I really dislike Juwan. It’s not even about this isolated event (which I admit I kinda agree with him) but everything he’s done so far in the series just does not sit right with me. Ever since he searched through Eunyung’s closet and made that comment on his clothes, I’ve just never liked him. And I feel like that not gonna change

Same like I get it. It was his money. But you act like Haejoon would ever leave you out ESPECIALLY FOR EUNYUNG?!?!! Plus he said he was going to explain everything to you but instead you decided not to listen and to be petty. Like your a shitty ass friend. But in this situation it is Haejoons fault to I don’t know why he’s listening to eunyung so much this arc when he know that dude has some screws loose. Don’t get me wrong I like eunyung but he’s not a morally sound guy. A liar, a cheater, a thief, etc (ptsss and an almost murderer if haejoon died) I guess manslaughterer would be more accurate.
He really does get black hair
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