eat the rich guys
yes that’s true, and i totally agree rich people should give out their money to charities and other people; but you can’t forcefully tell them to give out their money. some are from generations and they are snobby (the worst type) but some are people that worked from lower classes to get to their places and you also can’t expect them to give out their money.
yeah but the thing is that once rich people start giving out money, people are going to argue why they aren’t getting any money even middle class people and then it becomes a worldwide issue. people are greedy and if they start giving money only to for instance homeless or financially unstable people, then other classes and people are going to argue they don’t have enough money either. then the rich people will go out of money, the other people will start a riot and then yes, people will get money but it will start again and again bc there will always be poor and homeless peopel
that would be true if rich people are compassionate enough to give away even a quarter of their money. and bestie, this is about rich people hoarding their money, not about how much they give out, they have to at one point to maintain their reputation whether they like it or not. i dont give a shit about rich people and neither do they, society and capitalism is shit and i would never stand by privileged people
k shit if hes arias dad then would that make it incest, yes right??
Yeah that’s what I was talking about I ran to the comment section to say this but there is the chance that the Madame that we just saw that is her brother from her either maternal side of her family that wasn’t part of the royal lineage but her family got adopted into it there is that possibility that became royalty overtime but aren’t exactly in the same blood line to be exact or maternal which ever one isn’t part of the royal family and he was then yeah if you get my drift there’s that explanation but that’s shaky
raw until chap 81^
if a typewriter/editor wants to upload this i can help translate just know that it would be very amateurish
gaons sister is so hot oml
I know right at first I thought it was a boy because of how she looks but danm she's fine
She keeps confusing me (/.)