Another chapter down... I hope since he dropped him off at a safe place and left we will finally get something good
I love the scenes... i do... i will not complain about it... but i need some progress in the story... I NEED to know more info as previously stated... just every other chapter is sex
This just really annoyed tf out of me as if i wasnt annoyed b4 this... the author really flopped with this whole shinoa situation...
Nahhhh im so mad now lmfaooooo lose the clothes... what clothes??? He was bare enough lmfaoooo the author has no respect for him lol sexing with zombies around lol we definitely not getting any clothes or story progress till may or june 2025
Dan you did the right thing... He really spoke to him like he was trash! Better plan out what hes gonna say b4 he say it next time...
I wanted them to go to his house and we find out some kinda truth to his behavior... like i wanna know wussup with the change in his hair and actions and blah blah.
Bet yo ass wish u aint kick him out now smt... all juiced up n naked in the hallways smh... Cant wait for the next chapter tho (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
I am happy... in a world filled eith rape and shitty stories... We get this beautiful couple!!! I wanna hug them and make sure no one gets in btwn them ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ
Hes like bruhhh i need info... Ima suck ya weewee... not even asking for clothes... homie u almost died... get clothes and settle down b4 u give us more ass and mouth spreading (๑•ㅂ•)و✧