Is it harem?

[spoiler] I'm assuming you want to know which is why i'm telling you straight up who it is and what their role is. The capture target a left blank is eclise (the slave) and his role is to be the secondary antagonist. Here's the info in list form with names attached.
Derrick - sibling
Reynold - sibling
Callisto - male lead
Vinter - second male lead
eclise - secondary antagonist

[spoiler] no he doesn't die but no he doesn't stay with her. him and derrick are no longer a part of her life at the end. eclise becomes obsessed with penelope and he asks her to run away with him but she refuses. He doesn't like that so he tries to MAKE her run away with him. He brings back yvonne hoping that daddy eckart will kick penelope out and penelope would be forced to depend on eclise and run away with him.....things don't go his way. Penelope doesn't get kicked out and she's pissed at him and she ends up disowning him. The scene where she was confronting him when he brought yvonne, was pretty heartbreaking. She kept begging him to tell her why he did it and why he betrayed her. After she disowns him, he's like if i can't have her then no one can.....he tries to get callisto killed. He later kidnaps Penelope and then it's callisto the rescue...which leads in a fight between eclise and callisto. At the end of the series he ends up losing his memories and stalking penelope for like 3 years. He feels some strong emotion towards her but doesn't know what it is (it was obsession) so he just followed her around. She tells him that he'll find the answers to his question if he heads a certain direction (i forgot if she said north, south, west, or east) and she basically told him to go to where his home country was. I mentioned Derrick earlier bc he too was obsessed with penelope in the same way eclise was and he too wasn't involved with her in the end. Years later, Penelope forgives the eckarts and considers daddy eckart to be her real dad and Reynold to be her real brother......derrick is basically a stranger to her. She doesn't want anything to do with him and that's how it goes. Her and Callisto are married and she's preggo. Vinter and her are friends but he's one of those second lead's where he's like "as long as you're happy." Daddy eckart and Reynold are her family. That's pretty much her relationships with the capture targets in the end

i mean he has the same feelings toward her that derrick has so i don't see a point in babying eclise. they were both obsessed with her and wanted to keep her for themselves as if she isn't a person with thoughts and feelings. they're both shit and got the endings they deserved but to each their own.

Tysm for the spoiler! It honestly made so much more at ease after reading some chapters of the novel. I also had question why Derick was almost always left out of the cover drawings LOL.
However, since it’s already ended, does that mean she never returns to her body? Like she stays in the system forever?

yw :) [spoiler] about the body, she chooses to stay in the game. She see's what's happening in her previous body and sees that she has cancer and it's in a comatose state. She see's that her two brother's are always by her side and her dad spent a lot of money and got her the best doctor in the world. She was upset because they didn't show her any of this affection while she was still there and they waited until she got into this state before they showed her affection. She says that she wants them to suffer and live the rest of their lives in regret and she stays in the system....meaning her previous body dies. Also while she was making this decision Callisto was bleeding out lol. Defeating Yvonne was this trio effort between Vinter, Penelope, and Callisto. Vinter was the sacrifice so that if Penelope died, his sacrifice would turn back time. Penelope was the one fighting Yvonne and Callisto was fighting a dragon. He was wounded pretty badily but their battle ended in a success so she had to make her decision as he was bleeding out. Callisto ends up being okay btw. Let me take this opportunity to talk about my boy vinter and his sacrifices. After normal mode ended, yvonne freed leila and EVERYONE died. Vinter managed to survive and atp he has broken free of the mind control. Vinter was the capture target that did the least to Penelope but he was also the only one who apologized and atoned for his sins in the timeline he committed them. He verbally apologized for being a fool (his words not mine) and for not fighting alongside Penelope. ngl it's kinda funny how he verbally apologized when literally everyone was dead so like no one would hear.....technically Peneope did hear his apology but that was way later when the game showed it to her. he created this magic circle using dark/black magic and sacrificed himself to reset time. And that's how hard mode began...with vinter's sacrifice. Each time Penelope was killed, Vinter would sacrifice himself to turn back time. Vinter was the reset button. Penelope just kept getting killed over and over again and eventually her soul shattered. After that things stopped reseting and she stopped coming back. However, a fragment of her soul had reincarnated in Korea....and that is our FL. That fragment of her soul was then reincarnated back into the game in her original body.....our FL was Penelope all along. That's why her lives were so similar. Anyways back to talking about Vinter...in this timeline when she was talking to vinter, she was asking him if he'd be freed from the magic circle if she succeeded in stopping yvonne...to which he responded saying he doesn't know. Just look at this convo omg.
P: "If I lose the pieces and I'm killed by Yvonne's hand...what happens next?"
V: "Don't worry, my lady. I'm here to turn back time."
P: "What if I don't come back forever after turning back time." (like what happened before with her soul)
V: "Then I'll repeat forever." To me speechless, he added with a grin, "Think of it as a punishment for those who hurt you."
Before she left he told her not to try to hard....as in not to over exert herself trying to stop Yvonne. He's basically saying that whatever happens, happens and that if everyone dies then that's also okay bc it's like their punishment for their past treatment of her (he saw the past and all the stuff she experienced). He was on fire and had a bloody face during this entire conversation....he was on fire and trying to comfort her. After everything with callisto and his injury cooled down (after defeating yvonne), penelope went into the mirror of truth to rescue vinter. she got to meet the real yvonne and she's really sweet. She has spent all her time inside the mirror reliving the day she died because it was the last time she saw her brothers and she didn't want to leave them. She died the same day she was lost and her body was possessed. Penelope ended up comforting her and convincing her to leave so that she can reincarnate somewhere. She rescues vinter and they end up being friends. reynold and her are brother-sister. callisto and her are married and she's pregnant. daddy eckart and her are father-daughter. That's pretty much it.
Is there more to it? Pls tell me...(⌒▽⌒)