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scott January 23, 2021 11:39 pm


    maya January 24, 2021 12:01 am

    wait it’s ENDING?

    scott January 24, 2021 8:33 am
    wait it’s ENDING? maya

    i’m like almost positive. on the korean website it says “last episode” and i’ve looked at the raws and it said like “after season 4 is over we’ll will be back”. so i mean they could mean another season but the last chapter was really cute and looked like it was over

scott December 16, 2020 2:56 pm

ok so at this point we all know Param and Mr. Han do it. honestly it wasn’t even good so it’s ok. the only reason i continue to read is because Mr. Han is FREAKING HOT, Hwi is way better, AS HE SHOULD.
also i don’t understand korean but i bet Mr. Hans backstory is total bs so whatever. In future episodes I think Param is going to ruin the date with Hwi by telling him they had sex. then Hwi will ignore him. probably have sex too? (i swear if any of you toxic people blame Hwi for ANYTHING, i’m coming for you) then param will cut Mr. Han off. Go back to Hwi. then get married and have 10 kids
and if it doesn’t go like this in suing HAHAHA

scott's questions ( All 3 )

scott July 21, 2024 5:59 am

Basically fallen angel saves human a long time ago and turns him into demon(?). Later seeks revenge on human cause of misunderstanding. A bunch of angels and fallen angels working together and everyone has a “quirk”, like main fallen angel his is revenge.

    Bonnetwearer5670 July 21, 2024 6:02 am

    I'm not sure but is it 'Kang Yise's Happy Ending' ?

    scott July 21, 2024 6:58 am
    I'm not sure but is it 'Kang Yise's Happy Ending' ? Bonnetwearer5670

    YESS OMGGG THANK YOU!! i def wouldn’t have found it

scott November 26, 2020 4:47 am

i’m having trouble posting things in stories. is anyone else have this problem. like i’ll write a post and click “ok,post” and it shows up, but then when i go back to the story my post isn’t there.

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‧₊˚ ⛲️ ‧₊ 12-29 20:46
Surpress 08-14 15:54
Cake 🎂 eating 01-01 20:16

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