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beauty_light March 5, 2024 4:04 pm

Woahhhh.. that was a fun read.. all the chapters were so interesting, wish there was more.

beauty_light July 23, 2021 6:34 am

what the.. don tell me this photographer cat wants them both

    Ayy Fargoo July 24, 2021 5:42 am

    From what I found about Benny kinda gave a wrong impression of Aaron to Carter and so Carter wanted to help him with revenge for making Benny feel lonely but after, Carter starts having sexual relations with Aaron and soon develops feelings/interest in him & realize Aaron isn't all bad how Benny made it seem so in the end I think they get into an open relationship (all 3 of them) so first I think he wanted Benny then after he wanted Aaron so yea I guess he wants both now

    Embie December 4, 2023 11:39 am
    From what I found about Benny kinda gave a wrong impression of Aaron to Carter and so Carter wanted to help him with revenge for making Benny feel lonely but after, Carter starts having sexual relations with Aa... Ayy Fargoo

    I totally overlooked the fact that Benny gave a wrong impression of Aaron to Carter!!! God, adding that to my list of why I don't like Benny.

beauty_light's questions ( All 1 )

beauty_light December 12, 2020 6:39 pm

Are there any bl, yaoi jujutsu kaisen dj manga.. if there is then I want to read them but don't know any titles and it doesn't show any result when I search 'jujutsu kaisen doujinshi'. Help. (=・ω・=)

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For the Females 06-16 09:27
Thank you uploader ✨💜 06-02 17:35
SEASON 2 05-28 19:02

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