince's situation is quite weird and badly explained too. We know he doesn't have much political power, but we don't know why nor if there are other princes.
Even the prospects of the romance don't look too good to me cause: the fake guy robbed the MC's identity. So in the eyes of the public, by staying with the MC the prince is cheating (and his reputation already seems to be bad because the pharma company created rumours to force the marriage in 1st place) . If he expose the fake fiance and the pharma company he's gonna expose the MC's life history too (and I, for example, would do that to a loved one). If he doesn't expose it, they are going to be judged by the public and maybe the prince could even be desinherited (that's what I imagine would happen in a real royal family).
All in all, I loved the art of this manhwa, but I'm really confused about the whole thing. It isn't paced well, it isn't explained well, and there is a lot of plot holes

The scene was a bit confusing. The one they accused of her murder, was it her guard, who decided to go after her and end up founding her body? Cause If that's what happened it makes the situation even sadder ╥﹏╥

It is sad, but this is also the guard who told his best friend about the MC leaving before the wedding where it is supposed to be a secret no one know about. the best friend is some kind of spy from the church. That why the church could plan this killing with prefect timing and even frame this murder case to someone else.

Yeah, but they were friends for years, so I don't blame for that. I blame that little shit that keeps feeding the church asshole with information for no fuckin reason (that i remember).
But it just... Hurts so so much that he went after her because he wanted to help her not commit a mistake, but not only did he find her body in an unspeakable state and ended up being framed, but the fact that he's also the indirect cause, for trusting who he shouldn't. AAAARRRRRGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH IT'S UNBEARABLE(/TДT)/

Her reaction to the psycho was a bit confusing to me.
The person who reincarnated as them princess didn't receive the princess "memories of the future", did she? She know the things that are gonna happen because she read the novel. So why did she react as if she has the memories (and so ingrained, at that. She seemed legit traumatized)?
Since the beginning I was under the impression that she only had the princess "memories of the current past".
Unless the original princess was a time traveler/reincarnated person, it makes no sense for the current person occupying the body to have memories and traumas of a future that hadn't happened yet.

Do I remember right, or this prince is the grandkid of the b astard who planned the real princess death, as well as the ML's family's death? I vaguely remeber him being against his grandfather and mother's plan, but if that's the reason for him to be pushing for war, he a dumb and selfish prick.
Also, yeah FL kinda bland, and the whole story is kinda meh, I hope it'll get more interesting with time

I'm confused. The context made it seem like he has a healing power. But why was there a need to seal it? Does he have a bunch of them? And do they do? What's the correlation between being the supreme judges, the family's pride, and the apparently healing capability?
His family also seems way more complex than hers (her's is a nest of psychopaths, but what about his?)
Anyways, I'm looking forward to this story, it seems very promising ヾ(☆▽☆)

I think it has to do with his powers being powerful, but he couldn't control his powers so his father restricted it? It made me think that perhaps a similar situation happened before and he tried to use his powers but couldn't control it. Might also be related to his ability to sense poison, but it seems Jeremy also had a similar ability.

Yeah, but there's also a lot of emphasis on the word judge(ment) when his family is being mentioned, so I'm wondering if it's a "two edged" power given by some justice God? And also, you mentioned poison, I didn't even realise he was identifying them, I just thought he had good information, but now I'm thinking if perhaps instead of healing powers, he would have somr type of purification ability (tho I still don't understand how can it be so dangerous it need sealing)
Oooh, and I just thought of this but in the past I read story, I think it was novel, where there was a woman who was able to cure people, but to do that she had to suck the vitality of her surroundings, and the worser the disease or condition, the more people and alive things she "sucked" (it sucked even the vitality of grass), and like, in the beginning they deemed her as a saintess, but when they realised the nature of her powers, they started to fear her. Do you think his power may be something like that? It's very improbable, but I just thought of that.
Also, I'm sorry, can you tell me who's Jeremy? i'm reading so many stories right now It's kinda hard to remember their names ╥﹏╥

Maybe the judgement has to do with his family itself and what their ideology or whatever is supposed to be. When I look at the Pedelian symbol and their white hair and stuff, it makes me think of pureness or god. I’m guessing his powers do have some kind of ability to cure, but it must be too powerful for Kassis to control or something, which might put others in danger. Also, Jeremy is Roxana’s half brother with the blue eyes lol. At the beginning he seemed to also have the ability to sense poison just like Kassis, so it makes me wonder how that ability works.

Yeah, what you say makes sense. I'm really curious about the whole story even more now (≧∀≦)
Also, thanks, I remember who Jeremy is now. But I can't say I made the same connection you did about poison, tho, cause every time he appears I'm just too intently wishing to whoop his ass off the screen, he's too annoying
Interesting how people are more annoyed about the romance with Claune instead of being weirded out by how an ADULT knight is romantically obsessed wth an 11 (possibly 13) year old child...
I saw the thing with Claune as a friends to romantic interest kinda thing, because they were first friends, with very slight hints of interest, like him saying he didn’t mean to propose but wouldn't mind if it was with her, and her saying she wanted to have a very expansive education, so as to support him. Besides that there was nothing very blatant in my opinion...
That really put me off too, like why would they make her be romantically interested in a child, they could've gone in so many directions with her, and then they made her a pedo....
Same, one of the reasons why I dropped this manga. I don't really like the knight very much. Its like she is over stepping her boundaries. I don't like the fact the she knows he has a fiancee but still like make her feelings obvious so that he will notice her
Yes I was enjoying it until they made her a love interest
Tell me please, is this harem or not? I like the romance between claune and ain, but no to other girl, especially that knight woman