Where can I find a man like Jigu
I went to reply u don't want jigu bro, I didn't mean to follow u I swear
It’s okay Maru Han you got plot armor, you can do it
I knew it was too good to be true that a 50 year old could be so hot
I think I liked this when I was younger but now I’m just grossed out
Frrr i used to eat this shit up at 15 now im 20 its just disgusting
This is ass but I can’t stop reading
This is so good holy shit
My brain is gonna get fried from how much fucking there was in the first 10 chapters
I love I love I loveee this is so amazing
It was okay until lee won got shot twice and still went back to that thug lol like ikyfl
Ikr but can he even leave ceasar? He'll probably get kill
I love this
Where can I find a man like Jigu
I went to reply u don't want jigu bro, I didn't mean to follow u I swear