Does anyone know what chapter was it with otoha and his manager?
Despite knowing that bada was an npc, i wonder how doha actually came to like him in the first place…
If u think ab it he must have liked him first glance at the tunnel and took an interest in him that's why he wanted to bring him with them and upon seeing Bada being our smart and sexy mc how could he resist
sigh… at this point roan should’ve just ended up w me… and we get to have our happy ending…
i truly wish for jian to have his happy ending and get over with his drugs addiction
Cant somebody else help doc dan instead of this piece of shit?
Can someone pick this upp plsss
shit… i wonder whats going on inside the bodyguard’s minds when they had to see this drama…
Same thought. He better pay good mf
Oh shut up and go live your own life
haha that's what I was thinking the whole time
istg the emperor is beyond repair. no redemption arc will do the mc justice sobs
Does anyone know what chapter was it with otoha and his manager?