That was really cute tbh... felt alittle off but still cute... I hope that stupid dum dum boy didnt do something to her!!!(the one we had the wackass throwback about)... hopefully not the twins either.... welll we will see teehee... im pretty excited which is bad
Im just here like his mancooch... skipped last chapter skimmed through this one... im sure i wont be missing anything important lol
We get some Ferid backstory!!! And we got some Crowley... i was sick of guren his chick and the stupid little sisterbitch... i hope we dont get the basic little sister bitch or guren n his chick vs Ferid and they defeat him... I will get extremely upset!!!
I dont think he was trying to be a jerk... i fdel he just didnt know how to explain to Dan why he needed him and Dan shouldnt have jumped to spread his legs... he should have asked more questions n if he didnt like what he heard deny him still... Theyre both being selfish
I thought he would be white hair... holy crapp... why would they end this chapter like this??? Just wen we finally got a little info!!!! Ughhhhh
I dont get how people go to another site read raws and go to another site and spread spoilers... Especially when the manga is a great one... makes no flucking sense
Back to humping at the beginning lml its getting too silly... im mad he finally realized he needed clothes but he had to go out there and fucking get seen by wanna fuck ass guys smt.... annoyinggg.... im still gonna have faith for about 3 more chapters
Pretty good back story finally but im trying to see where its going... we need double chapter updates cause now its not getting anywhere(present day)
I was thinking we would get luffy meeting shamrock but i think theyll end up in town b4 luffy gets to release loki and luffy might get upset by the condition loki is in.... (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ i also feel like we gonna see scenes elsewhere b4 that happens lol im excited... Oda just be reeling us in!!!
I love this story too much... Scott is pretty annoying to me tbh... I hope Brett gets himself together
I love this story too much... Scott is pretty annoying to me tbh... I hope Brett gets himself together
Well atleast last chapter we got a few glimpse of our boy... lol this part seems fun tbh... maybe its gonna lead us to a scene that will relate to the present day... hopefully
Sorry Dan i feel bad for you but I love this drama sirrr lol if i was Dan i would use him and toss him a side 1 time to make him feel how I felt... but im not u dan... im a real person.. u cant even read this... but w.e lol